Micro 12 - Government Intervention in markets 2: Indirect taxation and subsidies Flashcards
What is meant by internalising an externality?
Internalising an externality makes the external costs part of the price mechanism
What is a subsidy?
A subsidy is money paid by the government to the producer of a good to make it cheaper than it would be otherwise
Why may governments provide a subsidy?
Governments sometimes provide subsidies to encourage demand for a good
What is an indirect tax?
An indirect tax is a tax placed on a good by the government to reduce the demand for it as the presence of a tax on the good aims to discourage people from buying it as the tax raises its market price
What is the relationship between taxes and subsidies and supply curves?
Taxes and subsidies lead to shifts in the supply curves of goods/services which cause prices to change. The changes in price lead to an extension or contraction in demand
Who is the benefit of subsidies received by?
The benefit of subsidies is received partly by the producer and partly by the consumer
How do subsidies affect markets?
Subsidies encourage increased production and a fall in price, which leads to an increase in demand. So a subsidy shifts the supply curve to the right
What are the amounts of the subsidy gained by producers and consumers dependent on?
The producer gain and consumer gain is dependent on the price elasticities of demand and supply
What is the cost to the government of a subsidy equal to?
The cost to the government of a subsidy is equal to the consumer gain + the producer gain
What area on a diagram is indicated by the consumer gain of a subsidy?
The consumer gain is rectangle represented by the fall in price from the original equilibrium price to the new lower price after the subsidy has been introduced
Why is the consumer gain on a diagram represented by the by the difference between the equilibrium and lower price after a subsidy?
As consumers gain by paying less for the good than they would have if there was no subsidy
What area on a diagram is indicated by the producer gain of a subsidy?
The producer gain is the rectangle represented by the difference between the maximum price consumers are willing and able to pay and the original equilibrium price
Why is the producer gain on a diagram represented by the difference between the maximum price consumers are willing and able to pay and the original equilibrium price?
As producers gain by receiving extra revenue from the government that they can keep
Is the consumer gain from a subsidy greater when the demand curve is more price elastic or inelastic?
The consumer gain is greater when the demand curve is more price inelastic
Is the producer gain from a subsidy greater when the demand curve is more price elastic or inelastic?
The producer gain is greater when the demand curve is more price elastic
What effect do indirect taxes have on a market?
Taxes increase the price of a good which leads to a reduction in demand. Taxation shifts the supply curve to the left
Who is the burden of taxes received by?
The burden of a tax is imposed both on consumers and producers
What is the proportion of the burden incurred from a tax on producers and consumers dependent on?
The proportion of the burden from a tax incurred on consumers and producers depends on the price elasticities of demand and supply
What is the revenue received by the government from a tax equal to?
The consumer burden + the producer burden
On a diagram showing a subsidy where do the consumer and producer gain rectangles end at in terms of their length?
At the new equilibrium quantity after the subsidy. (Q2)