Microbiology Flashcards
What is a pathogen?
An organism that causes or is capable of causing disease
What is a commensal?
an organism which colonises the host but causes no disease in normal circumstances
What is an opportunistic pathogen?
A microbe which only causes diseases if its host organism is compromised
Define pathogenicity/ virulence
The degree to which a given organism is pathogenic
Does microbacteria stain with gram?
What is the stain of gram positive
What is the stain of gram negative
Name G+ coccus chain bacteria family
Name G+ coccus cluster bacteria family
Name a G+ coccus pair bacteria family
What type of bacteria is staphlococcus?
Gram postive coccus cluster
What type of bacteria is streptococcus?
Gram positive cocus chains
What type of bacteria is enterococcus?
G+ coccus pair
What type of bacteia is s. pyogenes?
Group A, beta haemolytic streptococci (G+ cocci chains)
What type of bacteria is s. pneuomiae
G+ streptococcus (coccus chain), alpha haemolysis- optochin sensitive
What type of bacteria is s. aureus?
G+ staphlococcus (coccus cluster), coagulase test positive
What is the test used to distinguis between staphlococcus classes
Coagulase test
Name the bacteria which is G+, cluster coccus and is coagulase test positve
S. aureus
- Impetigo, endocarditisis and septiciemia
Name 2 bacteria which are G+, cluster coccus and are coagulase test negative
S. epidermidis
S. saprophyticus
Is S. aureus coagulase positive or negative?
Which test is used to differentiate between streptococcus members
Haeomolysis on blood agar
What is the colour of beta haemolysis of streptococcus and an example
It is complete lysis forming yellow/ transparent agar
S. pyogenes
What is the colour of alpha haemolysis of streptococcus
It is partial lysis (greening) and is dark green on agar plate
Is S. pneumoniae optochin test sensitive or resistent
Give an example of alpha- haemolysis of streptococcus
Viridans strept
S. pneuomoniae
Is S. pnueomoniae staphlococcus or streptococcus?
Name 3 types of bacteria in the staphlococcus family
S. aureus
S. epidermidis
S. saprophyticus
Name 2 members of viridans strep (optochin resistant)
S. sanguinis and S. oralis in infective endocarditis
Name 4 types of bacteria in the streptococcus family
S. pyogenes - alpha haemolysis a antigen group
S. agalactiae - alpha haemolysis b antigen group
S. pneuomoniae - optochin sensitive -beta haemolysis
S. sanguinis - viridans strep - b haemolysis
S. oralis - viridans strep - b haemolysis
Name 3 types of G+ aerobic bacilli bacteria
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Bacillus anthracis
- Coryne bacterium diphtheriae
Name 3 types of G+ anaerobic bacilli bacteria
1. C. difficile
2. C. tetani
3. C. botulinum
What type of bacteria is N. gonorrhoea and N. menigitidis?
Gram negitive cocci
Give another example of gram negative coccus
N. gonorrhoea and N. menigitidis
Is shingella lactose or non-lactose fermenting
non-lactose fermenting
Wht test is used to distinguis between salmonella and shingella
serum H antigen (shingella is H-)
What type of bacteria is E.coli?
G-, lactose fermenting bacteria with simple growth conditons bacillus aerobic
What type of bacteria is K. pnuemoniae?
G-, lactose fermenting bacteria with simple growth conditions bacillus
Give an example of lactose fermenting gram negative bacillus
E. coli and K. pneuomonia