MID 2 - Lecture 8 Flashcards
Antibiotic resistance: 2 mechanisms
- spontaneous mutation
- Horizontal gene transfer
Spontaneous mutations
arise without exposure to external agents, point mutations (most common - small), large not common, results from errors in DNA rep
Horizontal gene transfer
transfer of genes from one independent mature organism to another, DNA can replicate or integrate into genome
HGT steps
-Uptake of DNA from environment
a. uptake of naked DNA by cell
b. uptake of DNA plasmid
-conjugation : transfer of DNA between cells by direct contact (sex pilius)
-transduction : transfer of bacterial genes by viruses, lytic cycle integrate into host genome
F factor
100 000 bp long plasmid, genes responsible for cell attachment and plasmid transfer, cell containing f factor is F+, without is F-
Sex pilus
attach f+ to f- for DNA transfer (conjugation), DNA is single stranded
Hfr conjugation
F factor in chromosome rather than plasmid form
- f factor attempts to replicate, copies surrounding DNA and transfers to recipient
- recombination of chromosomal genes into recioient occurs 1000x more often with Hfr
- recombination leads to variation
Fâ conjugation (excises from host)
f factor excised from host AND brings host genes, f factor plasmid now called fâ, host genes now transferred to second host by conjugation
R plasmids (resistance)
carry genes required for resistance to antibiotics, discovered in shigella strains, replicate autonomously and have genes for transfer by conjugation, transferred between species (related and unrelated)
Generalized transduction (phage mistake)
during lytic cycle, during viral assembly fragments of host DNA mistakenly packaged into phage head, DNA can be transferred to new host cell and incorporated into genome
Specialized transduction (prophage)
carried out only by temperate phages (have established lysogeny), prophage is incorrectly excised, small portion of bacterial genome is transferred along with phage genome, can contain resistance gene
study of genomes, their molecular content, and gene products they encode
Metagenomics (definition)
study of all organisms present into an environmental samples without culturing (gut, soil)
DNA (RNA) sequencing platforms
sanger (medium reads), Next generation: illumina (short), ion torrent (medium), third generation: pacbio (long), nanopore (very long)
Sanger DNA sequencing
First, also chain termination method, uses ddNTP, further dNTPS cannot be added, blocks chain elongation