Freecad Flashcards
What are workbenches? How do you select a workbench?
Workbenches are a set of tools suited for a particular task; you select them by clicking on the workbench drop down menu:
How do you hide or unhide an object?
You select the object and toggle with the space bar.
How do you rename and object?
You select it and press F2 or right-click on the object name.
How do you change the dimensions, placement, or label of an object?
You select it then chose the “Data” tab in the left navigation bar and change the desired values:
How do you change the characteristics of lines, points, and transparency of an object, among other things?
You select the object and then click on the “View” tab on the left navigation bar:
How do you change the location of an object?
You select the object,
then the view tab in the left navigation bar;
then Placement,
then Position menus–
you then choose the x,y, and z values.
How do you merge two or more shapes?
You select the shapes in the Model view and then chose “Make a union of the selected shapes”:
How do you create a basic shape?
You click on the respective shape in the ribbon of the part workbench.
How do you displace an object?
First select it; then:
-Go to the Edit Menu and go to Placement submenu and modify the x,y,z coordinates.
-Choose the Data tab and select the ellipsis and modify the x,y,z coordinates.
-Chose the Data tab and open the Placement submenu and then the Position sumenu and modify the x,y,z coordinates.
How do you merge or fuse (make a union) of two or more objects?
Select the objects to unify and
then select the Union icon on the ribbon.
After selecting the newly created “Fusion” part, you analyze it for errors.
You then go to the Part menu and select the “Refine shape” option to refine into one shape.
You can edit the Preferences to automatically analyze and refine after every boolean operation.
How do you rotate an object?
First select it; then:
-Go to the Edit Menu and go to Placement submenu and modify the axis and angle in the Rotation area.
-Choose the Data tab and select the ellipsis and modify the axis and angle in the Rotation area.
-Chose the Data tab and open the Placment submenu and modify the axis and angle in the Rotation area.
You can modify the rotational axis by modifying the x,y,z coordinates in the respective area.
How do you duplicate an object?
You select the object and then go to the Edit menu and select the Duplicate selection option.
How do you carve (cut) an object from another?
First position the objects as desired in relation to each other.
Then select the object to subract from; then while holding shift select the object to be subtracted.
Finally select the Cut tool from the Boolean operations menu.
Modification to the subtracted part are applied to the final part.
How do you create an array of an identical objects.
First create and select the desired object.
Then go to the draft workbench.
Then select the Array icon.
In the properties pane, determine the interval between objects.
Finally, select the X, Y, and Z dimensions of the array.
How do you build a polar (angular) array?
First create and select the part.
Then displace it away from the axis from whici it will be duplicated in the array.
Then go to Draft menu and select Array.
Select Polar as the array type.
Select the axis and the number of repetions: