Microbio Random questions Flashcards
Failure of isotype switching with recurrent bacterial sinus and lung infection
Selective IgA deficiency
Profound deficit of T cells; failure of development of thymus and parathyroids. Catch 22
Di George Syndrome
Inability to mount IgM response. Mutation in WASP gene. Thrombocytopenia, infections, eczema (tie a WASP)
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Autosomal recessive disease. Mutations in DNA repair enzymes. IgA deficiency
Lack of NADPH oxidase activity
Chronic Granulomatous Diseae
Diagnostic test of CGD
Nitroblue tetrazolium test
Plastic bubble. X-linked defect in IL-2 receptors in T cells
Severe combined immunodeficiency
AR disease wherein there is failure of phagolysosomal fusion
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Staph aureus immunomodulators specific for white blood cells
Panton Valentin Leukocidin
Sequestered focus of osteomyelitis arising in the metaphyseal bone
Brodie abscess
Eponym of Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Ritter Disease
Eponym of TEN
Lyell Disease
Pastia’s lines is found where
Scarlet fever
Marantic endocarditis
Abdominal surgery
Group D streptococcus - E. Faecalis
Streptococcus bovis
Satellite phenomenon around S. Aureus colonies
Haemophilus influenzae
Pontiac Fever
Legionella Pneumophilia
Metallic green sheen appearance
E. Coli
Coma shaped, shooting star motility
Vibrio cholera
Food fingers feces flies
Shigella species
Most common cause of bacillary dysentery
Shigella sonnei or Duval’s bacillus
Currant jelly sputum
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Very low levels of all immunoglobulins; absence of B cells
X-linked agammaglobulinemia
Or Bruton’s Disease
Unilateral enlargement of the sternoclavicular portion of the clavicle leading to detachment
Higoumenakis sign
Influenza like symptoms few hours after receiving penicillin due to lysis of treponemes
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Snowflake lesion in the chest Xray
Infectious form of chlamydia trachomatis. Enters via endocytosis
Elementary Body
Form of Chlamydia spp that replicates in cell by fission
Reticulate body
Round to oval cytoplasmic inclusion bodies near the nuclei of conjuctival epithelial cells in trachoma
Halberstadter - Prowazek inclusions
Striking tachypnea, characteristic paroxysmal cough present in neonatal pneumonia from chlamydial infection (atypical pneumonia)
Staccato cough
Bird Fancier’s Disease
Donovan bodies like safety pins. Beef red ulcer
Unilateral enlargement of the sternoclavicular portion of the clavicle leading to detachment
Higoumenakis sign
Influenza like symptoms few hours after receiving penicillin due to lysis of treponemes
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Snowflake lesion in the chest Xray
Infectious form of chlamydia trachomatis. Enters via endocytosis
Elementary Body
Form of Chlamydia spp that replicates in cell by fission
Reticulate body
Round to oval cytoplasmic inclusion bodies near the nuclei of conjuctival epithelial cells in trachoma (chlamydia trachomatis)
Halberstadter - Prowazek inclusions
Striking tachypnea, characteristic paroxysmal cough present in neonatal pneumonia from chlamydial infection (atypical pneumonia)
Staccato cough
Bird Fancier’s Disease
Donovan bodies like safety pins. Beef red ulcer
Mites or chiggers
Orentia tsutsugamushi
Example of human prion disease
Creutzfeld - Jacob Disease, Kuru, Gerstmann straussler scheinker syndrome
Three obligate anaerobes
Actinomyces, bacteroides, clostridium
All exotoxins are heat labile except
Staphylococcal enterotoxin
All bacteria have cell walls composed of peptidoglycans except
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (sterol)
All gram positive bacteria have no endotoxin except
Listeria monocytogenes
All bacteria capsules are composed of polysaccharide except
Bacillus anthracis (polypeptide)
AR disease, mutation in integrins, delayed separation of umbilical cord of more than 10 days
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency/Lazy leukocyte disease
Causes the gold color of staph aureus
Causes epidermal separation in staph aurues
Superantigen jn staph aureus causing food poisoning
Superantigen leading to toxic shock syndrome
Causes marked necrosis of the skin and hemolysis
Alpha toxin
Separation occurs at the dermo-epidermal junction
Two bacteria that are positive PYR test
Group D enterococci
Streptococcus pyogenes
Degrades DNA in exudates or necrotic tissue
DNAse or streptodornase
Toxin that produces scarlet fever
Erythrogenic toxin
Protease that rapidly destroys tissue causing necrotizing fascitiis
Exotoxin B
Sandpaper rash, pastia’s lines desquamation, strawberry tongue
Scarlet fever
Jones criteria
St. Vito’s dance is also known as
Sydenhams chorea in acute rheumatic fever
Congenital absence of spleen seen in post splenectomy patients
Ivermark sydrome
Box car shape
Medusa head morphology
Bacillus anthracis
Obtained from reheated rice
Bacillus cereus
Tennis like racket appearance
Clostridium tetani
Bulging cans, honey and household duat
Clostridium botulinum
Lecithinase gas forming, egg yolk
Clostridium perfringens
Pseumembranous colitis
Clostridium difficile
Chinese characters, curved or comma shaped, black colonies on tellurite
Corynebacterium diphtheria
Tumbling motility
Listeria monocytogenes
Woolsorter’s disease
Bacillus anthracis
3 virulence factors of bacillus anthracis
Edema factor (EF) Lethal factor (LF) Protective antigen (PA)
2 spectrum of disease caused by bacillus anthracis
Cutaneous anthrax
Inhalation anthrax
Toxin of clostridium tetani
Glycine is found where
Renshaw cells
Triad of Botulinum
Symmetric descending flaccid paralysis
Absence of fever
Intact sensorium
When babies ingest spores found in household dust or honey
Infant Botulism
Floppy Baby Syndrome
Ferments matlose and glucose
Kidney bean shaped
Disease of proximity esp in close quarters
N. Meningitides
Ferments glucose only
N. Gonorrhea
Late acting complement components (c5-c9) wherein MACs cannot be formed. What organism?
N. Meningitides
Severe form of meningococcemia characterized by high fever, shock, widespread purpura and adrenal insufficiency
Waterhouse friderichsen syndrome
Neiserria infection characterized by petechial rashes/purpura (purpura fulminans)
Usual co-infection with N. Meningitides
Chlamydia trachomatis
Violin string adhesions
Fitz hugh curtis syndrome
Other neiseriacaea that cause subacute bacterial endocarditis
Coolant, airconditioning
Legionella pneumophilia
Gran negative coccobacillary rods that requires factor X (hemin) and V (NAD)
Haemophilus influenza
Reason why HiB affects children from 6 months to 1 year exclusively
Decline in maternal IgG and immature system
Cherry red Epiglottitis, thumb sign
Haemophilus influenza B
Etiology of LTB
Radiographic sign found in parainfluenza
Steeple sign
Toxin in bordetella responsible for damaging ciliated cells causing whooping cough
Tracheal cytotoxin
Best time to obtain culture in bordetella pertussis
1-2 weeks during the catarrhal stage
This organism inhibits phagolysosome fusion
Legionella pneumophilia
Endotoxin is its only sole virulence factor
Legionella pneumophilia
Mild flulike disease found in legionella
Pontiac fever
Three organisms causing atypical pneumonia
Three organism causing pulmonary hemorrhage
Woolsorters disease
Congenital syphilis
Weils syndrome
Antibiotics that causes pseudomembranous colitis (3)
2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins
Transplacental transmission of listeria characterized by late miscarriage or birth, complicated by sepsis
Granulomatosis infantiseptica
Early onset neonatal listeriosis
Propels listeria through the membranes of one human cell to another
Actin rockets
Toxin in listeria that allows it to escape phagosomes
Interacts with E-cadherin on the surface of the cells (listeria)
Unpasteurized milk: 3 organisms
Campylobacter jejuni
Infection of C. difficile can precipitate flare-ups of?
Ulcerative colitis
Pseudomembranous pharyngitis?
C. diphtheriae
Pseumembranous esophagitis
Candida albicans
Chinese character, club or comma shaped
C. diphtheriae
Metachromatic granules in corynebacterium diphtheria
Babes ernst granules
Volitin granules
ADP ribosylation
Beta prophage
Elongation factor 2
Metachromatic granules
C. diphtheriae
Tumbling motility
Narrow zone of beta hemolysis
Grows in cold temperature
Toxin in c. perfringens which is a lecithinase that cleaves cell membrane
A toxin
Ingestion of cheese, unpasteurized milk products, cabbages and green leafy vegetables
Listeria monocytogenes
Pathogenic toxins and substances of e. Coli
Capsule (K)
Endotoxin (O)
Enterotoxin in e. Coli causing watery diarrhea
Enterotoxin in e. Coli causing bloody diarrhea
Verotoxin (shiga-like toxin)
Causes of neonatal meningitis
B group streptococci (agalactiae)
E. Coli
L. Monocytogenes
Watery diarrhea of long duration mostly in infants and developing countries (pediatric and poor)
Non lactose fermenting, produces H2S, with flagella
Salmonella spp
Non lactose fermenting, non H2S producing, nonmotile
Shigella spp
Typhoid fever is due to what toxin?
Vi capsular antigen
Where salmonella hides and becomes dormant
Strain of salmonella that causes septicemia. Common in pts with sickle cell anemia
Salmonella choleraesuis
Shiga dysenteriae type 2
Schmitz bacillus
Shigella bodyii group C
Newcastle manchester bacillus
Species of vibrio in the human colon
V. Cholerae
Species of vibrio in saltwater
V. parahemolyticus and vulnificus
Pandemics caused by vibrio (species)
Vibrio cholerae 01 biotype El Tor
Toxin of vibrio that enhances attachment to the intestinal mucosa
Diseases associated with C. jejuni
Reiter’s syndrome
Urease positive. Poorman’s disease
H. Pylori
Extended spectrum beta lactamases acitivity in drug resistant strains. Urease positive. Currant jelly sputum
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Associated with struvite stones and staghorn calculi
Proteus mirabilis
Produces pyocyanin (blue green pigment) and a sweet grape like odor
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Toxin in pseudomonas that cause tissue necrosis and inactivates EF-2
Exotoxin A
Toxin in pseudomonas that damages cilia and mucosal cells
Toxin in pseudomonas that causes hemoglobin breakdown
Green nail syndrome
Skin and soft tissue infection caused by pseudomonas
Mild form of typhoid
Shanghai fever
Anaerobic bacteria implicated during bowel trauma, perforation or surgery
Bacteroides fragilis
Undulating fever, transmitted via contaminated dairy or cows
Brucella abortis
Transmitted by rabbits
Francisella tularemia
Most virulent bacteria, bipolar rods resembling safety pins. Transmitted via ticks
Yersinia pestis
Colonies resembles butterfly with musty odor. Reservoir is cats or dogs
Pasteurella multocida
Exported repetitive protein which prevents phagosome lysosomal fusion (M. Tuberculosis)
Most important virulent factor in TB preventing leukocyte migration
Cord factor
Trehalose dimycolate
Toxin in M. tuberculosis that elicits dekayed hypersensitivity
Tuberculin surface proteins
Subpleural granuloma in primary complex
Ghon’s focus
Ghon’s focus plus associated lymph node
Ghon’s complex
Usually found in apices in reactivated tubeculosis
Simon’s focus
Causes pulmonary disease in immunocompromised hosts (CD4
Mycobacterium avium intracellurare complex
(+) lepromin test
Tuberculoid leprosy
PE findings shows hard nontender swelling with sinus tract draining sulfur granules. Associated with local trauma like broken jaw or dental extraction. Bacteria?
Actinomyces israelli
Aerobic gram + rode with aerial hyphae manifests as mycetomas and lung and brain abscess (orange colonies)
Nocardia asteroides
Smallest free living organism. Only bacteria with cholesterol in cell membrane
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Toll like receptor 2 protein responsible for attachment, inhibition of ciliary motion and necrosis (mycoplasma pneumoniae)
P1 adhesin
Walking pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Primary syphilis
Caused chancroid
H. Ducreyi
Secondary syphilis
Condyloma lata
Tertiary syphilis
Tree bark appearance in histo
Tabes dorsalis (pupil)
Argyll robertsons pupil
Prostitute pupil
Characterized by saddle nose, hutchinson teeth and saber shins + pulmonary hemorrhage
Congenital syphilis
Hutchinson triad
Hutchinson teeth, deafness, keratitis
Largest medically important bacteria
Borrelia burgdorferi
Characteristic rash in borrelia
Erythema chronicum marginalis
Bulls eye rash
Relapsing fever because of programmed rearrangement
Borrelia recurrentis
Shepherd crook
Leptospira interrogans
Gold standard for leptospirosis
Leptospire microscopic agglutination test
Snowflake lesion in Xray
Pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis
Triad of weil’s disease
Jaundice, bleeding, uremia
Round to oval cytoplasmic inclusion bodies near the nuclei of conjunctival epithelial cells in trachoma
Halberstadter prowazek inclusion
Cat scratch disease
Forms morulae in cytoplasm of monocytes
Erhlichia caffensis
Clue cells
Bacterial vaginosis
Haemophilus ducreyi
Major membrane sterol of fungi
Fungi that causes liver cancer due to aflatoxin
Aspergillus flavus
Inhalation of the spores of this fungi causes allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Aspergillus fumigatus
Ring worm
Tinea mannum
Causes tinea versicolor
Malassezia furfur
Spaghetti and meatball appearance
Malasezzia furfur
Rose gardener disease, thorn prick
Sporothrix schenckii
Dimorphic, very common in filipinos, inhalation of arthrospores
Coccioides immitis
Grows in soil contaminated with bird droppings (starling bird) or bat guano. Closely mimics tuberculosis. Budding yeast inside macrophages
Histpolasma capsulatum
Dimorphic fungus. Round yeast with broad based bud
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Thick yeast with multiple buds in wheel configuration (mariner’s wheel). Also known as Lutz splendore de almeida disease
Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis
Septate hyphae that form V shaped branches in acute angles
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fungus ball
Non septate hyphae with walls and branches at right angles
Rhizopus oryzae and Mucor spp.