micro - cost of production Flashcards
What is the classical theory of a firms objective and when is it uncontroversial ?
Firms Objective - the basic classical assumption / theory is that the goal of the firm is to maximize profits ( the total revenue - total cost)
* Uncontroversial when the firms objective is managed by its owner, since the profit of he firm is (one component of ) the owners income
Therefore, becomes more complicated when ownership is fragmented, as in many companies, so that the firm is effectively un by managers
What are three ways to avoid managerial discretion of profit?
- Performance based compensation schemes
- Takeover of management ( taking over the responsibility for the management without effecting the change in management personnel )
- firing
What are critics of managerial theories ?
This argues that managers may still retain some discretion by maximising their own objectives fro example salary, presitige and side benefits
It is important to understand the more important one can differ from every scenario.
What is thee cost of production?
This is the cost of producing a good or service including : 1. implicit cost ( input costs than do not require an outlay of money by the firm )
2. explicit cost ( costs are input costs than require a direct outlay of money by the firms )
3. opportunity cost ( the next best alternative forgone)
What is a fixed cost?
These are costs that are those costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced e.g rent
What is a variable cost?
Variable costs are those that do not vary with the quantity of output produced e.g materials
What cant fixed costs have an impact on?
CANNOT Fixed costs do into affect a firms strategy (how much they should produce or pricing strategy)
CAN : Fixed cost scale determine a firms decision whether to stay int he market or exit
What is the equation for TC? (considering variable and fixed)
What is the equation for AC ? (considering variable and fixed) + what is the relationship between AC and TC and what happens when ATC is declining to output?
The relationship is that AC is TC / q
Average total cost declines as output increases this is why firms benefit with purchasing economies of scale
What is Marginal Cost and what two equation scan you use to get to MC?
Marginal costs measures the increase in total cost due to one extra unit of production / output ( can be referred to as the unit incremental cost )
MC(Q) = change in cost / change in q
MC = dc(Q) / dQ
What is the effect scale?
This is the bottom of the ATC curve where the average total cost is minimized
What happens when the ATC curve is increasing and decreasing?
ATC curve starts decreasing because of increasing returns as more units of variable factors of production are added to the fixed factors of production.
But, when the diminishing returns set in, the ATC curve reversed its course and started moving upward
What happens when the MC is greater or less than the ATC?
This means the MC is not the same as the ATC and so will drag the AC in the same direction as the MC
What is the difference between short run and long run?
Short run is where some costs are fixed but in the long run, all costs become vairbale
What must a firm consider when deciding to stay active or exit a market?
A firm must decide to stay active depending on whether its fixed costs are recoverable or sunk costs - this is a cost than cannot be replaced if the firm stops producing
However, economic agents must not fall into sunk cost fallacy ( whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or a firm because they have invested heavily, eve though abandonment would be beneficial.