MID TERM Flashcards
What is the impact of modernization theory nowadays?
-Many assumptions today of what is setting countries back from development is based in modernization theory
When was Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” published? What did it predict ? What was going to matter the most ?
- 1993
- Predicted intensified conflict between different civilizational (western civilization (christian ) vs Islamic civilization ) groupings across the globe after the cold war
- what is going to matter after the cold war= identities, civilization groupings to be mobilized
Depict a second example of traditional civil society ?
Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union
- Somalia has lacked an effective central government since its state collapsed in 1989-90 creating a power vacuum
- loosing central government creates a power vacuum which was then filled by war lords
- Since then, it has been domination by militias organized along various clan lines and commenced by warlords
- With US and UN involvement, Somali groups sought to establish order and structure
- By 2006, the Islamic Courts Union, an armed group whose legitimacy was rooted in enforcing of Shari’a law, had gained control over much of the country’s legislation (and they were pure Somalia, no funding)
- The ICU competed with the official but powerless government which has emerged from negotiations backed by the international community
- they were not affiliated with “terrorism” though
- Out of fear that they were gonna be terrorism, the US sponsored an attack on them and ended up radicalizing the ICU which morphed into a much more violent/terrorist group now launching attacks
How does Hawala works ?
- Someone wants to send from Dubai to her family in Karachi
- She pays a local hawala broker, who contacts a broker in Pakistan via WhatsApp and agrees upon a password, which is then relayed to the sender
- The sender tells her relatives in Karachi where to pick up the money, and gives the password
- The relatives goes to the hawala broker in Karachi, gives the password, and gets the moment immediately
- The brokers will settle the debt between them at a later time
Depict the relations between the Chewas and Tumbukas in Zambia. What can explain this?
- In Zambia, the very same ethnic groups are allies
- The two groups united in the same political party
- In Zambia, Chewas and Tumbukas are small minority groups within a much larger, more diverse country
What has been a constraining factor for poorer countries ?
Washington consensus is really hard to escape - and poorer countries have been constrained by it post cold war and let to uneven path and blocks for major breakthrough
What are IFIs? When were they founded ? What for ?
- International Financial Instituions : World Bank and IMF (also known as Bretton woods institutions)
- Founded by the US and Europe 1944
- intended for the post-war reconstruction of Europe
What is Social Capital ? What is generated by ? How to measure it ?
- Bonds that hold society together, social trust, shared values, coordination, cooperation, bonds among the population. Very valuable commodity that might be difficult to generate but very beneficial.
- Generated by civil society. Derives from associations and groups within civil society, These associations and groups don’t have to be political - which allows to bond with people who might be very different from you.
- How do you measure it ? Survey data, asking people “how much to your trust your neighbour”, looking at social capital as the opposite of corruption, degrees of trust
What does the relation between colonization and gender proves?
Which goes against all the “oh but its their culture” ,every country has a indigenous organization for women’s right. Artificial division of what is western or what is local undermines the fact that the struggle for women right is universal
What are the impacts of war within states ?
- civil wars weaken states, leading lasting divisions
- While European countries experienced inter-state war to build strong state , the process of state formation in the developing world ended up being the opposite outcome (weak, not organized states)
When are ethnic groups mobilized against each other and why ?
- Politicians will mobilize groups that are large enough to constitute viable coalitions in the competitions for political power
- If groups are too small to serve as viable political support bases, they will go unmobilized’ “the cleavage that separates them will remain politically irrelevant”
How can globalization strengthens economies ? What does it also create ?
- Foreign Direct investment provides local jobs, strengthens, local economies
- FDI is an highly sought after which lead to countries competing between each other to attract investment
What is the purpose of the state?
-Solving collection action problems - to resolve problems that arise within the citizenry that prevent citizen from acting in the common state interest. Example: Tax collection (temptation to benefits from the goods brought by taxes while avoiding paying taxes) so the State makes sure that everybody makes their part, contribution to the collective good.
-Protecting domestic populations from foreign attack
-Protecting citizens from each other - making sure that peace is kept
who is Alexis De Toqueville
- Wrote “Democracy in America” (1837)
- French man observing the rich “civil society” in America
How does dependency theory frame global inequality ?
- Global North great wealth arose from the exploitation of the global south
- Holds that global south country were condemned to the periphery of the global economy
What are the legacy of colonialism (4) ?
- economies reliant on natural resources (developing countries relying heavily on export of natural resources or agricultural product, economies tied in to the global system in the same way they were)
- economies geared towards exports
- Social, political and economic marginalization of darker-skinned peoples (inequalities based on race)
- Violent coercion of labor force (violence towards those who want to unionize etc..)
What is common about the countries with high GINI index?
- all the top ranked are in the developing world
- all have history of colonization
- some have very important history of civil war
What are the 8 components of traditional society in the modernization view ?
- Rural
- Agrarian (subsistence agriculture, eat what they grow and maybe sell surplus locally)
- Bound by custom, religion (rather than being a “free-capitalist”, people thinking of duties to family, superstitions, etc..)
- United by clan ties, extended family
- Little or no upward mobility (horizon of future based on current position, family’s past)
- Lack of access to education (illiterate, semi-literate, religious education learning)
- Economy based on “primary” forms of production (related initial basic stages of production, example: natural resources extraction, getting mineral off the earth, not multiplying value of the commodity, the extra level of production happening outside the developing country)
- pyramidal and unfree (very small elite, middle class further down, and mass of poor at the bottom +lack of political freedom and democracy derived from traditional conception of political power comfortable with authoritarianism, top down structures of authority)
Name 4 problems/consequences of SAPs and IFIs loans
1. In 1970s and 80s, IFIs loaned money to brutal regimes (uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Zaire). Much of the spending was never accounted for: corrupt leaders could embezzle
2.Some programs resulted in large-scale environmental devastation, like program to clear rainforest in Latin-America, Africa, and Southeast Asia (which does hand in hand with worsening poverty )
3. SAPs mandated that developing countries redirect resources to producing exports for the repayment of debt.This caused an overproduction of primary products and a fall in the prices (because of over supply )
- It also hit traditional agriculture and created hordes of landless farmers in many global south countries
Women lack of rights deprives them of _____, _______, ________, ________ . Note the connection of these.
power to earn
power to make decision
social power
(which is very connected to political power, women who cant have a voice in the family wont have a voice in the political arena)
When was ISIS founded and in which conditions ?
-Founded 2006 in US-occupied Iraq
What was the role of the colonial state ?
controlling territory and extracting resources
What are the 8 components of modern society in the modernization view ?
- Urban
- Industrial (linked to urban because factories are in cities, embracing industrial types of production creating massive waves of migration into the cites )
- Secular (values are transformed by this lifestyle change, ties to customs are eroded and worn down)
- Individual, nuclear family ties
- Upwardly, spatially mobile (moving to the city allows better opportunity allowing to join the middle class which would lead to a broad change at societal level- not bound to the land where your family lived, you would move where the jobs were)
- Access to education ( which facilitate mobility)
- Economy based on “secondary” forms of production (finishing resources)
- Diamond-shaped and ready to democratize ( where the majority of the people are in the middle class, very rich and very poor still present but very small portion AND the poor had the possibility to aspire for middle class and mobility, overtime future generation would know upward mobility)
What is the islamic distribution in Nigeria ?
What does the wealth distribution look like in Nigeria ?
What does this imply for Boko Haram?
- Dense islam in the north. The most muslim states tend to also be the ones who are the poorest.
- Nigeria is a major oil producing country, it has had a large amount of oil revenue which was supposed to be shared, but in practice, there ends up having a lot of corruption and unequal distribution, government putting it in its pocket.
- Boko-Haram is operating where there is very little economic opportunity where people are angry at the state, and where sometimes joining a rebel group can be the better option, it guarantee you that you will be fed, that you will be more powerful (gun), you can steal. Most of the people who fight with them, are mostly not driven by strong islamic motivations but much rather a practical purpose. Perception that the group is brutal but not any worse than the military. The government will mass arrest men (because not sure of who is who), which probably leads people into the arms of boko-haram as it refinforced negative feelings towards the governement.
What is the concept of sex understood as?
-The concept of sex is understood to essentialize women “tending to depict women as having a distinctive and to some degree biologically determined nature “
Describe the first 10 years of indepence in Zambia
- For the first 10 years of independence, the global copper boom made Zambia a middle-income country
- They were hopeful that overtime, their economy would rise and strengthen. Hope for Zambia, from its strong copper economy, to follow the modernization theory path (steady growth overtime)
Depict the relations between the Chewas and Tumbukas in Malawi. What can explain this?
- In Malawi, Chewas and Tumbukas are adversaries (there is not violence blowing up however, but they regard each other negatively)
- When Malawian politicians seek to build political support bases, they find the Chewas and Tumbukas to be useful building blocks (posner) *easy to mobilize people on the basis of ethnicity and one of the easiest way to do that is promoting animosity between the group
- In Malawi, both groups are big enough to have political weight (but they are big enough to have political weight , they are still players)
According to primordialism, identity has __________
political meaning and you stay with it for life( It is your essential identity that is going to matter more than any other aspect you may choose to emphasize)
What could happened to women after the struggle wins?
-After contributing to winning the struggle, women have often been marginalized from power in the new government (in the heat of battle, a movement will take whoever is willing to join so women were integrated but then what happens after the fight is over ? Are their contributions recognized and have a more prominent role in politics OR are women relayed to a marginalized position, marginalized from power in the new order of things)
Womens access to rights such as ______________ (4), has a strong impact on _________
divorce, abortion, land ownership, employment
their social and political power
What did Alexis de Tocqueville notice and claim ?
observing civic life in such an important period in USA he noticed a key difference between how people live in the US vs EUR (rich associational life )
-Americans involvement in associations allowed them to overcome their lack of influence as individuals
According to Weber, the modern state also has ________, which ______
“rational-legal authority’
-which establishes state power as a distinct sphere wielded bulb the state institutions
In the Neo-Marxist view , what does the state represent ? How do they portray its power ?
- the state represents an agglomeration of political and economic elite power, and the power of key interest groups within society
- a vehicle towards ensuring stability and ongoing economic benefit for the elite who benefit from the stars quo in which the state governs
What does the instrumentalism view claim?
- Leaders, both colonial and indigenous, manipulate ethnicity for political power
- Ethnicity this becomes a political instrument (mobilize one group as power base, mobilize one group against another)
- Ethnic groups are “based on culture affinities that comes self conscious communities as a result of social and political changes”
What is the Washington consensus ? What does it recommend ?
- Post-Cold war US/UK economic approach
- Forbids interventionism
- Recommends privatization as the path to economic success and integration into the global market : cut budget deficits, privatize state enterprises, reduce tariff protection; emphasize export development; cut subsidies; reduce regulations; broaden the tax base
What has been happening to women and leadership ? Is this representative ? What do we need to look at?
-Growing number of female heads of state
Variation in number of women in legislature
-But while it is important it remains limited. We need to look atDescriptive vs Substantive Representation .
Depict elements of ethnicity. What do they also make up? What are they useful for ?
- elements of ethnicity include : race, religion, language, culture, tradition and custom
- culture itself is made of many of these same composers
- etnicity is a useful too for political mobilization
How can globalization strengthens sovereignty ?
-States can also organize to help each other solve problems like human trafficking, drug smuggling, climate change (strengthens sovereignty)
What is consolidation ?
- The cementation that happens after the transition
- Democracy taking hold : two consecutive free and fair elections, or power switching hand in an election
- Consolidation is the lead likely and most difficult outcome to achieve
- An “opening” does not guarantee a successful transition
What can be seen as “traditional civil society”?
-“Traditional” civil society is defined by pre-existing, informal social networks extending beyond the family that are often critical to providing services and resources in poor communities
What happened in the 1960s in terms of IFIs? What did that also imply ?
- Began lending to Third World in 1960s (but with lending came advice and conditions)
- World Bank and IMF as institutional bodies created by the US (and western Europe) and had a great role in shaping activities in the global south
How can identiy divide ?
How can it unite ?
It can be a precursor to violence
a way for groups to have a voice
What were the two factors driving colonization ?
greed for resources and beliefs of white racial superiority
Driven by a desire for resource (greed), have tasted the promise of Africa’s resource rich geography they wanted more AND belief that African were inferior to colonizers so colonization was beneficial and just, wanting to enlighten Africans with religion and civilization
What is the key to be integrated in the global market? What does it imply ?
- Membership in the WTO is the key to integration into the global market
- It also comes with conditions: a member-country cannot impose Tariffs a on import
How is Priomordialism coercive?
it imposes itself on the entire group, reinforces homogeneity
What drove colonialism in the Western Hemisphere ?
-European powers were driven by th exploitation/promise of natural resources
Profitable ways to exploit land : agriculture and mines
What happened in 2000s in Zambia ?
- Beginning in the early 2000s, rising Chinese demand for copper boosted Zambia’s economy again
- But that 2000s boom also declined, Zambia economic growth also slowed
According to Fukuyama, how can we assess the strenght or weakness of a state?
“ability to plan and execute policies and to enforce laws cleanly and transparently”
-how effectively can they do it? Are state (political decision-makers) elites accountable?
What does the notions of “buy-in” in terms of the state represent ?
-all agreed on the state as citizen because “its the things to do”, we all benefit from the state
- countries where you feel the existence of the state in your life, you stay at the red light because you’ve been conditioned to do so, its subjective manifestation of the state.
- State power have becomes so imprinted that citizens do what the state would want them to do even when no one is watching
Give two example of the bright side of IFIs
- In some cases, they ended wasteful and inefficient state spending, government support to industries (example Brazil, able to break thought debt cycle)
- By 2000s, World Bank started putting more emphasis on poverty alleviation, education, health care, empowering women (although with mixed results)
What did SAP encouraged countries to do ? What did that imply for small countries ?
- Encouraged countries to find a niche in the global economy to gain a comparative advantage (and bring in foreign currency which has more value and is more stable compare to the countries own Currency which is better to pay off debt )
- For small countries, this edge is easily lost (big countries edging them out). Free-trade can destroy local industries
How many democracies were there in 1918, 1962, 2007 ? What is the number shaped by?
1918 (post WW1) : 29 democracies
1962 : 36 democracies ; “reverse wave” caused by poverty, instability, superpower destabilization, shrank this number
2007 : 123 democracies
*the number is also influenced by our definition of it
How do Sunni Muslims feel about ISIS?
-Sunni Muslims feeling that even though ISIS is bad, not as bad as the government
For women, rights can be seen as _______
gateway for different other rights and for power in society
What is the moral hazard in authoritarian regimes when attempting economic development ? What are the two ways in can go?
-Lack of accountability under authoritarianism which can both ways.
- governments can push forth unpopular legislation to promote growth
OR - they might just embezzle and be corrupt
Which rights critically intersect with gender? What does this intersection look at, provide an example to illustrate that point ?
- *-civil rights :** property ownership, doing business, joining workforce
- *-political rights :** participating in government , freedom of speech, freedom of assembly
- *-social rights :** housing, health care, education, food and water
-critical intersection : to what extend do women have access to these rights
*women’s right to education or property rights makes a huge difference for outmodes for example
Depict Boko Haram’s evolution
“snake that the government should ought to kill in its infancy but did not/failed. So now it grew and is now too big to be killed”
What happened in Chile in 1988
1988 Plebiscite
-With mounting economic problems, international criticism and Pope jean-haul 2 calling for human rights ; Army called a referendum for Chilean citizens to decide if Pinochet should remain in power
-If not, the army would step aside and half elections for a civilian leader
NO wins, 55.99% to 44.01%
Copper accounts for _____ of Zambia’s GDP and _______ of export revenues
What can happen when the state controls the entire economy?
-If the state controls the entire economy (owns land, business, tariffs..),this can stifle growth
What is an example of cross cutting ties in action ?
- Varsney (2002) analyzed why Hindu-Muskim inter communal violence flared up in some parts of India but not others int he later 1990s and early 2000s***
- He found that where violence was absent, civic organization (school board, business associations, trade groups) brought Muslims and Hindus together
- The notion of civic life and focus on the bonds that hold Muslims and hindus together as determining relations
- Those ties create an absence of violence (not necessarily erasing “differences” but still allowing harmony)
- In communities where violence occurred, such organizations were organized along religious lines diving instead of unifying
- Regions reported as violent at the time of the study, remain violent today
- Not just a question of presence of difference communities, the violence occurred when they live side by side but has not cross cutting ties
When did the Berlin Conference take place? Who was present ? What was the goal ?
German, British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Belgian, and US delegates met to carve up Africa
European wanted to prevent competition over African land and resources from turning violent
What happened to African countries despite SAPs ?
Despite (or because of) these programs, African countries debt tripled from 80s to 90s and continued to rise into the 1990s
What happends to diversifed economies when oil price experience a shock ?
Countries with diversified economies (Canada, Russia, USA) have other sectors to fall back on when oil experiences a price shock
Many scholars have regarded civil society as being ________
crucial to ensuring civil liberties and holding the government accountable
Many developing countries used a huge % of their foreign exchange earnings just to _______
service their external trade
When a state is not able to provide that level of effectiveness
-whatever else (growth, harmony) is going on is at risk
Give an example of resource curse.
Equatorial Guinea
- Former Spanish colony has tremendous oil wealth
- China, Western countries have kept dictator in power to secure resource access by selling weapons, training security forces, keeping diplomatic ties (Obiang has the longest standing dictator in recent history who’s position has been secured by oil wealth)
*Taps into path dependency, ongoing over reliance on natural resources which kept counties more on the periphery of the global economy
Define comparative advantage
Comparative Advantage : economy focusing on one thing that its good at as a way of finding a niche in the global market in which it has an advantage
What does “Boko Haram” signify? What does the name imply ?
Name translate roughly as “Western education is sacrilegious”
- Meant to resonate with a broader global muslim and a local population BUT it does not represent the views of the people they claim to represent muslim Nigeria for example) , majority of victims are actually local Muslims. Most of the people who suffer the worst from these groups are the people on who’s behalf the group claims to be acting.
- rejection Western influence adaption of a radical string within islam
How do Bate’s ideas relate to modernization theory?
Bates’s notion relates to the importance of upward-mobility as a necessity for a society to improve and reach out of poverty
What is the down side of ISI
- ISI encouraged corruption (because a lot of state spending allocated to build goods which was often skimmed)
- lack of competition (leading to the products to be poorly manufacture)
- The jobs these created were outweighed by the costs of buying and maintaining machinery
- Countries started borrowing money; used foreign exchange reserves to buy Western goods
According to constructivism, how are ethnic traits acquired ?
they are acquired through social interaction, shaped by exogenous factors
people are socialized into their identities
What was the solution of developing nations for dealing with developed nations have monopoly on comparative advantage of manifactured goods? Give an example.
Import-Substitution Industrialization (ISI)
Many developing countries in Latin America and Asia developed indigenous industries; In Brazil and Mexico, even steel and cars
Cuts in government subsidies for basic goods (food, fertilizer, seeds) harm_______
the world’s poorest
What are the 4 mechanism of state formation in inter-state war ?
- *1. Raising an army** (get together a critical mass of young men willing to go to war)
- *2.Collecting taxes** (convincing people to pay taxes, offering safety and benefits. War is a context in which people are willing to pay money)
- *3.Building infrastructure** (requires shipping lanes, railroads … when the war is over these infrastructure can be used)
- *4.“Rally round the flag” effect** (people feel a sense of identity based on statehood/citizenship- going to war against an “other” leads people to see themselves as a part of collectivity)
What happened to Hawala in Iraq and Syria? What does this examplifies ?
- In areas under its control, the Islamic State has taxed Hawala and turned it into a revenue stream for its actives
- portrays the potential negative impact of traditional
What were IFI loans conditional on?
-structural adjustment : states had to cut their spending (social programs, subsidies), privatize, orient their economies towards exports (to gain foreign currency)
Modernization was seen as a prerequisistes for __________. Who claimed that?
- Key US scholars like Samuel Huntington
- Modernization as a prerequisites to democratization - if you democratize prematurely, it would be too unstable (too many people fighting for resources, too many completion parties.. ) and would not work
What does priomordialism claim ? (5)
- Primordial attachements existe a priori, prior to social interaction and experience
- “Ethnic traits are “in born”, they are a set of characteristic that are genetically impritted into a person regardless of their upbringing (nature vs nurture ? Primordialism = nature)
- Identity has political meaning and you stay with it for life( It is your essential identity that is going to matter more than any other aspect you may choose to emphasize)
- Priomordialism is coercive: it imposes itself on the entire group, reinforces homogeneity
- Priomordialism identity is marked by affectivity : the emotional charge that underlies identity
What were women disposed of because of colonialism ? What did that lead to?
Women were disposes of claims to land, as ownership laws were codified to favour men.
Turning women into dependents (with less autonomy they initially possessed)
How can globalization weaken economies ?
-Free trade can flood local markets with cheaper goods, harming local businesses, farmers (weakens- now a countries has to compete with global players )
How do some scholars represent the state as an Idea ?
“ensemble of affective orientations, images, and expectations imprinted in the minds of its subjects”
Regardless of physical institutions, the presence of the state in our daily life has a lot to do with how we experience the state and if we feel the state ?
What happened to global poverty and inequality in the age of globalization? What does this mean?
- The number of people living in absolute poverty (living on 1.25$ or less per day, according to the world bank) has declined rapidly over the last 30 years
- On the other hand, the percentage of global wealth concentrated into the hands of the ultra rich has grown dramatically over the period
- inequality is rising, the top 1% is gaining share of wealth, which suggest we are not moving away from turmoil regardless of decreasing poverty
Give an example of SAP causing envrionemtal damage.
Program to clear rainforest in Latin-America, Africa, and Southeast Asia (which does hand in hand with worsening poverty )
What did the Bolivian Coca Growers’ Union focused on?
economic development and cooperation between government and coca growers
Depict the military tension in democratic transition ?
There are usually hard-liners (want to resist democracy because 1) to keep power to themselves, 2) ideology opposition, 3)pragmatic because of blood on their hand and want to avoid trial) and soft-liners (in favour of democratization, they feel time for change has come, they want to end the global isolation caused by non-democracy ****) within an authoritarian regime - there is usually tension between these two.
Leaders (of military***?) give political freedoms in exchange for no violence, immunity form prosecution, economic and political privileges
Depict intersectionality. What does it shape? What does it give us?
- women from diverse backgrounds (race, class, sexual orientation) will often experience very different life outcomes even within the same country (even within the same country)
- this shapes opportunity and relative equality between different segments of the population
- gives us the tool to unpack what inequality looks like
What is an example of political unrest due to oil prices ?
Give an example of the devastating effects of SAPs in a country.
Jamaica (1979-1985)
- Jamaica turned to WB and IMF to manage its skyrocketing external debt in the 1970s
- By 1985, the economy was less production than in 1979 (GNP had shrunk); global prices for Jamaica’s main export, bauxite, had plunged
- Debt when from 60% of GDP in 1979 to 180% of GDO in 1985
- Spiral of debt
- Unemployment had risen sharply even as many Jamaicans emirates to USA, UK, and Canada to find work (not a unique case)
- Government spending on healthy, education, and social services had been cut back, and living standards of the poor had worsened
- Jamaica had complied with all SAP conditions, but results were dismal
According to Migdal’s view, in terms of which three factors state can power be understood ?
- *1.Compliance:** how much will citizens comply with state demands? Can the state achieve this without violence
- *2.Participation:** Will citizens voluntarily comply to be organized and mobilized by the state without violence needed (vote, military service?)
- *3.Legitimation:** An acceptance “of the states rules of the game, its social as trues and right”
Why would ex-colonial powers would not get involved in the Boko Haram situation ?
- Their involvement could potentially cause recruitment boost for Boko-Haram.
- If an ex-colonial power were to get involve, it would play right into boko-haram’s hands who could say “ you see, the government is lacking and dependent in colonial power” which could backfire and lead more people to join boko-haram.
What happened in 2006 for the ICU? Who did they compete with?
- By 2006, the Islamic Courts Union, an armed group whose legitimacy was rooted in enforcing of Shari’a law, had gained control over much of the country’s legislation (and they were pure Somalia, no funding)
- The ICU competed with the official but powerless government which has emerged from negotiations backed by the international community