Microscopic Urine Examination Flashcards
ideal specimen
first morning
most concentrated & acidic
preparation of sediment
10-15 ml of well mixed urine less than 2 hr old
slow centrifuge
decant supernatant
one drop of sediment to slide w/ coverslip
Sediment stains
supravital - sternheimer-Malbin acetic acid - lyses RBC fat stains gram stain prussian blue hansel stain
brightfield- most common
polarizing: confirms cholesterol & crystals
interference contrast: 3D images
tips for microscopic examination of urine on brightfield
lower condenser
close iris
initially view 10x for casts
40x for rest of elements
epithelial cells
originate from any site within UT
indicative of infection/inflammation or contamination
squamous epithelial cells
large, flat cells with abundant cytoplasm
from vagina or lower portion of male urethra
indicative of vaginal contamination in female urine
Transitional (urothelial) epithelial cells
originate in blader, ureters, renal pelvis, renal calyces & upper urethra (males)
small, less cytoplasm; round or pear shaped
large numbers are indicative of bladder carcinoma
random urine is best
‘poached egg’ appearance
renal tubular epithelial cells
found in tubules of nephron slightly larger than WBC; round eccentric nucleus w/ scant cytoplasm indicative of tubular necrosis stain can be helpful 'hard boiled cut in half'
oval fat bodies
lipid containing RTEs, highly refractile
usually seen with free floating fat droplets
occur when lipids pass across the glomerular membrane & are absorbed by the RTEs
pale, smooth, biconcave small circles
sources of confusion: WBC, yeast, bubbles & oil droplets
hypotonic urine & RBCs
low specific gravity
swollen RBC
hypertonic urine & RBCs
high specific gravity
crenated RBCs
dysmorphic RBCs
glomerular origin
increased RBCs
along with RBC casts - renal bleeding
no casts or protein - bleeding below kidney or caused by menstrual contamination
positive dipstick for blood; no RBCs seen
RBCs lysed; released hemoglobin
false positive - detects peroxidases
negative strip for blood; RBCs seen
ascorbic acid interference causes false negatives
RBC look alikes: yeast or crystals
unique to kidney
matrix of uromodulin (tamm-horsfall) protein !!!
increased protein, increased acidity, high specific gravity, urinary stasis of flow
final stages (4 stages) : waxy cast
casts general structure
nearly parallel sides
rounded or blunt ends
various sizes & shapes
hyaline casts
most frequently seen
colorless; serves as basis for all casts
WBC cast
consists of neutrophils
proteinuria will usually also be present
renal infection
acute pyelonephritis (!)
RBC casts
brown to colorless
contain RBCs
epithelial casts
formed as a result of RTEs sloughing off in tubules
seen in tubular damage
Granular casts
degenerative process changing cellular to granular
coarse to fine to waxy
represents disintegration of cellular casts
seen in periods of stress & exercise