Mid-Term / 2015 Flashcards
Who carried the wood up the mountain for Isaac’s sacrifice?
How is science a restriction of reason?
Science is concerned with observable behavior
What is the revelation handed on from Christ to the Apostles and to the modern era through the Church?
Sacred Tradition
Know the 7 steps of Revelation
- God’s covenant with Noah
- God making himself known to Adam and Eve
- God promising a Redeemer
- God’s covenant with Abraham and his chosen people
- God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt
- God’s promise through the prophets of an everlasting new covenant.
- The revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ
What are the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era?
New Testament
What is god’s communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan?
What is one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy written around the seventh century BC
What is the dogma that stated Mary was born from all stain of Original Sin?
Immaculate Conception
What are the two main senses of interpreting the bible?
What is the name of a group of members of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by their strict observance of the traditional written law and their oral law?
What has been the function of ecumenical councils in Church history?
Makes decisions about matters of Faith and morals
Know the 27 books of the New Testament
See Mrs. Krumpelman for help
What is the study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors?
What is the belief that the existence of god cannot be known or proven?
What is the place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified?
What is what God communicates to us about himself simply through the existence of creation?
Natural revelation
What is the Jewish sect that believed in accommodating Judaism to modern life. They did not believe in the resurrection, and denied the existence of angels and spirits?
What does it mean to say that Sacred Scripture is inspired?
God is the main author
Who was the righteous man who with his family and the animals survived the flood?
What is a revealed truth solemnly defined by the Magisterium of the church?
Who was the wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac?
Does papal infallibility mean that the pope can never make a mistake?
He can make a mistake
What is the term for the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the mother of the Savior?
He was murdered by his brother - - and because of his sacrifice was acceptable to God?
What is the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt?
Who was the Roman governor of Judea, who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion?
What is the portion of the Mass that included the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the body and blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful?
Liturgy of the Eucharist
What are the conditions of the Fathers of the Church?
What is the bodily rising of Jesus from the dead, on the third day after his death?
What are the two ways in which one’s faith development can be pursued?
Prayerful contemplation
Study of Divine Revelation
What is God’s speech to man?
Who did God put a mark on so that no one would kill him?
What is something that is said in the name of God?
Word of God
What is the historical lineage of each bishop back to one of the Twelve apostles?
Apostolic Succession
What is papal infallibility?
When the pope proclaims he is without error
What are the list of inspired books of the Bible?
How long will the promise to Noah last?
What is from the Greek for five books - the Torah?
What Council serves as a model for Ecumenical Councils later in church History?
Who was the Son of Abraham and Sarah and was the heir to god’s promise?
What does the Deposit of faith contain?
Who was the man chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?
Who is the first man and our first father?
Who were the early Christian writers whose writings faithfully transmitted and illuminated the Faith?
Fathers of the church
What is the denial of the existence of God?
Which of Abraham’s children was the heir to the promises God made to Abraham?
What is the spiritual sense that shows how persons or events in scripture point to the realities of Heaven?
Anagogical sense
What is God’s divine life present in our souls?
What is the portion of the Mass that includes the reading of scripture and the homily?
Liturgy of the Word
What are three Marian Apparitions?
Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalope
What is the theological virtue by which one believes all that God has said and revealed to man and that the Church proposes for belief?
What is a being created by God in order to live in communion with God?
Religious being
What is a supernatural assent of the intellect through which a truth revealed by God is believed on the authority of God who reveals it?
Act of Faith
What is one of the tribes of Israel?
What was the miraculous food the Israelites were given in the desert?
What are the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?
What is the interpretation of persons or events in scripture as signs or symbols of other people or events?
Spiritual sense
What is the mystery of one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
What was the vessel that was used to survive the flood?
What is the enforced removal from one’s native land?
What is a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen - it presents the tests in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns?
What is the worship or adoration due God alone paid to any created object?
What is one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC?
Who was the youngest of Isaac’s sons and father to the 12 tribes of Israel?
What is the study of the end things?
What is one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC?
What is the spiritual sense that describes how persons or events in Scripture point to future persons or events?
Allegorical sense
What is one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy, written around the seventh century BC?
What is the Hebrew word for God?
What is the theological virtue by which one believes in all that God has said and revealed to man and that the church proposes for belief?
Who was a wicked king who ordered the slaughter of innocents after the birth of Jesus?
Herod the Great
What is a solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees?
What is the process of knowing God’s existence through the realization that all creation must originate from a first cause?
Principle of causality
What is incapable of error - - applies to the Magisterium in matters of Faith and Morals?
What is the land God promised to Abraham’s descendants?
What is a sign, wonder, or event which transcends the laws of nature and therefore can be attributed to divine power?
What is the term for how the meaning of the text was originally understood?
Literal sense
What is the term for the four main signs and evidence that certain affirmations are made by God and that they have been passed along to us completely and without error?
Motives of Credibility
What was an ornate box that held the tablets of the Law?
Ark of the Covenant
What was the name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve?
What is the supreme council of the Jews?
What is the Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God’s Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors?
What is the name of the Garden where Jesus went to pray after the Last Supper?
What are the four types of books found in the Old Testament? Explain one book from each.
What is a word or deed against God, the Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the mother of the Savior?
Who was a descendant of Shem and the founder of the Hebrew nation?
Who is a person who is selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid dire consequences?
What is who proclaims the good new; this term refers in a special way to Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John who each wrote a Gospel?
Who was the cousin of Jesus - his baptizing and preaching in the wilderness prepared the way for Jesus?
John the Baptist
What are the parts of the Old Testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septaugint used by the early Christians?
What is a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery - an alternate name for the book of revelation?
What means, “Roman Peace” a time in which the Roman Empire was ruled by a single emperor and enjoyed tranquility and order?
Pax Romana
What is a letter addressed to a particular person or people - much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the church as a whole?
Who was the first king of Israel, he was anointed by Samuel - and was later replaced by David?
What is the spiritual sense that presents the heroes of Scripture as models for emulation?
Moral sense
What is the intellectual power of faculty that is ordinarily employed by man in adapting thought or action to some end - the guiding principle of the human mind in the process of thinking?
What is the first sin committed by Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God?
Object of Faith
What are the literary forms or genres present in the Bible?
Who Jacob’s favorite son who was sold into slavery by his brothers?
What is the name given to the teaching authority of the church?
What are the books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture?
What was an Old English rendering of the Greek for good news; the good news of God’s mercy and love revealed in the life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ?
What is the reason why a person comes to believe in God?
Motive of faith
Who was the second king of Israel, a “man after God’s own heart’?