Micro Flashcards
primary amebic meningoencephalitis
invasion Naegleria
cribifrom plate to olfactory nerve
granulomatous amoebic encephalitis
invasion Acanthamoeba
hematogenous spread from skin lesion through eye or inhalation
clinical manifestation Acanthamoeba
keratitis on soft contact lenses or corneal trauma
vector onchocerciasis
Simulium flies
clinical manifestations onchocerciasis
hanging groin-lymphadenitis
lizard skin
invasion of eye by microfilariae
diagnosis onchocerciasis
microfilariae in skin snips
Mazzotti-DEC causing intense itching
cause of complications in onchocerciasis
microfilariae associated with Wolbachia
Ivermectin in onchocerciasis
only treats microfilariae (helps with blindness)
transmission Wuchereria
early manifestations Wuchereria
fever, redness, cough, SOB, asthma
later manifestations Wuchereria
grotesque swellings of scrotum, legs, breasts
lymph fluid and emulsified fat in urine
diagnosis Wuchereria
microfilariae in blood at night
antifilarial IgG4-ELISA
negative IgG4-ELISA in lymphatic
lymphedema occurs years after infection
clinical manifestations loa loa
calabar swellings
migration of worm across eye
transmission loa loa
day biting flies (Chrysops)
diagnosis loa loa
microfilariae in blood during day
transmission dracunculiasis
copepods (cyclops) ingestion through step
penetrate intestine and form liver (female)
blister ruptures in water releasing larvae
treatment guinea worm
twist around small stick
too aggressive-inflammatory response
acquisition of toxo
ingestion undercooked meat with cysts
ingestion parasite oocytes in contaminated food
congenital toxo transmission
from acute primary infection by mother
ocular toxo
toxo in AIDS patients
reactivation of chronic infection
acute disease toxo
latent and reactivated toxo
bradyzoite cyst
avian schistosomes
life cycle schistosomiasis
transmission schistosomiasis
cercariae penetrate skin
to lungs and then liver
portal circulation lay eggs
eggs passed in defecation
response in schisotomiasis
from eggs
deposition s. mansoni
mesenteric vessels of large intestine
deposition s. japonicum
mesenteric vessels of large and small intestine
deposition s. haematobium
urinary bladder
Katayama fever
acute reaction in non-immune individuals
complications s mansoni and s japonicum
liver fibrosis, portal HTN, chronic salmonella
increased risk of bladder cancer
s haematobium
lateral hook
s japonicum
lateral spine
terminal spine
clinical presentation T. saginata and T solium
mild GI symptoms
cause of cysticercosis
eggs of T solium directly infective
causes new onset seizures
diphyllobothrium latum
fish tapeworm from sushi and sashimi
B12 deficiency cause
diphyllobothrium latum
most common human tapeworm
H nana
lifecycle h nana
immediately infective or transmission with flea or beetle in contaminated grain
cucumber seeds
dipylidium caninum
alveolar echinococcus
life-cycle includes canine-rodent
cystic echinococcus
life cycle echinococcus
hydatid cysts
diagnosis echinoccus
space occupying lesion
test for echinococcal Arc5 on immunoblot
treatment echinoccus
careful removal
rupture of cyst leads to anaphylaxis and seeding of more cysts
life cycle paragonimiasis
man, snail, crab, man
clinical manifestations paragonimiasis
rust colored sputum
can cause abscess
transmission opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis
raw or undercooked freshwater fish with larvae
life cycle opisthorchiasis/clonorchiasis
man, snail, freshwater fish, man
clinical opisthorchiasis/clonorchiasis
epigastric pain with tenderness over teh liver
weakness, diarrhea, jaundice, hepatomegaly
diagnosis opisthorchiasis/clonorchiasis
operculum eggs
from water cress
causes RUQ pain
also operculated eggs
from pigs and water plants
causes diarrhea and edema
also operculated eggs
life cycle
resistant to chlorinization
invasion of tissue for entomeba
amebic liver abscess
RUQ pain
elevated right hemidiaphragm
usually not at same time as diarrhea/dysentery complaints
amebic pulmonary disease
ruptures through diaphragm
pleuritic pain
redish brown sputum
biopsy entemeba
flask shaped
diagnosis entemeba
stool OPx3
ingested RBCs
trophozoites from E histolytica
sharp and central karyosome
E histolytica
biopsy of entemeba
take from edges
from MSM
causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, N/V
Giardia on boards
St Petersburg, MSM, beavers
life cycle giardia
cysts in stomach
trophozoites colonize duodenum
cysts and trophozoites passed in stool
clinical giardia
frothy, foul-smelling and floats
lactose intolerant and malabsorption
reactive arthritis
diagnosis giardia
trophozoite two nuclei, ventral adhesive sucking disc
prevention giardia
resistant to chlorine
requires filtration
dientamoeba fragilis
only trophozoite demonstrated, transmission in pinworm eggs
only ciliate infection that causes disease in intestine
acid fast coccidia
cryptosporidium, isospora, cyclospora
two separate hosts for life cycle
chlorine and city waters not protected from
diagnosis cryptosporidium
Kinyoun acid-fast stain
charcot leyden crystals
isospora and amebiasis