MHA and MCA Flashcards
how does the MHA define a mental disorder?
any disorder or disability of the mind
dependence in drugs and alcohol alone is NOT considered to be a mental disorder.
also, someone with a learning disability would only be considered as suffering from a mental disorder if it is associated with abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct.
4 stages to consider in making a capacity assessment?
Pt should:
understand the information and why they need to make a decision
be able to use the information or weigh up the information
retain the information for long enough to make a decision
communicate their decision
what criteria must a pt fulfil to be held under a section 2 of the MHA?
person must be suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree that warrants their detention in hospital for assessment
person ought to be detained in the interests of their own health or safety or with a view to the protection of others
who must be available for a person to be held under a section 2 of the MHA?
require an AMHP, and 2 doctors- 1 of whom must be section 12 (2) approved
AMHP= approved mental health professional- any mental health professional e.g. social worker, nurse, psychologist, who has undergone specific training in assessing and dealing with patients mental disorder.
what are advance decisions?
the MCA allows an advance decision to refuse treatment should a person lack capacity in the future
can only be made if 18 or older, and when person has capacity to make the decision
any tment can be refused except that needed to keep them comfortable e.g. warmth, food and water by mouth
what is a lasting power of attorney (LPA)?
allows a person to appoint an attorney to act on their behalf should they lose capacity in the future
LPA can make financial, property, health and welfare decisions for them
formal legal protocol in order to register an attorney
decisions by LPA still required to be made in patient’s best interest.
in terms of safeguarding patients who lack capacity, if those who care for them are refusing to treat them as necessary as recommended by the health and social care team, where might the case then be referred to?
a court of protection
who can be appointed as a means of safeguarding to speak for a person who lacks capacity when no one is there to speak for them?
an independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA)
what are the DOLS?
deprivation of liberty safeguards
part of the MCA which means that it is legal for a hospital or care home to stop a pt from leaving if the pt lacks capacity.
key aspects of the DOLS include that taking away someone’s liberty is in their best interests, this means it is necessary to prevent harm to them, and the detention is proportionate, looking at how likely they are to suffer harm, and how serious the harm might be, and that it has has become an unavoidable necessity. Every effort should be made to prevent it from becoming a necessity.
it should only be used if it is the least restrictive way of keeping someone without capacity safe or making sure they have the right medical treatment.
principles of the MCA?
all patients are presumed to have capacity unless established that they don’t have capacity
a new legal right to support individuals in making their own decisions
a right to make unwise decisions
must be done in their best interests
assessment should be time and decision specific
anything done for or on behalf of the person should be the least restrictive option with respect to their basic rights and freedoms.
3 purposes of the MHA laws?
ensure essential tment provided for pts with mental disorders who do not recognise themselves to be ill,and refuse tment. 3 criteria used to decide if tment essential: safety of pt, safety of others, and need to prevent deterioration of health that would lead to problem with safety of pt or others.
protect other people
protect individuals from wrongful detention
criteria for implementing the MHA?
presence of a mental health disorder as defined by law
disorder is of a certain nature or degree
significant risk to the person’s health, safety, or safety of others
no alternative to hospital admission as a means of safeguarding that risk
who must be present for a pt to be sectioned under section 3 of the MHA?
2 doctors to authorise, at least 1 section 12 (2) approved
and an AMHP-not just a SW now
this is a section for a maximum of 6 mnths for tment of a mental disorder ( can be for physical conditions if direct result of mental health problem*)
1 appeal to both hospital managers panel and tribunal
what is a section 5 (2) of the MHA?
a holding order for a pt already in hospital
max duration of 72hrs
require 1 doctor to authorise, or responsible clinician (RC)*
what is a section 5 (4) of the MHA?
holding order for an informal psychiatric inpatient for up to 6hrs by an AMHP for mental assessment