Mid term 405 Flashcards
Human Resource management
includes formal human resource functions performed within the organization or external to it and more informal mangement of employees performed by all administrators
Activities HRM
recruitment and selection, training and development, appraisal, compensation, and employee relations
Economic conditons that affect HRM
Lending practices of banks, employment and layoffs
Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.
A statement created by an organization’s board and senior managers specifying how the organization intends to manage it-self to most effectively fulfill its purpose.
Ways to determine training needs
Recognize current situation, ID required competencies, involve employees, survey, prepare specific employee development plans, and implement plan.
Bona fide occupational qualification
(BFOQ) specific employment qualification that requires some kind of discrimination because the job requires someone of particular race, sex, or other characteristic.
When does socialization of new employees occur?
During self-guided research before being hired. In new employee orientation and through informal contact with other employees.
a system of instruction or teaching; preparation and practice.
Training Design Process-ADDIE Model
- Define the objectives, including the criteria for evaluation
- Determine the methods, the facilitator, and the techniques
- Define how the training will coordinated, tracked, and evaluated.
Needs Assessment
A tool used to determine whether gaps exist between the desired and actual levels of performance, according to organizational requirements or performance standards
External recruitment
An approach to recruitment that empazies identiying and recruiting applicants outside of the organization.
Internal recruitment
An approach to employee recruitment that empazies identiying and recruiting applicants who are already members of the organization.
Task analysis
Systematic breakdown of a task into its elements, specifically including a detailed task description of both manual and mental activities, and any other unique factors involved in or required to perform a given task.
Determing a job duties
the first step determine the major duties of the job.
Full time equivalent
the ratio of total number of paid hours during a period by the number of working hours in that period.
the methods organizations use to attract qualified individuals on a timely basis and in sufficient numbers and to encourage them to apply for jobs.
Maintaining employee employment with an organization.
Human Resource Strategy
is designed to develop the skills, attitudes, and behavoirs among staff that will help the organization meet its goals.
The Equal Opportunity Pay Act of 1963
Requires that men and women performing equal jobs recieve equal pay, Administered by EEOC and federal courts.
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Prohibits discrimination in employment against individuals 40 years of age and older.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
ADA of 1990
Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
Types of interview questions
Situational, experienced-based, job-knowledge, and worker-requirements
Sexual harassment
Quid pro quo and hostile environment
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Requires employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family and medical emergencies, childbirth, and other serious personal issues.
Strategic Human Resources Management
comprehensive set of managerial activities and tasks related to developing and maintaining a qualified workforce that contributes to organizational effectiveness, as defined by the organizations’s strategic goals.
Fair Labor Standards Act
The 1938 law that establishes a federal minimum wage for the 40-hour workweek and overtime provisions. It also sets limits on child labor.
Equal Employment Opportunity Act
the act which gives the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) authority to sue in federal courts when it finds reasonable cause to believe that there has been employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
At-will employment
a principle that assumes that boht employee and employer have the right to end the employment relationship at any time and any reason.
Terminal Objective
expectations of student after lesson
Enabling Objective
Enabling Objectives (EOs) are concise statements of the teacher’s expectations
of student performance and might be considered STEPS in accomplishing the
TLO. The EOs are written from the perspective of the student and what he/she
must do to accomplish the TLO
a group of activities and duties that entail natural units of work that are similar and related
Different duties and responsibilities performed by only on employee.
Job Analysis
The process of obtaining information about a job by determining the job’s duties, tasks, and activities.
Job Description
written explanation of a job and the types of duties it involves.
Job Specification
the personal qualifications an individual must possess to perform the duties and responsibilities contained in a job description.
Job design
the process of structuring jobs to help improve organizational efficiency and employee job satisfaction
Job enlargement
the horizontal expansion of duties with the same level of autonomy and responsibility
Job enrichment
the verticle expansion of duties that includes additional autonomy and responsibility
Negligent hiring