Miasms Flashcards
Acute miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: sudden, terror, panic, immediate danger, reflex action
depth/pace/perception: sudden, intense, do or die, threat is big and violent
attitude: child-like, instinctive, violent, safe again once danger passes
pattern: comes on suddenly and ends suddenly; lasts a short time.
key words: sudden, panic, violent, danger, reflexive
Typhoid miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: crisis, sinking, critical, collapse, impatient and demanding (like infant throwing a tantrum for what they think they need)
depth/pace/perception: sinking, losing position of comfort, critical, hopeful when concentrated effort is applied
attitude: child-like, all’s well if you can come out of the crisis
pattern: demanding, concentrated effort
key words: urgency and crisis (like building on fire); fear and threat (get things done so they can rest); security and materialism; selfish and demanding; ruthless and ambitious (motivation is relief); Dick Cheney; order and routine.
Malarial miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: stuck, hindered, intermittent harassment, unfortunate (never feels well. Periodicity in its manifestation)
depth/pace/perception: stuck, limited, unfortunate, intermittently attacked
attitude: hindered, obstructed, forced to bear it
pattern: acute, intermittent manifestations
key words: hindered, harassed, persecuted, periodic, paroxysmal
RIngworm miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: accepting alternating with trying, trying and giving up
depth/pace/perception: hope alternating with giving up; situation is not fatal and can be lived with.
attitude: try, if success, good; if fail, just remain
pattern: periods of effort alternating with inactivity
key words: trying, accepting, alternating, frustration, irritation
Psychotic miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: covered up, hide, avoidance, accepting, fixed weakness (one of the original three miasms)
depth/pace/perception: fixed weak spot within me which i must cover up and hide; not fatal, must live with it.
attitude: can’t change it but i’ll be okay if i can hide my weakness
pattern: fixed
key words: covered-up, hide, secretive, avoidance, apprehension, acceptance
Cancer miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: perfection, superhuman control, stretching beyond capacity (fear of sliding into chaos – death by replicating out of control)
depth/pace/perception: task beyond limits; out of control and all will be destroyed if i don’t restore control (superhuman effort)
attitude: perfectionist, total control over self and surroundings
pattern: demand too much effort of themselves, trying to control what is beyond them
key words: Control, perfectionist, order, self-control, fastidious
Tuberculer miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: oppression, suffocated, hectic, change, defiant, freedom
depth/pace/perception: suffocated, time is short, desperate desire for change
attitude: too much to do in a short period of time
pattern: hectic activity req’d to break free of intense oppression
key words: hectic, change, freedom, oppressed, defiant.
Leprosy miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: disgust, condemned to isolation, mutilation, dirty, outcaste, sadism, self loathing (can also project out to society)
depth/pace/perception: shunned, despised, disgusting, loathsome.
attitude: self-loathing; no hope of being normal.
pattern: doomed and gives up.
key words: disgust, mutilation, dirty, loathing, contempt, outcast.
Syphillis miasm energy: depth/pace/perception: attitude: pattern: key words:
energy: homicide, total destruction, total hopelessness, ulcers (last of the original three miasms)
depth/pace/perception: committed an unpardonable crime, solely responsible, no hope.
attitude: completely hopeless but i’ll do the best i can
pattern: last ditch effort despite no chance
key words: homicide, destruction, despair, extremes; destructive, malice, anger/rage, hopeless, murder/suicide