- A layered approach to securing computer systems.
- Provides multiple levels of protection
- Attacks against one layer are isolated from subsequent layers
Defense in Depth
What are the Defense in Depth?
Identity & Access
Physical Security
Security becomes a shared concern between cloud providers and customers
Shared security
Stateful, managed, Firewall as a Service (FaaS) that grants / denies server access based on originating IP address, to protect network resources.
Azure Firewall
What does DDoS Protection do?
- Sanitizes unwanted network traffic, before it
impacts service availability. - Basic service tier is automatically enabled in
-Standard service tier adds mitigation capabilities,
tuned to protect Azure Virtual Network resources.
Set inbound and outbound rules to filter by source and
destination IP address, port, and protocol.
Network Security Groups (NSGs)
What are the network security solutions ?
Perimeter layer
Networking layer
protects your networks boundaries with Azure DDoS Protection and Azure Firewall.
Perimeter layer
only permits traffic to pass between networked resources with Network Security Group (NSG) inbound
and outbound rules.
Networking layer
What are the 2 concepts that are fundamental to understanding identify and access
- Authentication
Provides additional security for your identities by requiring two or more elements for full authentication.
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Stores application secrets in a centralized cloud
location, to securely control access permissions, and
access logging.
Azure Key Vault
Classifies and protects documents, and emails, by
applying labels.
Automatically using rules and conditions
defined by administrators.
Azure Information Protection (AIP)
Cloud-based security solution for identifying, detecting, and investigating advanced threats, compromised identities, and malicious insider actions.
Azure Advanced Threat Protection
is a service to create, assign, and, manage policies.
Azure Policy
What are the Policy Initiatives work with Azure Policies
- Initiative definitions
- Initiative assignments
group multiple policy definitions into a single unit, to track compliance at a higher scope. For example, one initiative can monitor all your Azure Security Center recommendations.
Initiative definitions
are assigned to a specific scope and reduce the need to make an initiative definition for each scope.
Initiative assignments
Enables allowing or disallowing access to the Azure portal, and controlling access to resources.
Role-based access control (RBAC)
Protect your Azure resources from accidental deletion or modification
Resource locks
Create reusable environment definitions that can recreate your Azure resources, like VMs, and apply your policies instantly.
Azure Blueprints
Provides metadata for your Azure resources.
Evaluate the impact of Azure service issues with personalized guidance and support, notifications, and issue resolution updates.
Azure Service Health