Macro 1 - An Introduction to Macroeconomics Flashcards
What are the four main government macroeconomic objectives?
- Strong economic growth
- Reduce unemployment and keep it at a low level
- Keep inflation low and stable
- Maintain an equilibrium/surplus on the current account of the balance of payments
What are the three non-main government macroeconomic objectives?
- Balance the government budget
- Protection of the environment
- Achieve greater income equality
Define the term economic growth
Economic growth is the rate of change of real GDP
What does GDP stand for?
Gross domestic product
What is GDP?
Gross domestic product is a measure of a country’s economic activity - the value of all the final services and goods produced in a year
What are the three ways of measuring GDP?
- By adding together the value of all incomes
- By adding together the value of all expenditure
- By adding together the value of all output
What is inflation?
Inflation is a general and sustained rise in prices measured by a change in a weighted index of prices such as the CPI
What is the UK target for inflation?
What is deflation?
Deflation is a decrease in the general level of prices
What is disinflation?
Disinflation is a fall in the rate of inflation (prices are rising more slowly)
What is the balance of payments?
The balance of payments is a record of the payments between one country and the rest of the world. It comprises the current, financial and capital accounts. The most significant element is the current account
What is the current account?
The current account records trade in goods, trade in services, investment (primary) income and current transfers (secondary income) between a country and the rest of the world
When is there a surplus on the balance of payments?
There is a surplus on the balance of payments if the money flowing into a country exceeds the money flowing out
When is there a deficit on the balance of payments?
There is a deficit on the balance of payments if the money flowing out of a country exceeds the money flowing in
What are all seven macroeconomic objectives?
1- Strong economic growth
2- Reduce unemployment and keep it at a low level
3- Keep inflation low and stable
4- Maintain an equilibrium/surplus on the current account of the balance of payments
5- Balance the government budget
6- Protection of the environment
7- Achieve greater income equality
What is GDP based on?
GDP is based on a huge survey of businesses and government departments compiled by the Office for National Statistics
When is there a current account surplus?
When exports are greater than imports
When is there a current account deficit?
When imports are greater than exports