Microorganisms Flashcards
describe bacteria
- prokaryotes: no true nucelus or membrane bound organelles
- the ribosomes and genetic material are free floating
- have structures like a flagella and cilia to increase motility
what are the 3 major shapes of bacteria
- spherical bacteria that can joing together and make diplococci (two bacteria joined together), streptococci (chains of spherical bacteria) or staphlyococci (clusters of spherical bacteria
- ros ahped that can also join forming diplobacilli, streptobacilli (chains of rod shaped) etc.
- spiral shaped bacteria
How can you tell if a bacteria is gram positive or gram negative
- gram staining
- apply crystal violet and iodine which forms complex that ahderes to outermost layers of bacteria
- gram positive: outmermost layer = thick peptidoglycan cell wall
- gram negative: outermost layer = thin and cmoposed of lipids
- when decolourizer like alc is applied, peptidoglycan wall is dehydrated and colour is trapped inside so gram pos show colour but not gram negative
- addition of red dye like safarin will stain gram neg a lighter colour
*** if bacteria is gram pos or neg plays big role in type of antibiotic administered
how do bacteria reproduce
- asexually: 3 primary means
- transformation: acquiring DNA from the environment
- transduction: being injected with DNA from a bacteriophage
- Conjugation: direct DNA transfer vai contact between bacteria cells
what are viruses
- cannot reproduce without a host and are not considered living particles
- genetic material (DNA or RNA) stores in protein capsid
What happens when a virus infects host cell (lytic cycle)
- cell entres lytic cycle
- virus penetrates the cell’s membrane injecting its own DNA -> taking contorl of cellular machinery inducing the cell to replicate viral DNA instead of its own
- eventually cell will lyse releasing the viral DNA into extracellular matrix
- viral particles infect new cells to continue lytic cycle
viruses that replicate by killing host cells are called virulent
what happens in viral infection occurs on bacterial lawn
- a plaque or clearing of the lawn corresponds to area of lysed bacteria
- physical characteristics of the plaque are useful in identifying mutant phage strains that may arise
what happens if the virus does not lyse the host cell
- becomes integrated into the bacterial genome in a less harmful form (provirus)
- lies dormant for one or more generations as part of lysogenic cycle
- virus does not spread as quickly so considered a latent infection
- either spontaneously or as result of environmental circumstance the provirus can emerge into a lytic cycle
- cells containing provirus are normally resistant to further infection by similar phages
what type of cycle is HIV
- human immunodeficiecy virus is lysogenic cycle
- patient typically asymptomatic for moths or yeats as the virus divides within the host
describe fungi
- eukaryotic
- many organelles mimic those found in human cells, BUT have cell walls
- walls made of chitin which differentiates them from plants and bacteria
- cannot produce own food and must consume other organisms for energy
how do fungi reproduce
- both sexually and asexually: have both daploid and diploid phases
- asexual occurs vai fission (one organism divides into 2 daughter cells
*also common means for bacterial reproduction
- sexual occurs only w/ diploid cells which undergo meiosis to create four spores
- spores are haploid (only 1 cope of organisms genetic material, so 1 diploid can produce 4 idential progeny)
- spores are more resilient to hostile conditions than diploid cells, so occurs when environemnt not favourable for dission
what are parasites
- organisms that live off of and harm a host that receives no benefit from the presence
- parasites include helminths and protozoa
what is a helminth
- parasitic worms including tapeworm and roundworms
- often ingested in contaminated food ro water and live off food present in digestive tract of host
what are protozoa
unicellular eukaryotes that ahve many different features depending on organism
- many causing diease
*type of parasite
what are the 3 cycles involing microorganisms critical to function of life
nitrogen cycle
carbon cycle