Cardio Flashcards
Which two cardiac anomalies may occur in Turner Syndrome?
Bicuspid aorta
Coarctation of the aorta
Early diastolic murmur?
Aortic Regurgitation
Precursor amino acid for NO?
Location of the AV node?
Interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus
What must be present if an infant has transposition of great vessels and also is alive?
PDA- to allow for mixing of the blood
Patients may present as normal but deteriorate within the first 3 days as the ductus arteriosus closes
Which murmur is heard best in the left lateral decubitus position?
Normal below 40, considered abnormal >40
Name the nerves that arise from pharyngeal arches 1-6
1- maxillary (5)
2- facial (7)
3- glossopharyngeal (9)
4- superior laryngeal branch of vagus (10)
5- nothing
6- recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus (10)
Name the arteries that arise from aortic arches 1-6
1- maxillary 2- Stapedial (regresses) 3- Common carotid, proximal internal carotid 4- True aortic arch, subclavian 5- obliterated 6- Pulmonary arteries, ductus arteriosus
Where do aortic dissections occur?
Aortic isthmus (just beyond the 3 branches), by the ligamentum arteriosus
Common drainage for the entire right side of the body?
Brachiocephalic vein
4 abnormalities of tetrology of fallot?
Overriding aorta of the right and left ventricles
Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Embryologic cause of tetrology of fallot?
Anterior and cephalad deviation of the infundibular septum
What causes a AAA?
Chronic transmural inflammation
What causes a thoracic aortic aneurysm?
Vaso vasorum enteritis from tertiary syphilis
Prominent findings in Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome?
Congenital telangiectasias to the skin and mucus membranes
Other way to calculate cardiac output?
CO = Rate of O2 consumption/ arteriovenous O2 content difference
Peripheral neuropathy and cardiac findings?
Wet beriberi –> thiamine deficiency
Why does squatting help with tetrology of fallot?
INcreases peripheral vascular resistance and minimizes right to left shunt
Differentiate the role of Ca2+ in contractility in cardiac vs skeletal
Skeletal muscle: L-type calcium channels directly interact with Ryandine receptor
Cardica: Calcium-induced calcium- requires influx of calcium
What is the mutation involved in hereditary pulmonary hypertension?
Inactivating mutation of BMPR2. Patients with this mutation have a predisposition for dysfunctional endothelial and smooth muscle cell proliferation. A second insult is then thought to activate the disease process, resulting in vascular remodeling, elevated pulmonary vascular resistance and progressive pulmonary hypertension
Top for arteries involved in atherosclerosis?
Abdominal aorta > coronary arteries > popliteal > internal carotid
What is a non-cardiac consequence of an enlarged left atrium?
Mass effect on esophagus causing dysphagia
Name the two ways Ca2+ leaves the cardiac cell following contraction
- Na+/Ca2+ exchanger into the sarcolemma
2. SERCA (Ca2+ ATPase pump) into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Wide, fixed splitting indicates which cardiac defect?
Which antiarrhythmic drug prolongs QT without causing torsades de pointes?
Strep Viridin only binds to previously damaged valves. To what does it adhere?
Fibrin-platelet aggregates
What statistical test is used to compare the means of two different groups?
Student T-test
What is the brownish pigment seen in normal aging of the heart?
What is the association between smoking and Buerger’s disease?
Hypersensitivity to tobacco –> segmental thrombosing vasculitis that often extends into contiguous veins and nerves, encasing them in fibrous tissue
Describe the murmur detected in atrial stenosis?
systolic crescendo-decrescendo
Which two structures obstruct normal blood outflow in someone with HOCM?
Interventricular septum and the anterior mitral valve leaflet
What is the second messenger system when NE binds to alpha-1 receptors on smooth muscle endothelium?
IP3 and DAG
MOA of fibrates?
The lower triglyceride levels by activating PPRalpha which leads to decreased hepatic VLDL production
Best way to determine mitral stenosis severity?
A2 to opening snap time interval
Where does the saphenous vein drain?
Drains into the femoral vein, within the region of the femoral triangle, a few centimeters inferolateral to the pubic triangle.
What determines the ventricular rate in a fib?
AV node refractory period