microcytic anaemia Flashcards
what are microcytic anaemias classified by visually
erythrocytes smaller than normal
paler than normal ( hypochromic)
what are the two causes of microcytic anaemia
- reduced haem synthesis
- reduced globin chain synthesis
what are the four causes of reduced haem synthesis
- iron deficiency
- lead poisoning
- anaemia of chronic disease
- sideroblastic anaemia
what is sideroblastic anaemia
inherited defect in haem synthesis
what are the two causes of reduced globin chain synthesis
- a thalassemia
- b thalassemia
what does TAILS stand for
T- thalassemia
A- anaemia of chronic
I- iron deficiency
L- lead poisoning
S- sideroblastic anaemia
what is iron require for
- oxygen carriers in Hb and myoglobin
- co-factors in enzymes:
cytochrome P450
why is free iron dangerous
free iron is toxic to cells but body has no mechanism for excreting iron
what is ferrous iron
what is ferric iron
what is the difference between ferric and ferrous iron
Fe2+ is reduced form while Fe3+ is oxidised form
what does dietary iron consist of
haem iron Fe2+
non-haem (mix of 2+ and 3+)
how much iron do we need a day in our diet
10-15 mg/day
where is iron absorbed
what is chyme
food passing through intestine