Micro Flashcards
Low risk condylomas are?
HPV 6+11
High risk HPV 16 + 18 have what two proteins that play in the pg of cervical cancer?
E6 + E7–> bind and inactivate two tumor suppressor proteins p53 and Rb
Where does HPV remain over time?
Basal cell layer
What is the anti-cancer HPV vaccine available?
Subunit vaccine consisting of L1 capsid
What is the genome/makeup of HPV?
Small DS DNA virus
Non enveloped capsid
What is the difference btwn virus in permissive and non permissive cells?
Permissive for virus growth= replicates and assembles in nucleus
non-permissive= late gene expression does NOT occur–> TRANSFORMS the cell= produce tumor
Genomic location differences btwn benign and malignant tumors?
Benign= extrachromosomal Malignant= genome integrated into host chromosome
What are the features of a transformed cell?
no longer contact inhibited
no longer require serum-derived GF in cell culture
no longer anchorage dependent for growth
Can lead to tumor formation in syngeneic animals
What are the late and early genes in HPV used for?
Late (L1+L2)= capsid proteins
Early= replication proteins and transformation
What is the function of E6 and E7 proteins?
E6= binds and degrades p53 E7= binds and inactivates Rb
What is the initial infection of HPV?
infect Germinal cells= non-permissive cells–> virus particles not produced but cells transform
What happens to the Germinal cells after infection?
mature + migrate to surface + keratinize + become Permissive + shed virus
Why do warts return after treatment?
because destroying the wart does not Eliminate the genome in the non-permissive Germinal cells
Describe HPV?
circular DS DNA
NON enveloped icosahedral capsid (L1+L2)
Rep + assembly in nucleus of permissive cells
NO virus production in non-permissive cells, but virus genome maintained and cells transform
E6 degrades p53 + E7 inactivates Rb
over-expression of E6 + E7= malignant
Differentiated keratinocytes are permissive=wart
Virus maintained in Germinal cells
What are the disease caused by HPV?
verruca vulgairs= common/ plantar warts
Conyloma acuminata/plana= Anogenital warts 6+11
Subclinical papilloma inf= HPV 16, 18, 31
Cervical penile, anal, oral, neck cancer= 16, 18,31
Infantile laryngeal papillomas: 6+11
Which HPV cause Anogenital warts?
HPV 6 + 11
Which HPV cause sub-clinical papilloma infections (SPI)?
HPV 16, 18, 31
Which HPV cause cervical, penile, anal, oral, neck cancer?
HPV 16, 18, 31
Which HPV cause infantile laryngeal papillomas?
HPV 6 + 11
What is laryngeal papillomas associated with?
Respiratory distress and 3% die annually
How can SPI be detected?
Brushing infected area with 5% acetic acid which turns the area WHITE
What would a positive pap smear show?
Koliocytes (vacuolated cytoplasm) Squamous epithelial cells
What is does HPV cause in the cervix?
Causes 90% of cervical dysplasias= lead to invasive cancer
What is the range of HPV in women in US?
What are some other cofactors of Cervical cancer along with HPV (16,18,31)?
Herpes Simplex
Which type of papillomas are acquired at birth?
Laryngeal –> HPV 6+11
What is necessary for Dx of HPV?
Clinical presentation
Pap smear
FDA approved HPV DNA detection test
What is Gardasil?
Recombinant capsid protein (L1) from 6,11, 16,18
What are the methods for removing Warts?
Bichloroacetic acid
Trichloroacetic acid
LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure)
Podofilox (anti mitotic)
Imiquimod ( stimulates IFN and cytokine product)
What accounts for 60-70% of STIs with dysuria and penile and vaginal exudation?
Chlamydia trochamatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
What is the most serious sequela for both Ct and GC (gonococcus)?
lower genital tract infection spreading up and causing PID = sterility and ectopic pregnancy
What are the complications associated with new borns of Ct and GC infected mothers?
Ct= Conjunctivitis + Pneumonia GC= Conjunctivitis
What are the chances that someone with GC has Ct?
Chlamydia trachomatis description?
Obligate intracellular parasite
G- but deficient in peptidoglycans
replication via EB and RB
Isosmotic intracellular environment-> Beta lactams DO NOT work for Tx
What are the two main VFs of Ct?
Intracellular growth
Ability to cause inflammation (heat shock protein or LPS induced)
What are EB and RB?
EB= metabolically inert but infectious elementary body RB= Larger, grows within membrane bound vacuole in cytoplasm of mucosal epithelial cells
What happens during lysis of cell during Ct infection?
EBs released infect nearby cells or sexually transmitted to new host
Describe GC?
No capsule
LPS= shed, invokes inflammatory response
Antigenic variation (pili + outer membrane surface proteins for attachments)
Extracellular= phagocytosed by PMNs
secrete IgA1
Ct strains that causes urethritis and cervicitis are restricted to what?
mucosal epithelia and DO NOT disseminate into Blood or lymph
Some strains of GC can do what that Ct doesnt?
Disseminate= septicemia + Rash
Ureaplasma is a significant cause of what?
What organisms cause Cervicitis and urethritis?
Ct + GC
What bacterial organism causes Prostatitis/ pharyngitis?
What bacterial organism causes Infant pneumonia and conjunctivitis?
What bacterial organism often Disseminates causing sepsis, Rash, Aseptic arthritis, Meningitis?
Urethritis with Purulent penile discharge + dysuria?
Urethritis with penile milky discharge + dysuria?
Dull to severe lower abdominal pain, cervicitis, adnexal tenderness, Cervical motion tenderness, Fever?
PID–> Ct, GC, Mycoplasma, anaerobes