Microbes to know Flashcards
Cutibacterium acnes: Taxonomy:phylum
Cutibacterium acnes: Taxonomy: +/-
Cutibacterium acnes: Ecology
1 Skin bacterium (sebacious skin), lives in follicles and pores
Cutibacterium acnes: Aerotolerance, what does it eat
Facultative Anerobe, Lipophillic (consumes sebum)
Cutibacterium acnes: How it works
Puberty causes
^Lipophilic Microbes
^Inflammation (porphyrin)
Streptococcus mutans: Phylum: -/+
Firmicutes, +
Streptococcus mutans: Ecology:
Oral bacterium (dental plaque), Live in tooth
Streptococcus mutans: aerotolerance, What is its main gig
Facultative anaerobe, Ferment sugar to lactic acid
(sucrose -> stick)
Streptococcus mutans: How it works
Healthy Teeth
^ increased sugar intake
^ S. mutans
^ Acid production
^ enamel erosion
Prevotella spp: Taxonomy: Phylum, +/-
Phylum Bacteroidetes, -
Prevotella spp: Ecology
Oral cavity, Upper Respiratory, Urogenital tract, can be commensal or pathogenic
Prevotella spp: Aerotolerance, What does it do “Physiology”
Obligate anaerobe, Pathobiont (inflammation)
Prevotella spp: How it works
A man is circumcised
decrease in anaerobes (like prevotella)
decrease in inflamation
decrease in susceptible immune cells
decrease in viral cell targets
decrease in HIV infections
Bifidobacteria spp: Taxonomy, +/-
Phylum Actinobacteria, +
Bifidobacteria spp: Ecology
Lower GI Tract
Dominant in Infant Mammals
Stabilizes Gut Mucosa
Akkermansia municiphila: taxonomy, +/-
Phylum Verrucomicrobia, -, discovered in 2004
Akkermansia municiphila: Ecology
Lower GI Tract, Dominant in Infant Mammals
Epithelial barrier
- Increase in mucous production
- Decrease in inflammation
Akkermansia municiphila: Physiology
Obligate anaerobe, loves (‘philos’) to eat mucus (‘mucini’)
Akkermansia municiphila: how it works
Increase in mucous layer, increase in diversity, decrease in inflammation, decrease in disease incidence,
increase in health span
Akkermansia municiphila: Know Your Microbes
In gut Microbiome in ‘Longevity Villages’
· High Prevalence of Centenarians
Sardinia, Italy
SW Counties of South Korea
Methanobrevibacter smithii: Taxonomy
Domain Archaea,
Methanobrevibacter smithii: Ecology
Dominant archeaon in Human GI Tract, Increases energy extraction from nutrients in gut
Methanobrevibacter smithii: aero tolerance, Physiology
Obligate anaerobe, Methanogen:
4 H2 + CO2 -> CH4 + 2 H2O
Methanobrevibacter smithii: How it works
Increase in Methanobrevibacter smithii
decrease in hydrogen gas
increase in bacterial fermentation
increase in energy extraction
can lead to obesity
Anaerostipes caccae: Taxonomy: Phylum, class, +/-
Phylum Firmicutes, Class Clostridia, +
Anaerostipes caccae: Where is it found, what is it’s main thing
Found in Human GI Tract, Ferment fiber to Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)
Anaerostipes caccae: Aerotolerance, what is it’s main gig “Physiology”
Obligate anaerobe, Produces Butryate (4-carbon SCFA)
Anaerostipes caccae: How it works
A. caccae ferments (causes low o2) and makes Butryate -> Epithelial cells oxidize butryate ->