Microorganisms 5 Protozoans Flashcards
What are protozoans traditionally considered?
Protozoans are traditionally looked upon as animals because most protozoans are animal-like.
‘Protozoa’ means ‘the first animal’.
What is unique about Euglena among protozoans?
Euglena contains chlorophyll and can photosynthesize, but it lacks a cell wall.
What types of environments do protozoans inhabit?
Protozoans can be found in freshwater, salt water, and soil.
What role do protozoans play in the food chain?
Protozoans are the link in the food chain between unicellular algae and small aquatic organisms.
How do protozoans reproduce?
Protozoans reproduce by binary fission.
How does an amoeba obtain food?
An amoeba engulfs food with the help of pseudopodia.
Where is amoeba commonly found?
Amoeba is the simplest of protozoans, found in soil and freshwater bodies.
What is paramecium and where is it found?
Paramoecium is a freshwater protozoan found in ponds and ditches.
What structures help paramecium swim?
Paramoecium has hairlike projections called cilia that help it swim and direct food into its oral groove.
What is zooplankton?
Zooplankton are tiny protozoans that live in the sea and serve as food for many small aquatic organisms.
What is the principal diet of blue whales?
Blue whales primarily feed on zooplankton, which they gulp in with sea water.
What role do protozoans play in decomposition?
Protozoans are the ultimate decomposers in nature, feeding on bacteria and fungi that decompose dead organic matter.
How are protozoans useful in sewage treatment?
Protozoans help in the treatment of sewage by feeding on bacteria and fungi.
How do protozoans assist termites?
Protozoans living in the bodies of termites digest cellulose in wood and convert it into carbohydrates that termites can use.