Mid Term 4 Pg 2 Flashcards
Which extrinsic muscle moves the eye dorsally
Dorsal rectus
Which extrinsic muscle moves the eye laterally
Lateral rectus
Which extrinsic muscle moves the eye ventrally
Ventral rectus
Which extrinsic muscle moves the eye medially
Medial rectus
Which extrinsic muscle rotates bottom of the eye medially
Ventral oblique
Which extrinsic muscle rotates top of eye medially
Dorsal oblique
Name the 7 extrinsic muscle
Retractor bulbi
Dorsal,ventral, medial, lateral rectus
Ventral, dorsal oblique
What structures are in the Outer ear
External auditory meatus
What structures are in the Middle ear
Tympanic membrane
Auditory ossicles
What structures are in the inner ear
Simicircular canal
What are the two canals in the external auditory meatus
Vertical canal
Horizontal canal
What is the order of the auditory ossicles
Tympanic membrane Malleus Incus Stapes Inner ear
Where is the oval and round windows located in the ear
Oval window is the top opening between the middle and inner ear
Round window is bottom opening between middle and inner ear
What structures invove in hearing
What structures are in the static equilibrium
Perpendicular to each in the utricle and saccule