Micro and Macro Effects/Reasons etc. Flashcards
Micro Effects of Market Structures
- Allocative Efficiency
- Productive Efficiency
- X Efficiency
- Anti-Competitive Strategies
- Price Discrimination
Macro Effects of Market Structures
- Dynamic Efficiency + LRAS
- Jobs
- Productive Efficiency + LRAS
- Competitive Markets and Poverty Alleviation
Micro Effects of Trade Union
- Wages and Employment
- Worker Rights + Protection
- Monopsony labour market outcomes
- Cost to firms
- Wage Discrimination
Macro Effects of Trade Union
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- International Competitiveness, Trade + Current Account
Micro Effects of Subsidy
- Price + Consumer Surplus
- Quantity + Market Failure
- Affordability + Equity
- Producer Revenue + Inefficiency
- Cost to Government
Macro Effects of Subsidy
- Protect Domestic Producers + Workers
- Inflation
- International Competitiveness, Trade + Current Account
- Government Finances
Micro Effects of Privatisation/Deregulation
- Allocative Efficiency
- Productive Efficiency
- X Efficiency
- Dynamic Efficiency
- Stakeholder Impacts (e.g. cost-cutting in safety or loss of welfare for workers)
- Market Failures (Private firms will care less about social costs and benefits than government)
Macro Effects of Privatisation/Deregulation
- Productive + Dynamic Efficiency + LRAS
- Employment/Unemployment
- Infrastructure Building (Competitiveness + FDI)
- Government Revenue from selling off firms
Macro Effects of Free Trade
- Current Account
- AD, Growth, Unemployment
- Inflation
- Living Standards + Poverty
- Dynamic Efficiency, Technology Diffusion + LRAS
Micro Effects of Free Trade
- Lower Prices, Consumer Surplus
- Quantity + Choice
- Competition (Static Efficiency)
- Technology and Costs of Production
- Economies of Scale
Macro Effects of Supply Side Policies
- Growth
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Current Account
- Government Finances
Micro Effects of Supply Side Policies
- Productivity
- Stakeholder Harm of Market Based Policies
- Competition Benefits
- Risk of Monopoly Power
- Solve/Result in Market Failures
Macro Effects of Growth
- Incomes, Living Standards, Poverty
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Current Account
- Government Finances
Micro Effects of Growth
- Market Failures (Environment)
- Income Inequality
- Individual Happiness (More to happiness than higher incomes e.g. Infrastructure, healthcare, education etc.)
- Profits and Dynamic Efficiency
Macro Effects of FDI
- Growth, Unemployment, Incomes, Living Standards + Poverty
- Inflation
- Balance of Payments
- Technology Diffusion + LRAS
- Government Finances
Micro Effects of FDI
- Market Failures (Environment)
- Welfare of Workers + Pay
- Dynamic Efficiency (Costs, Productivity, Green Production)
- Competition Distortion/Addition
Micro Effects of Minimum Wage
- Income Inequality, Equity
- Higher Prices, Lower Consumer Surplus
- Producer Revenue / Profit
- Individual Impact of Job Losses
Macro Effects of Minimum Wage
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Competitiveness + Trade
- Government Finances
Micro Effects of Unemployment
- Social Costs (e.g. crime)
- Pool of Workers
- Individual Costs
- Worsening of Market Failures (e.g. drugs, alcohol)
Macro Effects of Unemployment
- Lost Output
- Government Finances (Loss of Tax Revenue, Spending on Benefits)
- Hysteresis
- Inflation (Phillips Curve)
- Current Account
Micro Effects of Nationalisation
- Allocative Efficiency (Solve Market Failure)
- Lower Prices, Higher Quantity + Choice
- Greater Economies of Scale
- Skills, Training + Productivity
Macro Effects of Nationalisation
- Government Finances
- Employment
- Inefficiency + Inflation
- Dynamic Efficiency (LRAS)
Micro Effects of Market Based Development Policies
- Allocative Efficiency
- Dynamic Efficiency
- Market Failures
Macro Effects of Market Based Development Policies
- Growth, Incomes, Living Standards, Poverty
- Jobs
- Tax Revenue
- Income Inequality
Micro Reasons for Protectionism
- Protect Workers (Higher living standards, Higher Wages)
- Protect Against Dumping (Impact on Domestic Businesses and Jobs)
- Protect Standards (Health and Safety, Environmental, Worker Rights)
Macro Reasons for Protectionism
- Infant Industries + Diversification (Economies of Scale)
- Protect Against Unemployment
- Tariff Revenue for Government
- Solve Trade Deficit (Lower Import Expenditure)
Micro Causes of a Current Account Deficit
- Low Productivity
- High Relative Minimum Wages
- Strong Trade Unions
- Resource Depletion
Macro Causes of a Current Account Deficit
- High Growth at Home (Leads to Increase in Imports)
- Low Growth Abroad (Less Demand for our Exports)
- Strong Exchange Rate
- High Relative Inflation (Makes Exports less competitive)
- Poor Investment (Technology and Capital outdated domestically, so costs higher)
- Loss of Comparative Advantage (De-Industrialisation, Structural Unemployment)
Micro Barriers to Development
- Low Productivity (Low Incomes, Poverty Cycle, High Costs)
- Poor Education, Health, Infrastructure (Detracts FDI, Reduced Competitiveness)
- Volatile Commodity Prices
- Resource Depletion
- Power of MNCs
Macro Barriers to Development
- Protectionism Abroad (If country is export based)
- Volatile Exchange Rate (Keeps FDI and Aid away)
- Corrupt Governments
- Low Savings + Investment
- Unbalanced Growth (Overspecialisation, could lead to shock recession)
Micro Influences on International Competitiveness
- Productivity (Drives Labour Costs, Price Competitiveness of Exports and Ability to attract FDI)
- Regulation (Higher Costs and Prices, Deters FDI)
- Labour Market Flexibility (Keeps Prices and Costs Low, Attracts FDI)
- Competition
- Subsidies
- Investment, R+D (Competitiveness), Banking Sector (Domestic Investment and FDI)
Macro Influences on International Competitiveness
- Tax Rates (Low Corporation Tax and VAT keeps Price Low and attracts FDI)
- Relative Inflation
- Exchange Rate
- Infrastructure (Firms rely on transport infrastructure, so Lower Prices, attracts FDI)
- Government Finances (Promotes Domestic Investment and FDI)
- Protectionism (From foreign countries or us e.g. Tariffs on raw materials Increasing Prices)