Microbiolgy Lecture 12 Flashcards
What are the mechanisms of gene regulation?
What’s a constitutive enzyme?
An enzyme that is always produced, gene expression is always on
What is an repressible enzyme?
An enzyme that is normally produced, but can be turned off when not needded
What is a inducible enzyme?
An enzyme that is not always produced, but can be turned on when needed
What are operons?
A cluster of multiple genes that are transcribed together, but translated seperatedly
What turns on gene expression?
Regulatory protein
What is a lac operon
Contains genes necessary to break down lactose
What is lac operon consider and why?
It’s considered inducible because it’s usually turned off, but can be turned on in presence of lactose and absence of glucose
What are the four genes in the lac operon?
Permease, B galactosidase, acetylase, and regulatory protein
During diphasic growth, E coli prefers to metabolize .. and then switch to …
It prefers to metabolize glucose and when no more glucose is present, switch to lactose
Why is there a pause in the Diphasic growth?
To turn lac operon on
What are riboswitches?
They regulate gene expression after transcription through binding of a ligand/ binding of ligand can hide or reveal Shine Dalgarno
What are sRNas
short noncoding RNAS that regulate translation
- They increase/decrease translation of a transcript
What two items regulate gene expression on a global scale
- Alternative sigma factor
- Secondary Messagers
Secondary Messagers involve what?
cAMP and ppGpp