Microsoft Excel Flashcards
Are predefined formulas in Excel and are ready for use.
The names are based on the column letter and row number the cell belongs to.
Cell name
Is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells or a cell. It always starts with an equal (=) sign.
The value of a different cell or cell range on the current worksheet
Cell reference
Can be used as a variable in a formula
Cell formula
What are the three types of cell reference?
- relative reference
- absolute reference
- mixed reference
They change based on the relative position of rows and columns. By default, all references are like this.
Relative Reference
Do not change when copied or filled. You can use this reference to keep a row and/or column constant.
It is also a designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign before the column and row.
Absolute Reference
An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($) before the column and row. If it precedes the column or row (but not both) then it is_______
Mixed reference
It refers to the file created in Excel in which you work and store your data
It is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells or a cell
It is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns.
A function that returns the sum of two numbers
In order to determine that AVERAGE of cells E2, F2, and G2, the formula should be________.
Refers to the range of cells in columns A through E and rows 10 through 20
C1 displays the product of A1 and B1. The correct formula that C1 should contain is__________.
Is a rectangular box that occurs at the intersection of a vertical column and a horizontal row in a workshee
It returns the number of characters in the middle of the text string starting at the position you specify.
It returns the number of character from the end of the text string.
If the entry in A1 is greater than 12,000; B1 gives the result in dividing the number entered in A1 by 4000; and returns 500 otherwise. The formula is ________.
It is a function that joins several text strings into one text string.
The formula that will add the value of cell D4 to the value of C2 and then multiply by the value in B2 is _______.
= (D4 + C2) * B2
The formula in getting the smallest value from cell A1 through D5.
What is the formula to add up the total?
SUM(cell range)
To add up individual items, what is the formula?
=Value1 + Value2
Subtract Formula?
=Value 1 - Value 2
Multiply Formula?
=Value1 * Value2
Division Formula?
=Value1 / Value2
Exponent Formula?
=Value1 ^ Value2
Median Formula?
=MEDIAN(cell range)
Max formula?
=MAX(cell range)
Min formula?
=MIN(cell range)
To change a cell to proper case, what is the formula?
To change the cell to upper case, what is the formula?
To change a cell to lower case, what is the formula?
To join a text string into one, what is the formula?
=concatenate(Value1, Value2)
What is the formula of the left text string?
B1 - cell
5 - number of lettters
What is the formula of the right string?
B1 - cell
7 - number of letter starting from the right
What is the formula of the mid string?
=mid(B1,6,4) - WEST
What is the formula of positive, negative?
What is the formula of True or False?
Ex. =IF(condition,valueIfTrue,valueIfFalse)