Microsoft Excel - Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions Flashcards
What is the typical formula syntax in Excel?
First is the function name and then the arguments surrounded by parentheses.
What are the two reference types in Excel?
There are relative and fixed type cell references.
Relative allow the reference to change as formula is copied elsewhere.
Fixed refernces are denotes by a $ symbol in the row, column, or both and prevent the reference from changing.
What does the Evaluate Formula option do and how do you use it?
The Evaluate formula shows the result of each step or calculation in a formula; you access it by:
go to the Formulas tab;
then go to the Formula Auditing section;
then go to the Evaluate Formula option.
What do AND() statements accomplish and what is their syntax?
AND() statements evaluate various conditions and return TRUE only if all of the conditions are TRUE.
The syntax is AND(condition1, condition2, etc.).
What do OR() conditions accomplish and what is their syntax?
OR() conditions evaluate various conditions and return TRUE if any one of them is TRUE.
Their syntax is OR(condition1, condition2, etc.)
What do NOT() statements accomplish and what is their syntax?
NOT() statements negate the result of the condition being evaluated.
Their syntax can be either NOT(condition) or “<>”.
What is the IFERROR() function for and what is the syntax?
The IFERROR() returns a specified value if the formula or value being evaluated results in an error.
The syntax is IFERROR(value or formula, value_if_error).
What are some of the most common IS statements?
What are some of the common statistical functions?
What does the function MODE() return and what is the syntax?
The MODE() function returns the most frequently ocurring or repetitive value in an array or range.
The syntax is MODE(number1, number2,…)
What does the PERCENTILE() function return and what is the syntax?
The PERCENTILE() function returns the k-th percentile of values in a range.
The syntax is PERCENTILE(array, k).
What does the STDEV() function return and what is the syntax?
The STDEV() function estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
The syntax is STDEV(number1, number2,…).
What does the VAR() function return and what is the syntax?
The VAR() function estimates variance based on a sample.
The syntax is VAR(number1, number2,….).
What do the SMALL() and LARGE() functions return and what is the syntax?
SMALL() returns the k-th smallest number in a data set and the syntax is SMALL(array, k).
LARGE() returns the k-th largest number in a data set and the syntax is LARGE(array, k).
What do the RAND() and RANDBETWEEN() functions return and what is the syntax?
The RAND() function returns a random number between 0 and 1 and the syntax is RAND().
The RANDBETWEEN() function returns a random whole number between the specified top and bottom numbers and the sytanx is RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top).
What does the SUMPRODUCT() function accomplish and what is the syntax?
The SUMPRODUCT() function returns the sum of products of corresponding ranges.
The syntax is SUMPRODUCT(array1, array2,…).
What do COUNTIF(), SUMIF(), AND AVERAGEIF() functions return and what is the syntax?
The COUNTIF(), SUMIF(), and AVERAGEIF() functions return the following:
- COUNTIF() returns the number of cells in a range that meet a given condition and the syntax is COUNTIF(range,criteria)
- SUMIF() adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria and the syntax is SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range).
- AVERAGEIF() finds the average for the cells specified by a given condition and the syntax is AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average_range).
What do COUNTIFS(), SUMIFS(), AND AVERAGEIFS() functions return and what is the syntax?
What do COUNTIFS(), SUMIFS(), andAVERAGEIFS() functions return the following:
- COUNTIFS() counts the number of cells specified by various criteria and the syntax is COUNTIFS(criteria, range, criteria…).
- SUMIFS() adds the cells specified by various criteria and the syntax is SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range, criteria,…)
- AVERAGEIFS() finds the average for the cells specified by various criteria and the syntax is AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range, criteria,…).
How do you assign a name to a cell or range.
Select the cell or range and type in the name box the desired name:
What do the ROW() and ROWS() function return and what is the syntax?
The ROW() function returns the row number of a given reference and the syntax is ROW([refernce]).
The ROWS() function returns the number of rows in an array and the syntax is ROWS(array).
What does the VLOOKUP () function do in Excel and what is the syntax?
The VLOOKUP() function searches VERTICALLY for a given value within a specified array and returns a corresponding value from said array.
The syntax is VLOOKUP(given_value, array, column index number, [range_lookup].
Search is done in the LEFTMOST column of the look up array and value returned is the top most occurrence.
What does the HLOOKUP () function do in Excel and what is the syntax?
The HLOOKUP() function searches HORIZONTALLY for a given value within a specified array and returns a corresponding value from said array.
The syntax is VLOOKUP(given_value, array, row index number, [range_lookup].
Search is done in the first row of the look up array and value returned is the left most occurrence.
What does the INDEX() function do and what is the syntax?
The INDEX() function returns the value of the specified cell where the range, row, and column are given.
The syntax is INDEX(range, row, column).
What does the MATCH() function do and what is the syntax?
The MATCH() function returns the position of a given value within a one dimensional array; and the syntax is:
MATCH(value, array, [match_type])
What is the XLOOKUP() function for and what is the syntax?
The XLOOKUP() function retrieves values from a range by matching a lookup value with more flexibility than VLOOKUP() or HLOOKUP(); the syntax is:
XLOOKUP(lookup_value, range, return array[, if not found] [, match mode] [, search mode])
What does the CHOOSE() function do and what is the syntax?
The CHOOSE() function selects a value from a list based on a given index number; the syntax is:
CHOOSE(index, value_1[, value_2…]).