Microbiology - Pharmacology Flashcards
How do penicillin drugs work?
Binds to penicillin-binding proteins (transpeptidases) and blocks cross-linking of peptidoglycan
Can be inactivated by penicillinase/β-lactam
Penicillin G
Penicillinase-sensitive penicillin
IV and IM forms
Bactericidal from gram + cocci/rods, gram - cocci, spirochetes
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolytic anemia
Penicillin V
Penicillinase-sensitive penicillin
Bactericidal from gram + cocci/rods, gram - cocci, spirochetes
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolytic anemia
Extended-spectrum penicillinase-sensitive aminopenicillin
Can be combined with clavulanic acid (β-lactamase inhibitor)
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, rash, pseudomembranous colitis
Extended-spectrum penicillinase-sensitive aminopenicillin
Better oral bioavailability than ampicillin
Can be combined with clavulanic acid (β-lactamase)
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, rash, pseudomembranous colitis
Narrow-spectrum penicillinase-resistant penicillin
Resistant to penicillinase (bulky R group blocks access to β-lactam ring)
Indicated for MSSA
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, interstitial nephritis
Narrow-spectrum penicillinase-resistant penicillin
Resistant to penicillinase (bulky R group blocks access to β-lactam ring)
Indicated for MSSA
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, interstitial nephritis
Narrow-spectrum penicillinase-resistant penicillin
Resistant to penicillinase (bulky R group blocks access to β-lactam ring)
Indicated for MSSA, mastitis
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, interstitial nephritis
Extended-spectrum antipseudomonal carboxypenicillin
Can be combined with a β-lactamase inhibitor (clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam)
Indicated for pseudomonas and gram - rods
SA: hypersensitivity reactions
Extended-spectrum antipseudomonal carboxypenicillin
Can be combined with a β-lactamase inhibitor (clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam)
Indicated for pseudomonas and gram - rods
SA: hypersensitivity reactions
How do cephalosporins work?
β-lactam drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis by inhibiting peptidoglycan cross-linking
Less susceptible to penicillinases
Low cross-reactivity with penicillins
1st generation cephalosporin
Indicated for gram + cocci, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae
Used prior to surgery to prevent S. aureus wound infections
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
1st generation cephalosporin
Indicated for gram + cocci, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
2nd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for gram + cocci, Haemophilus pneumoaniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Neisseria, Proteius mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
2nd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for gram + cocci, Haemophilus pneumoaniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Neisseria, Proteius mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
2nd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for gram + cocci, Haemophilus pneumoaniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Neisseria, Proteius mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
3rd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for serious gram - infections resistant to other β-lactams like meningitis and gonorrhea
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
3rd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for serious gram - infections resistant to other β-lactams
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
3rd generation cephalosporin
Indicated for serious gram - infections resistant to other β-lactams like pseudomonas
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
4th generation cephalosporin
↑ activity against Pseudomonas and gram + organisms
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
5th generation cephalosporin
Broad gram + and gram - coverage including MRSA but not Pseudomonas
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, vitamin K deficiency, ↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
How do monobactams (e.g. aztreonam) work?
Monobactams bind to penicillin-binding proteins to prevent peptidoglycan cross-linking of the cell wall
Synergistic with aminoglycosides
No cross-allergenicity with penicillins
Resistant to β-lactamase
Indicated for gram - rods only in patients allergic to penicillins or have renal insufficiency and cannot tolerate aminoglycosides
SA: GI upset
Broad-spectrum β-lactamase-resistent carbapenem
Indicated for gram + cocci, gram - rods, and anaerobes
SA: GI distress, skin rash, CNS toxicity/seizures
Always administer with dilastin (inhibitor of renal dehydropeptidase I) to decreased inactivation of the drug in the renal tubules
Broad-spectrum β-lactamase-resistent carbapenem
Indicated for gram + cocci, gram - rods, and anaerobes
SA: GI distress, skin rash, decreased risk of CNS toxicity/seizures
Broad-spectrum β-lactamase-resistent carbapenem
Indicated for gram + cocci, gram - rods, anaerobes, limited pseudomonas coverage
SA: GI distress, skin rash, CNS toxicity/seizures
Broad-spectrum β-lactamase-resistent carbapenem
Indicated for gram + cocci, gram - rods, anaerobes, limited pseudomonas coverage
SA: GI distress, skin rash, CNS toxicity/seizures
Glycopeptide that binds to D-ala D-ala portion of cell wall precursors to inhibit cell wall peptidoglycan formation
Indicated for gram + only, including MRSA and C. difficile (oral formulation)
SA: nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, thrombophlebitis, red man syndrome (prevent with slow infusion rate and antihistamines)
Resistance via amino acid modifatio to D-ala D-lac
Mnemonic for antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis
Buy AT 30, CCEL at 50
30S inhibitors:
A = aminoglycosides (bactericidal)
T = tetrocyclines (bacteriostatic)
50S inhibitors:
C = chloramphenicol, clindamycin (bacteriostatic)
E = erythromycin (macrolides) (bacteriostatic)
L = linezolid (variable)
How do aminoglycosides work?
Aminoglycosides inhibit the formation of the initition complex and cause misreading of mRNA and block translocation
Require O2 for uptake so ineffective against anaerobes
Resistance when bacterial transferase enzymes inactivate the drug by acetylation, phosphorylation, or adenylation
Aminoglycoside (inhibits initiation complex and translocation)
Indicated for severe gram - rod infections
Synergistic with β-lactam antibiotics
SA: nephrotoxicity (especially when used with cephalosporins), neuromuscular blockade, ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics), teratogen
Aminoglycoside (inhibits initiation complex and translocation)
Indicated for severe gram - rod infections, good for bowel surgery
Synergistic with β-lactam antibiotics
SA: nephrotoxicity (especially when used with cephalosporins), neuromuscular blockade, ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics), teratogen
Aminoglycoside (inhibits initiation complex and translocation)
Indicated for severe gram - rod infections
Synergistic with β-lactam antibiotics
SA: nephrotoxicity (especially when used with cephalosporins), neuromuscular blockade, ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics), teratogen
Aminoglycoside (inhibits initiation complex and translocation)
Indicated for severe gram - rod infections
Synergistic with β-lactam antibiotics
SA: nephrotoxicity (especially when used with cephalosporins), neuromuscular blockade, ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics), teratogen
Aminoglycoside (inhibits initiation complex and translocation)
Indicated for severe gram - rod infections
Synergistic with β-lactam antibiotics
SA: nephrotoxicity (especially when used with cephalosporins), neuromuscular blockade, ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics), teratogen
How do tetracyclines work?
Binds to 30S and prevents attachment of tRNA
Limited CNS penetration
Avoid taking with milk (Ca2+), antacids (Ca2+ or Mg2+), or iron-containing preparations because divalent cations inhibit absorption in the gut
Resistance 2/2 plasmid-encoded transport pumps
Tetracycline (prevents tRNA binding to 30S)
Indicated for rickettsia (Lyme), Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and chlamydia, acne
SA: GI distress, discoloration of teeth and inhibition of bone growth in children → contraindicated in pregnancy, photosensitivity
Avoid milk, antacid, iron 2/2 ↓ uptake in the gut
Tetracycline (prevents tRNA binding to 30S)
Indicated for rickettsia (Lyme), Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and chlamydia, acne
SA: GI distress, discoloration of teeth and inhibition of bone growth in children → contraindicated in pregnancy, photosensitivity
Avoid milk, antacid, iron 2/2 ↓ uptake in the gut
Tetracycline (prevents tRNA binding to 30S)
Indicated for rickettsia (Lyme), Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and chlamydia, acne
SA: GI distress, discoloration of teeth and inhibition of bone growth in children → contraindicated in pregnancy, photosensitivity
Avoid milk, antacid, iron 2/2 ↓ uptake in the gut
How do macrolides work?
Binds to 50S to block translocation
SA: GI motility, prolonged QT → arrhythmias, acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash, eosinophilia, increases serum concentration of theophyllines and oral anticoagulants
Resistance from methylation of 23S rRNA-binding site preventing binding
Macrolide (binds to 50S preventing translocation)
Indicated for atypical pneumonias including MAC, chlamydia, gram + cocci
SA: GI motility, prolonged QT → arrhythmias, acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash, eosinophilia, increases serum concentration of theophyllines and oral anticoagulants
Macrolide (binds to 50S preventing translocation)
Indicated for atypical pneumonias, chlamydia, gram + cocci
SA: GI motility, prolonged QT → arrhythmias, acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash, eosinophilia, increases serum concentration of theophyllines and oral anticoagulants
Macrolide (binds to 50S preventing translocation)
Indicated for atypical pneumonias, chlamydia, gram + cocci, prophylaxis for gonococcal or chlamydia conjuctivitis in newborn
SA: GI motility, prolonged QT → arrhythmias, acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash, eosinophilia, increases serum concentration of theophyllines and oral anticoagulants
Blocks peptidyltransferase at 50S
Indicated for bacterial meningitis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
SA: amenia, a plastic anemia, gray baby syndrome (premature infants lack UDP-glucuronyl transferase)
Resistance from plasma-encoded acetyltransferase inactivation
Blocks translocation at 50S
Indicated for oral and lung anaerobic infections, invasive Group A strep (Treats anaerobes above the diaphragm)
SA: pseudomembranous colitis, fever, diarrhea
Sulfamethoxazole (SMX)
Sulfonamide antibiotic inhibits dihydropteroate synthase blocking conversion of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and pteridine to dihydropteroic acid in the folic acid pathway
Indicated for gram +, gram -, Nocardia, Chlamydia
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolysis if G6PD deficient, nephrotoxicity, photosensitiity, kernicterus in infants, displace other drugs from albumin (e.g. warfarin)
Resistance via altered dihydropteroate synthase, ↓ uptake, ↑ PABA synthesis
Sulfonamide antibiotic inhibits dihydropteroate synthase blocking conversion of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and pteridine to dihydropteroic acid in the folic acid pathway
Indicated for gram +, gram -, Nocardia, Chlamydia
SA: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolysis if G6PD deficient, nephrotoxicity, photosensitiity, kernicterus in infants, displace other drugs from albumin (e.g. warfarin)
Resistance via altered dihydropteroate synthase, ↓ uptake, ↑ PABA synthesis