Michel Thomas Vocabulary - VERBS Flashcards
to tempt
instead of
en vez de
” no way” latin america vs. Spain
para nada; que va
meaning of gustar
to be pleasing to
to walk to (A)
andar a
you should shout
debería gritar
I didn’t earn much money when I lived in M
no ganaba mucho dinero cuando vivía
at least (2)
por lo menos; al menos
rarely (2)
pocas veces; raras veces
I want to inspire you to study your spanish
quiero inspirarle a estudiar su Español
to administer
my friend negotiated
mi amigo negoció
(when I was a rich man), I BOUGHT (a new car every year)
I was just then in the process of cleaning
estaba limpiando
the prize
el premio
de veras
to answer (r)
to hide
esconderse (to hide oneself)
I woke up
me desperté
I sat down
me senté
to get married
to get dressed
I like being here
me gusta estar aquí
to fall asleep
it’s difficult for me to fall asleep
es difícil para mí dormirme
to laugh at
reírse de
he laughs at her
se ríe de ella
I want to become famous
quiero hacerme famoso
to complain about something
quejarse de
to realize
darse cuenta de
to express oneself
to be glad
the museum is open
el museo se abre
we realize
nos damos cuenta de
to forget about
olvidarse de
I’m glad
me alegro (alegrarse)
at last not último
por fin
to promise; he promised to visit me
prometió visitarme
to lie down
to fit into or be contained
it doesn’t fit inside the car; indoors
no cabe dentro del coche; adentro
it had rained a lot and I was sad
había llovido mucho y estaba triste
they had offered
habían ofrecido
I forgot about that
me olvidé de eso
the bill
la cuenta
we ought to clean it
debemos limpiarlo
it’s worth it
vale la pena
my house was not worth anything when I sold it
mi casa no valía nada cuando la vendí
I don’t study philosophy but spanish
no estudio filosofía sino español
I fear that you can’t vote
temo que no puedA votar (temo triggers subj)
to cough; the cough
toser; la tos
when she was ill
cuando estaba enferma
to put or place (2)
meter; poner
to insist (2 words)
insistir en
to invade
to omit
the secrets
los secretos
I hope to discover
espero descubrir
to flee = to run away
to escape
the use of dictionaries
el uso de diccionarios
he insists I come to the party; he insisted that I come
insiste en que venga a la fiesta; insistió en que viniera
I did not say anything
no dije nada
I gave (dot and line)
di; daba
instead of
en vez de
he left the building (s)
salió del edificio
the storm destroyed his house and he built a new house
la tormenta destruyó su casa y ÉL construyó una casa nueva
I contribute
I translated (dot)
we produced (dot)
he produced (dot)
to go up = to climb (two words)
subir a
prices have gone up
los precios han subido
it’s not good to raise one’s voice
no es bueno subir la voz
I got on a train
subí al tren
in order to learn spanish
para aprender el español
to date someone
salir con
he denies it
lo niega
I think it is time to leave Madrid
Pienso que es hora de dejar Madrid
they lied
I did not want you to lie to me
no quería que me mintiera
to turn oneself around
2 meanings acostarse
to go to bed; to lie down
I remember that (a) and give infinitive
me acuerdo de eso (acordarse de)
the proof
la prueba
I’m sorry that TU can’t play tennis with me
siento que no puedAs jugar al tenis conmigo
they get dressed; we get dressed; don’t get dressed; let’s get dressed
se visten; nos vestimos; no se vista; vistámonos!
I was lying
estaba mintiendo
right here
aquí mismo
they served
I repeat, don’t look at me
repito. no me mire
by the way
a propósito
to propose
to compose
TU eat it; don’t eat it (Orange) It’s bad for you
cómela; no la comas. es malA para tí
I’m glad you can come
me alegro de que puedA venir
it’s ridiculous they are coming not ing
es ridículo que vengan (opinion triggers subj)
I’m sorry your ill
siento que esté enfermo
it’s a shame
es una lástima
to be glad that
alegrarse de que
It was impossible that he could come
fue imposible que pudiera venir
it’s good he couldn’t come
es bueno que no puedA venir (emotion)
I wanted you to do it
quería que lo hiciera
I’m pleased that he has eaten
me alegro de que haya comido
I doubted you would come
dudaba que viniera