Microbiology Flashcards
English surgeon who established 1st principles of aseptic technique is:
Passage of fluid through a cell membrane
Oxygen-dependent bacteria are said to be:
The destruction of bacteria by white cells during the inflammatory process is called
Bacteriostatic means:
Inhibit growth of microorganism
Staphylococcus aureus would most likely be transmitted by:
Nose & mouth
Microbial death occurs when an organism is:
No longer capable of reproduction
What immune protection is available to the fetus?
Natural passive
The clinical syndrome characterized by microbial invasion of the bloodstream is:
The body’s 1st line of defense against the invasion of pathogens is:
Skin & mucous membrane linings
Rod-like shaped bacteria are identified microscopically as:
Herpes simplex is commonly called:
Cold sore
All of the following descriptors refer to the inflammatory process:
Clostridium tetani causes:
A laboratory procedure useful in classifying bacteria using a staining procedure is:
Gram stain
A fulminating infection arising from necrotic tissue & spreading rapidly is:
Gas gangrene
A severe allergic reaction possibly resulting in death is called:
Anaphylactic shock
What organism is responsible for a boil?
S. aureus
The organism most frequently found in burns is:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Which type of wound would favor the development of a gas gangrene?
Ischemic & Necrotic
Gas gangrene is caused by:
C. perfringens
The bacteria that are highly resistant to sterilization & disinfection are:
The bacteria found in the intestinal tract are:
E. Coli
The space caused by separation of wound edges is called:
Dead space
Which body fluid is least likely to transmit HIV?
Which bacteria are the common cause for postoperative wound infections?
S. aureus
Hospital-acquired infections are known as:
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is a strain of S. aureus that is resistant to most antibiotics. What is the only drug of choice to treat MRSA at this time?
E. Coli is part of the normal flora of the ______ of humans.
Intestinal tract
The type of immunity that is acquired by a vaccination is:
Artificial Active Acquired Immunity
What gram stain turns red at the end of the staining procedure?
Gram negative
What living cells are more complex, have nuclei, & include Protozoa, fungi, & green, red, & brown algae?
Universal precautions is a previously used term. The term used now is:
Standard precautions
Asepsis means:
Absence of microbes
Microbes that reside on the skin & are easily removed:
All factors increase the surgical patient’s risk for infection:
Location of surgery
Health of patient
Length of procedure
What is responsible for bacterial motility?
Rickettsiae are transmitted by:
arthropod bites
When there is a relationship between 2 organisms that occupy the same space but 1 organism benefits & the other does not but is unharmed, it is termed:
The basic structural & functional living unit of the body is known as:
The biological indicator for ETO is:
Bacillus subtilis & Bacillus atrophhaeus
Inflammation in which gland may be used to diagnose the disease mumps?
What is the term for the division of a reproductive cell into 2 cells w/ chromosome cells?
An inanimate object that contains microorganisms is termed:
Which of the following caused the disease mad cow?
When there is a continued presence of an infection, it is termed:
The definition of a pandemic is:
Disease that has spread throughout the world
Low level disinfectants kill most microbes, but do not destroy:
Which organism is a normal resident flora of the intestinal tract?
Escherichia coli
(E. coli)
Which laboratory test determines bacterial identification?
Gram stain
Which microbes live without oxygen?
Which organelle is responsible for the production of energy?
Which organism causes gangrene?
Clostridium perfeingens
Which bacteria could be found in a penetrating wound caused by a rusty nail?
Clostridium tetani
What is the term for thread-like appendages that provide bacteria w/motion?
The most reliable method for determining the efficiency of moist heat sterilizers is the controlled use of biological indicators containing the organism:
Bacillus stearothermophilus
The pathogen that most often causes postoperative surgical site infections is:
Staphylococcus aureus
Pain, heat, redness & swelling indicate which of the following conditions?
Testosterone is secreted by:
Leydig cells
Which of the following microorganisms is used within the biological indicator for ethylene oxide sterilization?
Bacillus atrophaeus
Spores are a:
Form assumed by bacilli
Most abundant ion in the body:
Confining & containing instruments w/bioburden prevents which of the following?
Substance that inhibits the growth & reproduction of microbes on living tissue is:
The most abundant extracellular ion necessary for the transmission of impulses is:
Which heat-resistant, spore forming Bacillus does the steam sterilization biological indicator contain?
G. stearothermophilus
What is the term for the division of a reproductive cell into two cells w/chromosome cells?
Isopropyl alcohol is a bactericidal, which means it:
Kills bacteria
What term describes an individual who harbors a pathogen but displays no signs or symptoms of?
Ethylene oxide sterilization destroys microbes by the process of:
What is the smallest microorganism that requires a host cell for replication?
What does the term symbiosis mean?
Relationship between unlike species of organisms
Microorganisms are MOST likely to be associated with wound infections?
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, & Clostridium perfringens
Liquid agents used to reduce microorganisms on the patient’s skin are:
An inanimate object upon which pathogens may be conveyed is referred to as a:
Diatrizoate megulmine (Hypaque or Renografin) or lothalamute meglumine (Conray) are examples of:
Contrast media
Which of the following is an action of antimicrobials?
Inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis
Which of the following describes spherically shaped bacteria?
E. coli is normally present inside which anatomical structures?
Tetanus & botulism are caused by organisms of the genus:
Following administration, most drugs are converted to less active or inactive substance called:
A relationship between two kinds of organisms that live together for mutual benefit:
In which of the following does destruction of spores occur?
Process by which leukocytes engulf and destroy bacteria is called:
A thick walled, highly resistant body formed within a bacterial cell is:
A microscopic blood exam that estimates the percentages of each type of white cell within a sample is called:
Differential blood count
Finger-like projections on the end of the fallopian tubes are:
Agar is:
Agent used to solidify growth media in the microbiology laboratory
Gram stain differentiates between:
The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood or tissue is called:
Microorganisms that grow best with a low level of oxygen supply are:
Staphylococcus is the arrangement of:
Cocci in cluster
Staphylococcus is the arrangement of:
Cocci in cluster
Viruses reproduce by:
Host cell metabolism
Microorganisms that have the ability to adapt to an aerobic or anaerobic environment are: