Micro High Yield Flashcards
Toxins that increase cAMP
ETEC Heat-Labile toxin, Bacillus Anthracis Edema factor, Cholera toxin, and pertussus toxin
Inflammatory component of gram negative LPS
Lipid A Note: Lipoteichoic acid induces TNFa and IL-1 from G+
Sensitive: Staph epidermidis
Resistant: Staph saprophyticus
Quellung Reaction
Strep Pneumo Note: Strep pneumo capsule swells when bound by Ab (specific); Lancet shaped diplococci
Sensitive: Strep Pyogenes
Resistant: Strep agalactiae
Endocarditis following GI/GU procedures
Enterococcus Note: Can grow in bile and 6.5% NaCl
Gram Positive Rods with Metachromatic (blue and red) granules
Corynebacterium diptheriae Note: Black colonies on cystine-tellurite agar; ADP Ribosulates EF-2; ELEK test for toxin
tetanospasmin block GABA and glycine release from?
Renshaw cells in the spinal cord Note: trismus (lockjaw), Risus Sardonicus, and Opisthonotos (eyes locked)
Serpentine chains of G+ rods
Bacillus anthracis Note: spore forming; edema factor inc cAMP; + lethal toxin
Only G+ that produces LPS
Listeria Note: Tumbling motility and can grow at 4 degrees celcius (cold enrichment)
Acid fast+ and G+, causes pulmonary infections
Nocardia Note: weakly acid fast (carbolfuschin); TX with sulfonamides
Oxidase+, G- that grows at 42 degrees
Camplyobacter Note: Comma shaped, undercooked chicken; Guillane-Barre and Reactive Arthritis
Oral abscess or facial abscess (draining through sinus tract) with yellow sulfur granules
Actinomyces Note: Branched G+ bacteria; TX with penecillin
Asthma and CF pts at risk for this infection causing bronchiectasis and Eosinophilia
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) Note: Can lead to bronchiectasis
Bacteria that causes Lymptocytic Leukocytosis
Bordetella pertussis Note: Produces lymphocytosis promoting factor that blocks lymphocytes from leaving blood for lymph node
Grows in both bile and 6.5% NaCl (G+ coccus)
Only bacteria with a polypeptide capsule
Bacillus anthracis Note: D-glutamate; Cutaneous- ulcer with black eschar
Gonorrhea immune evasion
Rapid Ag variation of Pilus proteins Note: also often intracellular in neutrophils (culture negative UTI)
Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Tx regimen
Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin/doxycycline
G- coccobacillus causing otitus media, bronchitis, conjunctivitis
Nontypable Haemophilus influenze Note: No capsular Ag
Pneumonia with Hyponatremia, watery diarrhea, heachahe and GI pain
Legionella Note: can cause SIADH and decreased tubular reabsorption; Charcoal Yeast Extract
Key E coli virulence factor for: UTI? Pneumonia? Neonatal Meningitis? Sepsis?
UTI- Fimbrae/P-pili; Shock-LPS
Pneumonia/Meningitis- K Capsule
E. Coli strain that does not ferment sorbitol or produce glucuronidase
EHEC Note: O157:H7, Shiga-like/Verotoxin causes microthrombi to form on toxin-damaged endothelium–>HUS
Woolsorter’s disease
Bacillus anthracis Note: inhalation of SPORES from contaiminated wool; flu-like with rapid progression to fever, hemorrhage, mediastinitis and shock
Two toxins that inhibit EF-2
Diptheria toxin and Pseudomonas Exotoxin A
Gardener with skin ulcer on arm and nodules traced up the arm; CIGAR-shaped budding yeast
Sporothrix Schenkii Note: Ascending Lymphangitis
Sensitive: Strep Pneumo (bile solube);
Resistant: viridans strep (bile insoluble) Note: Strep pneumo also has a capsule and is bile soluble (lysed by bile)
Bacteria grown in culture w/ Staph aureus (which provides Factor V/NAD+
Haemophilus influenza Note: otherwise grown on chocolate agar–>NAD/Factor V and Hemitin/Factor X
Bloody diarrhea w/ bacteria that invades @ M cells in Peyer’s patch and spreads cell to cell (not hematogenous spread)
Shigella Note: does not produde H2S; Invasion of intestinal mucosa is the most important virulence factor
Diarrhea after eating raw oysters
Vibrio vulnificus
Appendicitis-like mesenteric adenitis from a puppy
Yersinia enterocolitica Note: bloody diarrhea with puppy may also be campylobacter
Flu, Jaundice, and Photophobia after contact with animal urine in Hawaii
Leptospira interrogans Note: Can cause Weil disease–>severe jaundice with azotemia, anemia, fever and hemorrhage
Screen and confirm tests for Syphilis
VDRL/RPR screen; FTA-ABS confirms Note: Can also try to visualize the spirochete on Darkfield microscopy; CSF for VDRL/RPR for tertiary
Bacteria that causes Kaposi like purpura after cat scratch
Bartonella (Bacillary angiomatosis)
Deer hides/pelts in Arkansas/Missouri, Rabbits
Francisella tularensis
Osteomyelitis/cellulitis after a dog/cat bite
Pasteurella multocida
Dermacentor tick spreads these bacteria
Ricketsia and Francisella
Monocytes with morulae
Erlichiosis Note: blue, berry like inclusions
Granulocytes with morulae
Anaplasmosis Note: Ixodes tick with Borrelia and Babesia
Infectious form of Chlamydia? Intracellular form?
Elemenatary is infectious, Reticulate is intracellular Note: Cannot make own ATP; Visualized on Giemsa stain
Atypical pneumonia with bird exposure
Chlamydophila psittaci Note: C. pneumoniae also causes atypical pneumonia
Cold agglutinin Immune hemolytic anemia
Mycoplasma, infectious mononucleosis
Dimorphic fungus intracellular in Macrophages
Histoplasmosis Note: Immunocomprimised patients can have hepatosplenomegaly and ulcerated tongue lesions
Spaghetti and Meatball appearence, damage melanocytes
Malassezia furfur Note: Tinea Versicolor, spot that does not tan
Yeast that branch at 45deg? 90deg?
45-Aspergillus; 90-Mucor/Rhizopus
Germ Tubes at 37 deg
Key immune cell to prevent Candida superficial vs systemic
Superficial–T lymphocyte; Systemic-Neutrophils
Pt in North Carolina with rash that starts at wrists
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever/Rickettsia Note: Starts are wrists and ankles then spreads to the palms/soles and trunk; Dermacentor Tick
This is the site of cryptococcus initial infections
Lungs (not nasopharynx) Note: inhalation of yeast, pidgeon droppings
Most specific test for Cryptococcus
Latex Agglutination Note: detects polysaccharide capsular Ag; India Ink is also characteristic but a shittier test, Mucicarmine stains red
Fungus that causes frontal lobe abscesses after penetrating cribiform plate in Ketoacidotic diabetic or leukemia pt
Mucor/Rhizopus Note: Black, necrotic eschar on face; Branch at 90, nonseptate;
Fungal infection that can be treated with Potassium Iodide
Sporothrix Schenkii Note: Also with itraconazole–>Rose Gardener’s disease
Liver abscess w/ anchovy paste exudate and flask shaped ulcer
Entamoeba histolytica Note: Metronidazole/Iodoquinol; RBC in entamoeba
AIDS pt with amoeba infection in brain causing focal deficits, dementia and coma; no lake exposure
IgE mechanisms to block/kill parasites
Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity via Eosinophils Note: binds FcER1 on eosinophils causing Major Basic Protein release
Green nasal discharge after jumping in a lake
Naeglaria fowleri Note: enters cribiform plate causing rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis w/ amoeba in CSF
African Sleeping Sickness/Trypanosoma brucei TX
Suramin (Blood) and Melarsoprol (CNS) Note: Winterbottom’s sign–>swollen lymph nodes on back of the neck
Chorioretinitis, Hydrocephalus, and intracranial calcifications
Toxoplasma gondii Note: tachyzoite on biopsy; Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine
Hemolytic anemia with “Maltese cross” in RBC on smear
Babesia Note: Ixodes tick with Lyme/Borrelia and Anaplasma–>Atovaquone+azithromycin
Trophozoites with RBC in cytoplasm or Cysts w/ 4 nuclei
Entamoeba histolytica Note: Metronidazole/Iodoquinol; Entamoeba is the only amoeba that phagocytizes RBC
Chagas Tx
Nifurtimox Note: mega colon, megaesophagus, dilated cardiomyopathy
Macrophage with Amastigotes
Leishmania donovani Note: Sandfly bite; spiking fever, hepatomegaly, pancytopenia
TX for Leishmania
Sodium Stibogluconate
TX for anal pruritis/Scotch tape test +
Mebendazole or Pyrantel Pamoate Note: Enterobius vermincularis/Pinworm (nematode)
Filiform larvae in soil penetrate skin after rhabdiform larve lost in stool
Strongyloides Note: Can have autoinfection if rhabdiform becomes filiform in the gut
TX for Strongyloides
Ivermectin or Albendazole
Black skin nodules and blindness
Onchocerca volvulus Note: “River” blindness due to RXN to bacteria in onchocerca (Wolbachia)
TX for Riverblindness
Elephantiasis organism and TX
Wucheria bancrofti; Diethycarbamazine Note: takes 9mo-1year; blocks lymphatics
Scabes (skin lesions on hand) TX
Permethrin or Ivermectin
Forms cysts in liver than require ethanol injection prior to surgery to prevent anaphylaxis
Echinococcus Note: Hydatid cyst; Ingestion of eggs from dog feces; TX with albendazole; sheep Dog is definitive host
TX for Taenia solium
Praziquantel Note: Albendazole for neurocystacercosis–>ingestion of eggs (not cysts in pork–>tapeworm)
Organism that causes Squamous Cell carcinoma of bladder and can lead to bilateral hydronephrosis
Schistosoma Note: Cercariae leave snails and penetrate skin; Egypt and China; Praziquantel
Cholangiocarcinoma and pigment gallstone association
Clonorchis sinensis Note: China, undercooked fish, liver fluke, Praziquantel
Pt with brain cysts and Seizures
Parasite causing Microcytic Anemia? Macrocytic?
Microcytic: Hookworm (Necator americanus/Ancylostoma
Macrocytic: Diphyllobothrium latum Note: larvae penetrate skin (Bendazole or pyrantel pamoate)
Undercooked fish (Praziquantel)
Parasites treated with Ivermectin
Strongyloides and Onchocerca
Undercooked crabmeat
Paragonimus Westernmanii
Inflammation of the liver capsule by Neisseria gonorrhea
Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome Note: due to ascention of the gonorrhea, can also cause salpingitis/PID leading to infertility
Comma shaped bacteria that grows in alkaline medium
Vibrio cholera
Rabies binds to this recepter to cause infection
Nicotinic Ach Receptor Note: Replicates initially in muscle and connective tissue–>Retrograde transport in axons to CNS
Bartonella TX
Azithromycin Note: G- but very fastidious (difficult to grow and test for susceptability)
Live Vaccines
VZV, Polio, MMR Note: small pox and yellow fever; Live polio vaccine allows production of gut IgA against polio (unlike killed)
DNA virus with reverse transcriptase
HepB Note: Circular partially dsDNA; can cause HCC via integration into host genome (no cirrhosis first)
RNA viruses that do not replicate in the cytoplasm
influenza and HIV
Killed Vaccines
Rabies, Influenze, HAV
Herpes virus envelope are from?
nuclear membrane
Pts immune to HepB will not have what Ab if vaccinated
Recombinant vaccines
HepB (HbsAg) and HPV
Pt has punch out lesions in the esophagus
HSV-1 Note: CMV also causes esophageal lesions–>linear ulcers
Most common cause of acute hemorrhagic cystitis in kids
Adenovirus Note: dsDNA linear, also causes pink eye, febrile pharyngitis, and pneumonia
Temporal lobe encephalitis with acute mood, memory, and behavioral changes and Cowdry Type A Inclusions
JC viurs genome type
dsDNA circular (Polyomavirus) Note: similar to BK virus that infects the kidney in transplant patients
Pts with infectious mononucleosis are at risk for rupture of what organ
spleen Note: hepatosplenomegaly with fever, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy (poster cervical especially)
EBV receptor
CD21 Note: Infects B cells and blood smear shows atypical CD8+ T cells (Downey cells)
Virus that can cause high fevers/febrile seizures followed by a diffuse macular rash on the body after several days
Roseola Note: HHV6; Febrile SEIZURES key for differentiating from other Rashes of Childhood
Where is VZV latent
Dorsal root or trigeminal ganglia Note: Single dermatome, transmitted by respiratory secretions
Characteristic test for genital herpes
Tzanck test Note: detects multinuclear giant cells in opened skin vesicle