micro - market equilibrium and welfare Flashcards
normative analysis
Assessing factual economic situations
positive analysis
prediction what happens in markets based on value judgements
Welfare economics
Study of the allocation of resources that affects the economies well being - considers whether the market allocation is desirable
Social welfare
Total gains from trade to assist people on food, housing and medical care
Consumer surplus equation
buyers willingness to pay for a good - the amount the buyer actually pays for it
Willingness to pay (v)
the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good
Producer surplus + equation
This is the amount the seller is paid for a good minus the sellers cost. It measures the. benefit to sellers participating in a. market or their profit.
Value to buyers - Cost to buyers
Is produce and consumer surplus a paternalistic approach?
No, because paternalistic is when an authority make decisions for other people rather than them taking responsibility for their own. So in this case, consumers get to decide their own willingness to pay and producers decide their minimum price to sell.
is the property of a resource allocation of maximising the total surplus received by all members of society( i.e the total gains from trade )
What are three methods of government intervention that can impact the trade quantity?
Price ceiling = increases consumer surplus and created deadweight loss
Price floor = increases producer surplus and crease deadweight loss
Tax = reduces consumer surplus and producer surplus and forms fiscal tax revenue and deadweight loss