Microbiology Flashcards
What is a septic abortion?
Any type of abortion resulting in infected retained products of conception.
Patients with septic abortion typically have fever, abdominal pain, uterine tenderness, and/or foul smelling vaginal discharge
Name the most common causes of septic abortion
Staph Aureus and E. Coli
…Group B strep
What is cord factor?
Cord factor is a mycoside found in mycobacterium tuberculosis —> serpentine growth
The presence of cord factor correlates with virulence. It is responsible for inactivating neutrophils, damaging mitochondria, and inducing release of TNF.
Symptoms of infant botulism?
Constipation, mild weakness, lethargy and poor feeding
Characterize hemolytic uremic syndrome
Microangiopathic hemolytic uremia
Renal insufficiency
Name the test in which the patient’s serum is mixed with cardiolipin, cholesterol and lethicin
Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
Flocculation (aggregation) suggests the patient’s serum contains antibodies
Which fungus contains “spherules packed with endospores”
Coccidioides immitus
Found in SW US
What is the major virulence factor for H. Influenzae?
Polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP): capsule component
First line treatment for chlamydia/gonorrhea infections?
Other than gas gangrene, what can Clostridium perfringens cause in the GI tract?
Late-onset food poisoning: watery diarrhea and abdominal discomfort
What part of the virion life cycle of Hep B requires co-infection with Hep B?
Coating of viral particles
Which bacteria requires a notoriously low infectious load to cause problems?
Shigella- as few as 10-500 cells may cause infection
Other than blastomycosis, what else appears as “budding yeast?”
Cryptococcus neoformans
How does the shiga-like toxin of E.coli have its effect?
Inhibits 60S ribosome
People with chronic granulomatous disease have a defect in neutrophil NADPH oxidase required for bacterial killing. What organisms are they susceptible to?
Includes: Burkholderia cepacia