Microbial skin disease Flashcards
Bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoal skin disease
Outline the management of caseous lymphadenitis
Remove positive individuals
Outline the management of greasy pig disease
- Treat with systemic antibiotics
- Topical antibacterial wash
- Fluids (to treat toxic liver/kidney damage)
Which antibiotics are effective against greasy pig disease?
Sensitive to most antibacterials, incl. penicillins
Outline the management of erysipelas
- Penicillin treatment
- Vaccine available
Describe the management of feline skin TB
- Excision
- Consider zoonotic potential
- Antimicrobials: combinations in an initial and a continuation phase
- In cases where resistance develops, may use traditional combination of rifampicin-isoniazid-ethambutol combination
Describe the initial phase of antimicrobial treatment for feline skin TB
- Usually requires at least 3 drugs for 2 months
- Initial phase commonly uses rifampicin-fluoroquinolone-clarithromycin/azithromycin
Describe the continuation phase of antimicrobial treatment for feline skin TB
- Usually requires 2 drugs and lasts for 4 months
- Usually uses rifampicin + either fluoroquinolone or clarithromyxin/azithromycin
Discuss the zoonotic risk of MRSA/MRSP
- 1 in 3 people colonised but unaffected
- Spread by direct contact, can be limited by basic hygiene
- MRSP more easily contracted by dogs than MRSA, and likely poses less zoonotic risk
- MRSP less antibiotic suscpetibility vs MRSA
What are risk factors that may predispose to nosocomial infections?
- Antibiotic overuse
- Antibiotic misuse (esp. not completing course)
- Hospitalisation (duration)
- Patient’s disease status, age
- Number of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures
What are the 3 different types of mycotic infections and describe these briefly?
- Superficial: surface epidermis and outer layers of hair and claws
- Intermediate: infections of dermis and subcutaneous tissue
- Deep: involve body organs
Describe the pathogenesis of dermatophytes
- Use keratin in skin, nails, claws and hair to grow
- Are confined to superficial layers of the skin
- Only invade keratin of growing (anagen) hairs hence circular spread from initial infection site
What are the most common species that cause dermatophytosis?
- Cats and dogs: T. metagrophytes, Microsporum canis
- Cattle: T. verrucosum, less commonly also T. mentagrophytes
- Horses: T. equinum
Which individuals are most at risk of dermatophytosis?
- Cats more affected than dogs
- No breed or sex predisposition
- Especially common in young animals
What are the consequences of dermatophytosis?
- Not debilitating, but effect on animal and hide value
- Horses cannot race if have active infection
- In cats, M. canis may cause no clinical signs (natural host)
- T. mentagrophytes can cause serious and severe infection in dogs and cats as are not the natural hosts (mice/voles natural hosts)
Describe the clinical signs of dermatophytosis
- Lesions variable
- Often circular, patchy alopecia
- Variable erythema and variable pruritus
- Scale, crusts
- can be local, patchy or generalised (Trichophyton more generalised in dogs)
- Nails tend to be affected (loss, regrow often deformed, onychomycosis)
- In horses often tack contact areas
- Mass lesions (kerions) seen as lumps and bumps (rare)
Outline dermatophytosis in rabbits
- T. metagrophytes and M canis most common (zoonosis)
- Young animals most susceptible
- Lesions often confined to pinnae and feet
What skin conditions are guinea pigs prone to?
- Dermatophytosis
- Mange
- Trichofolliculoma
What are the 3 most common yeast/yeast like cutaneous infectious agents?
- Candida
- Malassezia
- Trichosporon
What group of individuals are most susceptible to Candida infections?
Immunocompromised hosts
What species of Malassezia is most commonly isolated from the skin of mammals and birds?
M. pachydermatitis
List the breeds that have higher skin levels of M. pachydermatitis
- Bassett hounds
- Daschunds
- Cocker spaniels
What conditions favour infection with M. pachydermatitis?
- Concurrent infection with Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
- Hot humid weather
Describe Malassezia dermatitis in dogs
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis: inflamed skin wih yeasty smell, increase production and change in nature of sebum
- Usually generalised
Describe the 2 types of Malassezia dermatitis
- Scaly: dry seborrhoea, dandruff, seborrhoea sicca
- Greasy: more common, seborrhoea oleosa
How are deep mycoses acquired?
- Direct inoculation traumatic implantation)
- Ingestion
- Inhalation or spores
What are the 2 subgroups of deep mycoses?
- Subcutaneous
- Systemic
Outline deep mycoses in cats
- Most common is Cryptococcus neoformans
- Cats with FIVE increased risk, more severe dsiease
Identify reservoirs for dermatophytosis
- Infected animals/contaminated environment
- Can survive in environment for many months
- Fomite spread
- Catteries/stables.yards carry high outbreak risk
Describe the 2 groups of carriers of dermatophytosis
1: Culture positive (dogs or) cats with subtle active infections
2: Culture positive (dogs or) cats with no active infection = carriers
Outline the control of dermatophytosis
- Self limiting if healthy, effective immune response
- Vaccine available
Describe the equine epidemiology of dermatophytosis
- Common, esp. in young horses
- Subsequent exposure leads to less severe signs
- Common sits of infection around tack
Explain the pathogenesis of Malassezia dermatitis
- Primary condition allows yeast overgrowth
- Yeast lipases alter surface lipid, causing smell
- Epidermal turnover rises causing scale
- Type I hypersensitivity to yeast develops
- Vicious cycle, need to kill yeast to stop
Describe ringworm pathology
- Incubation period ~1 week
- Spores of fungus invade anagen hairs
- Germinate and produce hyphae, invasion by digestion of keratin
- New arthrospores produced from hyphae
- Hair breaks off due to weakening leading to partial alopecia
- Inflammatory reaction lead to folliculitis or furunculosis
- Often red +/- pruritus,
- Can develop into deeper tissues
Describe the common clinical signs of Malassezia dermatitis
- Variable, usually generalised
- Mostly affects hot/moist areas e.g. ears, pinnae, under tail, skin folds
- Erythema, scale, greasy coat, otitis externa (may be only sign), variable pruritus, variable alopecia
- Yeasty smell, especially with otitis
- Eith chronic conditions will have lichenification and hyperpigmentation
Describe the appearance of Cryptococcus neoformans infections
Ulcerated skin lesions
Outline the methods used for the diagnosis of dermatophytosis
- Trichogram: suspend in 10% KOH, look for hyphae and arthrospores
- Wood’s lamp examination: some M canis strains fluoresce apple green, may get false positives and false negatives
- Fungal culture, McKenzie toothbrush culture: pluck fluorescing hairs from edge of lesion of skin scrape edge of lesion. Comb coat with sterile toothbrush esp. if o obvious lesions (good for screening in contacts/sources)
- Skin biopsies (histo +/- culture)
Describe the method for fungla culture
- Sabouraud’s method
- Takes 1-3 weeks
- Used to identify type of dermatophyte
- Grow in Sabouraud’s dextrose based media
- Useful for rapid growth of dermatophytes, inhibitis saprophytic fungi
- pH red with increased pH of alkaline products from pathogenic fungi
- Does not enhance sporulation of dermatophytes needed for speciation
What is contained in Sabouraud’s media?
Contains phenol red pH indicator, cyclohexamide to inhibit growth of other fungi and gentamycin and chlorotetracycline to inhibit bacterial growth
What media can be used for sporulation of dermatophytes to facilitate speciation?
- Contains bromothymol blue indicator and chloramphenicol instead of gentamycin
What is the function of dermatophyte arthrospores?
Required for transmission