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H - Econ - 2
> Microeconomics Key Terms Bank > Flashcards
Microeconomics Key Terms Bank Flashcards
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H - Econ - 2
(57 decks)
3.1.1 - Economic Methodology and the Economic Problem
3.1.2 - The Nature and Purpose of Economic Activity
3.1.3 - Economic Resources
3.1.4 - Scarcity, Choice and the Allocation of Resources
3.1.5 - Production Possibility Diagrams
3.2.1 - Consumer Behaviour
3.2.2 - Imperfect Information
3.2.3 - Aspects of Behavioural Economic Theory
3.2.4 - Behavioural Economics and Economic Policy
3.3.1 - The Determinants of Demand
3.3.2 - Price, Income and Cross Elasticities of Demand
3.3.3 - The Supply of Goods and Services
3.3.4 - Price Elasticity of Supply
3.3.5 - The Determination of Equilibrium Market Prices
3.3.6 - The Interrelationship Between Markets
3.4.1 - Production
3.4.2 - Specialisation, Division of Labour and Exchange
3.4.3 - The Law of Diminishing Returns and Returns to Scale
3.4.4 - Costs of Production
3.4.5 - Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
3.4.6 - Marginal, Average and Total Revenue
3.4.7 - Profit
3.4.8 - Technological Change
3.5.1 - Market Structures
3.5.2 - The Objectives of Firms
3.5.3 - Perfect Competition
3.5.4 - Monopoly and Monopoly Power
3.5.5 - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Monopoly
3.5.6 - Monopolistic Competition
3.5.7 - Oligopoly
3.5.8 - Price Discrimination
3.5.9 - The Dynamics of Competition and Competitive Market Processes
3.5.10 - Contestable and Non-Contestable Markets
3.5.11 - Market Structure, Static Efficiency, Dynamic Efficiency and Resource Allocation
3.5.12 - Consumer and Producer Surplus
3.6.1 - The Demand for Labour
3.6.2 - Influences on the Supply of Labour to Different Labour Markets
3.6.3 - Perfectly Competitive Labour Markets
3.6.4 - Imperfectly Competitive Labour Markets
3.6.5 - The Influence of Trade Unions in Determining Wages and Levels of Employment
3.6.6 - The National Minimum Wage
3.6.7 - Discrimination in the Labour Market
3.7.1 - The Distribution of Income and Wealth
3.7.2 - The Problem of Poverty
3.7.3 - Government Policies to Alleviate Poverty and to Influence the Distribution of Income and Wealth
3.8.1 - How Markets and Prices Allocate Resources
3.8.2 - The Meaning of Market Failure
3.8.3 - Private Goods, Public Goods and Quasi-Public Goods
3.8.4 - Positive and Negative Externalities in Production and Consumption
3.8.5 - Merit and Demerit Goods
3.8.6 - Market Imperfections
3.8.7 - Competition Policy
3.8.8 - Public Ownership, Privitisation, Regulation and Deregulation of Markets
3.8.9 - Government Intervention in Markets
3.8.10 - Government Failure
Microeconomics Equations
Microeconomics Key Terms Bank