Microbology Flashcards
Viruses are not cellular but biologist
argue they are and are why arent they?
Do not Feed or drink Do not excrete waste Do not get reborn Do not metabolize Do not reproduce sexually or asexually Also dont contain rna and dna
Characterstics of living organisms?
They consume food The excrete watse They are born an grow They metabolize The reproduce Contain dna and rna as gentic material They respire (consume oxygen
Viruses have what?
Fats and carbohydrates part of their coat or capsule
How do they make copies
Through replication but only can do it by taking over a living cell
Word viruses comes from what?
Latin word meaning posion
Viruses that are very specific in which cell they attack
Transgenic viruses?
A viruses that the immune system hasn’t seen
Ex aids influnzea mono measles polio hemmoragic fever
Common viruses
Flu, herpes
Uncommon hard to contract viruses?
Hiv ebola
A virus that is easily spread is called
Ex Spanish flu killed more people than the war did
What does a cell do once its gained entry?
Seeks out a specific host cell and attaches to cell membrane, virus the enters whole cell or injects its dna or rna. Then dna and rna splices into celluat dna of organism. Once inserted the virAl dna takes to pathways
What two pathways can the viral dna take?
Viruses just sits in your genome and is copied every time you replicate that cell body is constabtly doing this and at some point stressor triggers the viral dna then virus enters lytic cycle
Lytic cycle
Quick attack. After insertion of the virla dna takes iver your celluar protien and starts copying itself and all of the protiens. The dna is then assembled into a new viral particles. As number of viruses x2 cell fills up eventually brusting. Depending on attack suffer symptoms. Your immune system will attack and may take some time.
What wont help you when sick
Antibotics they target bacterial cells and are inffective vs a virus