MicroBio Flashcards
What is special about prion proteins and what disease process are they associated with?
Mad cow disease
Elements of bacterial cell structure used for:
a. movement
b. adhesion
a. Flagellum
b. Fimbriae/Pilli
Name the main shapes of bacteria (3)
- Coccus (round)
- Bacillus (rod)
- Spirochaetes
What are the different types of atmospheres bacteria can exist in (5)
AEROBIC: presence of air \+OBLIGATE: require O2 ANAEROBIC: absence of air \+OBLIGATE: killed by O2 FACULTATIVE: exist in both
Differentiate between the terms pathogenicity and virulence.
Ability of microorganism –> disease vs. degree of pathogenicity of organism
Name one type of organism resistant to sterilisation procedures
Prion proteins
Gram + organisms stain…
Purple - thick peptidoglycan wall
Gram - organisms stain…
Pink - thin peptidoglycan wall (N)
Endotoxin is produced by…
Gram - organisms (N) - part of cell wall
Exotoxin is produced by…
Gram + organisms - exported from cell wall
Classify spores in terms of gram stain
Gram + bacilli (LATENCY)
Gram + coccus in chains are?
Gram + coccus in clusters are?
The test to classify different streptococci?
Alpha (partial) - GREEN - Strep. pneumoniae + viridans Beta (complete) - YELLOW - Group A (pyogenes) and B Strep.
Gamma (none) - Enterococcus sp.
Examples of: Alpha-haemolytic Streptococci?
Strep. pneumoniae + “viridans” group
Examples of: Beta-haemolytic Streptococci?
Group A Strep. (Strep. pyogenes), Group B Strep.
Examples of: Non-haemolytic Streptococci?
Enterococcus sp.
The test to distinguish Staphylococcus aureus from other Staph. spp.?
Coagulase test +ve = Staph. aureus -ve = other Staph. spp. (common skin commensals)
Treatment of choice for Staph. aureus infection?
Treatment of choice for anaerobic infections
Example of mycobacterium (and key buzzwords!)
Some examples of Gram- bacilli (5)
Bordetella H. influenzae Coliforms Pseudomonas Campylobacter
Features of haemophillus influenzus
‘Chocolate agar’
Examples of coliforms that are gut commensals (3)
E. coli Klebsiella sp. Proteus sp.
Examples of coliforms that are gut pathogens (3)
Salmonella sp. Shigella sp. E. coli 0157