MGEM2015 Flashcards


List Structure & classes of steroids hormones?

  1. Adrenal Cortical Hormones (Corticoids)
  2. sex hormones:
    • male: androgens
    • female: oestrogens & progesterone
      All Steroid Hormones derive from CHOLESTEROL so all share a common basic ring structure with cholesterol
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Compare Different sex hormones? similarity & difference

binding protein? affinity?
secretion site?


testosterone: produced in testicles/testes by Leydig cells which rely more heavily on de novo cholesterol synthesis; SHBG binding globulin higher affinity for testosterone than oestrogens; can increase skeletal muscle mass & strength during puberty; can affect erythropoiesis
progesterone: Produced during luteal phase of menstrual cycle, converted from Pregnenolone in corpus luteum; & produced during pregnency in placenta
oestradiol: produced in granulosa cells in ovaries; can affect libido (sex desire)
* both testosterone & oestradiol transported by Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), both can affect bones
* both derived from androgens precursor secreted in zona reticularis of adrenal cortex
* both testosterone & oestradiol after binding to receptors can initiate intracellular signalling via non-DNA-binding-dependent pathways, by activating secondary messenger like MAPK
* all 3 sex hormone release stimulated by FSH & LH secreted by pituitary glands

Estradiol main function is to mature and then maintain the reproductive system. During the menstrual cycle, increased estradiol levels cause the maturation and release of the egg, as well as the thickening of the uterus lining to allow a fertilized egg to implant. The hormone is made primarily in the ovaries, so levels decline as women age and decrease significantly during menopause. In men, proper estradiol levels help with bone maintenance, nitric oxide production, and brain function.

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Explain Pathway of sex hormones synthesis & role of cholesterol?


cholesterol transported from cytoplasm into mitochondria, facilitated by Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) Protein, as steroids biosynthesis requires several mitochondrial Cytochrome P450 enzymes.
(plasma LDL cholesterol->) pregnenolone converted to androstenedione in theca cells, which in granulosa cells converted to testosterone, then aromatised (in endoplasmic reticulum) to oestradiol; oestradiol in liver is oxidated by17 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II to oestrone & then to oestriol
(50% de novo synthesis of cholesterol in cytoplasm from acetyl-CoA)->pregnenolone->(progesterone->)androstenedione->testosterone
(cholesterol->) pregnenolone-> progesterone in corpus luteum

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Define Principles of hormone-receptor interaction?


androgens/estrogens/progesterone bind to their receptors (AR/ER/PR) respectively, conformational change causing dissociation of chaperone proteins (eg, heat shock proteins). AR^/ER/PR undergo dimerisation, their dimers bind to androgen/estrogen/progesterone response elements (ARE/ERE/PRE)
^androgen form complex with AR in cytoplasm, complex translocate into nucleus 1st then undergo dimerisation & bind to AREs in target genes
Non-genomic signalling through sex hormone bind to plasma membrane-bound receptors, initiate secondary messenger signalling like MAPK

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Discuss Action of the key sex steroids?


Foetal:male internal genitalia(epididymis,vas deferens, and seminal vesicles) and male externalgenitalia (penis, scrotum,prostate).

Puberty:increase in testosterone production and mature sperm production.Increased secretion of testosterone into the systemic circulationaffects many tissues simultaneously.

Adulthood:gradual developmentof male pattern baldness;gradual development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Senescence: serum testosterone concentration gradually declines contributing todecreases in energy, libido, muscle mass and strength , and bone mineral density
Growth of uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina
– Mensturation in anovulatory cycles
– Enhances sperm penetration
– Deficiency leads to atrophic changes in female reproductivetract

Secondary Sex Characters: – Breasts: proliferation of ducts and stroma, accumulation of fat
– Pubic and axillary hair appears
– Feminine body contours and behaviours
Reproductive Tract:
Decreases estrogen-driven endometrial proliferation and leads to the development ofa secretory endometrium.
Important inmaintenance of pregnancy and suppression of menstruation and uterine contractility.
Increasethe viscosity of cervical mucus.
Mammary Gland:
Proliferation of the acini of the mammary gland during pregnancy and cyclic epithelialproliferation and turnover of acini during luteal phase.
Control of mitotic activity in the breast epithelium.
Preparation of breast for lactation
Central Nervous System:
Depressant and hypnotic actions.
Increase in basal body temperature.
Increase of the ventilatory responseto carbon dioxide and reduction of arterial and alveolar PCO2.
Metabolic Effects:
Increases basal insulin levels.
Stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activityandenhancement offat deposition
Neuroendocrine Actions:
Weak inhibitor of Gonadotrophin secretion.
Control onresetting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis to transition from the lutealto thefollicular phase.

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Where are major sites of oestrone production?


skeletal muscle & adipose tissue

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regulation of oestrogens/progesterone production?


In the theca cells, LH controls 17βHSD activity and androstenedione production, whereas CYP19 (P450arom) activity in the granulosa cells is controlled by FSH and hence estradiol production.
LH acts on both thecal and granulosa cells; FSH acts only on granulosa cells. FSH and LH stimulate adenylate cyclase via G protein-coupled receptors. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) generated from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) activates protein kinase A, which in turn stimulates steroidogenic enzymes.

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In males, Which of the following are Sertoli cells responsible for producing? stimulated by which hormone?

a.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

b.Androgen binding globulin




FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce androgen binding globulin

ABG binds to testosterone and keeps it at high concentrations in the seminiferous tubules within testes. This is important as high levels are required here for successful spermatogenesis.

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In males which hormone stimulates Leydig cells to produce what?

Leydig produce a sex hormone


Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate Leydig cells produce testosterone

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Discuss the secretion of the gonadotrophic hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH) & follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)?


Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) through hypophyseal portal systemstimulates LH & FSH release from anterior pituitary gonadotrophic cells

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regulation and control of LH and FSH in male & female?


release under control of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis
1.hypothalamic input:
* More rapid GnRHpulse frequencies favor LH secretion; Slower pulse frequencies favor FSH

2, positive & negative feedback from gonadal sex steroid & peptide hormones:
* =Male: Testosterone negative feedback to hypothalamus to inhibit GnRH & to pituitary to inhibit LH & FSH
* Sertoli cells release inhibin (when spermatogenesis is sufficient), act on pituitary inhibit FSH release
* =Female: As follicles grow, they release estradiol, negative feedback to hypothalamus, inhibit GnRH so inhibit pituitary secrete LH & FSH (in follicular phase)
* At ovulation estradiol positive feedback to hypothalamus, trigger surge of LH & FSH secretion, rising oestrogen level make pituitary more responsive to GnRH
* Luteal phase, Progesterone (secreted by luteinized theca cells in corpus luteum), & estradiol negative feedback to hypothalamus & pituitary
Luteinized granulosa cells secret inhibin which inhibits pituitary FSH secretion

3.paracrine modulation from local factors produced within pituitary:
* activin stimulate FSH
* follistatin inhibit FSH, which adds to FSH inhibition effect by inhibin, increased expression when at faster GnRH pulse frequencies that favor LH release

sex steroids can control LH/FSH release regulating GnRHR expression and signalling
Development of the follicles is stimulated by production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary gland. Ripening of the follicles then results in an increase in oestrogen levels, as oestrogen is secreted by follicular cells. This increase in oestrogen levels feeds back to the pituitary, and suppresses further release of FSH (negative feedback). The follicles also release a second hormone called inhibin, which also suppresses further production of FHS. As the oestrogen levels rise, this triggers a a mid cycle surge in a second pituitary hormone called Lutenising hormone (LH), which causes the follicle to rupture (ovulation). LH also causes ruptured follicles to lutenise, forming a transitory endocrine organ called the corpus luteum. This looks yellow, due to its pigmented lutein cells (luteus is latin for yellow). The corpus lutein secretes progesterone and oestrogen. The progesterone levels feed back to the pituitary and suppress further release of LH. If fertilisation does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates into a small white fibrous scar called the corpus albicans. The resulting decline in progesterone (and to some extent oestrogen) levels precipitate menstruation. The decline in oestrogen levels, feeds back to the pituitary and there is a corresponding increase in FSH to being the cycle all over again.

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Explain the control of spermatogenesis & testosterone secretion?


=FSH acts indirectly on Sertoli cells to stimulate spermatogenesis
=testosterone stimulates final stages of spermatogenesis.
=When sufficient spermatogenesis is achieved, Sertoli cell releases inhibin, which inhibits FSH release from pituitary.
=LH stimulate Leydig cells produce testosterone
=Testosterone negative feedback to hypothalamus to inhibit GnRH secretion & to pituitary to inhibit LH secretion, so reduce Leydig cell secretion of testosterone

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Describe the processes involved in ovarian follicles development?


At birth, in primordial follicles, primary oocytes remain arrested in prophase stage of meiotic division 1.
FSH & LH stimulate primordial follicles to develop. In each ovarian cycle, about 20 primordial follicles containing primary oocytes are activated to begin maturation. However, normally ONLY 1 follicle fully matures, the rest contribute to the endocrine function of ovary

When activated by FSH & LH, 1st meiotic division is completed, the primary follicle has matured into a secondary follicle. Then 2nd division starts, Graafian follicle containing a secondary oocyte is formed. This 2nd division is not completed, unless the ovum is fertilised.

A dominant follicle appears to be selected from a cohort of class 5 antral/Graafian follicles (with diameter 2-5mm) at the end of the luteal phase of menstrual cycle. About 15-20 days are required for a dominant follicle to grow and develop to preovulatory stage (diameter 16-20mm)

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essential components of ‘Genotypic Sex’?


genotypic Male: 22 autosomes + XY
genotypic Female: 22 autosomes + XX

Y chromosome determines genotypic sex – conferring ‘Maleness’

Female genotypic sex can be seen as the default sex unless: After approx 6-7 weeks of gestation, the expression of SRY gene on Y chromosome induces changes that result in the development of the testes.

SRY: sex-determining region Y gene (only found on Y chromosome)

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Identify the biological processes underlying gonadal differentiation & the central molecular mediators?


The indifferent gonad develops into a testis in response to Testis Differentiation Factor (TDF, a DNA-binding protein/transcription factor) produced/encoded bySRYgene, before week 9 ofdevelopment.
If TDF is not present or if TDF is present only after the critical window of 9 weeks has passed, an ovary will develop instead of testis.
molecular mediators: further male sexual differentiation depend on testosterone & Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) produced by testis, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) converted by peripheral tissues from testosterone
if AMH present (Testes =Male)
if No AMH (Ovary =Female)

around week 10 of development, testosterone secreted by testis Leydig cells in response to human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
embryo= from fertilisation until end of week 8

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Outline the physiological differences between male and female fetuses (=from week 9 after fertilisation)?
their developmental origins?


In males, gonadarche (physical & functional maturation of gonads) leads to initiation of sperm production by testes
In females it leads to folliculogenesis & menarche.
In male foetus, testis develops from the medulla of the indifferent/primordial gonad; the cortex regresses
In female foetus, the medulla of indifferent gonad regresses while the cortex becomes greatly thickened, due to mitotically dividing Primordial Germ Cells which give rise tooogonia.
In males, the genital tubercle becomes the glans penis (tip of penis). The urogenital folds fuse to form the shaft of penis. The labioscrotal swellings become scrotum.

In females, the genital tubercle becomes the clitoris. The urogenital folds remain separate as the labia minora. The labioscrotal swellings become the labia majora (around vagina opening) where they remain unfused. Ventrally, the labioscrotal swellings fuse to form the mons pubis (rounded mass of fatty tissue lying over the pubic symphysis)

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Provide an overview of gametogenesis?


male: spermatogonium (mitosis)->primary spermatocyte (meiosis 1)->secondary spermatocyte (meiosis 2)-> spermatid (differentiation=cellular reorganisation)->spermatozoon (=mature sperm) detached from Sertoli cells into seminiferous tubule lumen
female: oogonium (mitosis)->primary oocyte (meiosis 1)->secondary oocyte (meiosis 2)-> ootid (differentiation)->ovum

primary oocytes in primordial follicles are arrested at prophase of meiosis 1 until stimulated by LH & FSH around puberty

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describe the structure of the ovary?


Surface – formed by simple cuboidal epithelium (=germinal epithelium). Underlying this layer is a dense connective tissue capsule.
Cortex – comprised of a connective tissue stroma & numerous ovarian follicles. Each follicle contains an oocyte, surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells.
Medulla – formed by loose connective tissue and a rich neurovascular network, which enters via the hilum of the ovary.

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describe the structure & development of ovarian follicle (folliculogenesis)?


Primordial follicles
Every day, a cohort will start to grow
3 – 4 months  primary follicle
Primary follicles
70 days  small antral follicles (2 – 5 mm)
Small antral follicles
FSH window  recruited into ovulatory cycle
No FSH window  atresia

Primordial follicle Only 1 layer of flat granulosa cells
b). Primary follicle 2 or more layers of granulosa cells & zona pellucida & theca interna
c). Secondary follicle: antrum (fluid filled space) & theca interna & theca externa
d). Graafian (mature) follicle: with corona radiata (adjacent to zona pellucida) & cumulus oophorus
e). Corpus luteum: The ruptured follicle

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Describe the process of follicle selection, recruitment growth & dominance?


Recruitment:In 1 ovarian cycle, several follicles depart from resting pool to begin a well-characterised pattern of growth and development during early follicular phase.
Selection: select most healthy from maturing antral/Graafian follicle cohort by atresia, highly selective. Depends on follicle size with smaller cells <10mm destined to undergo apoptosis
Dominance:ONLY 1 dominant follicle destined to ovulate given its presumed key role in regulating the size of the ovulatory quota. Mature Graafian follicle diameter ~2cm at ovulation

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explain the two-cell two gonadotropin theory of steroidogenesis in ovary?


The first compartment consists of theca cells, which are stimulated by LH to produce androstenedione. The second compartment consists of granulosa cells, which are stimulated by FSH to convert androstenedione to estrogens like estradiol.

LH binds to luteinizing/chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LH/CGR) on theca cell surface and stimulates the expression of the steroidogenic enzymes necessary for androgen production. Cholesterol is mobilized into mitochondria by steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) where it is converted to pregnenolone by cholesterol sidechain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1). Pregnenolone diffuses into the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and is converted to progesterone by 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B). Progesterone is then converted to androstenedione by 17α-hydroxylase/17,20desmolase (CYP17A1).
Granulosa cells: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) via signaling through follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) stimulates the expression of enzymes necessary for estrogen synthesis. Androstenedione produced by theca cells diffuses into granulosa cells and is converted to testosterone by the enzyme 17βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD17B) or to estrone by aromatase (CYP19A1). CYP19A1 utilizes testosterone to produce 17β-estradiol. However, HSD17B can also produce 17β-estradiol using estrone as a substrate

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Define & distinguish between uterine & ovarian cycle?


Ovarian cycle= Interval between successive ovulations, ovum maturation & release, follicle->corpus luteum, follicular phase & luteal phase
Uterine cycle= Effects of ovarian hormones on uterus, especially Endometrium
Proliferative->Secretory phase(=menses)

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Describe the endocrinology of the menstrual cycle?

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Describe feedback control of HPO axis during menstrual cycle?


low level progesterone (P4) & estrodiol (E2) due to (no fertilisation) corpus luteum death feeback to hypothalamus & anterior pituitary to increase FSH
As dominant follicle matures, secrete more estradiol, E2 circulating levels exceed certain threshold, positive feedback to anterior pituitary increase LH
High P4 level secreted by corpus luteum suppress LH & FSH release

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Explain the temporal events of the menstrual cycle?


Day 1-4, FSH increase leads to recruitment of a cohort of follicles from the pool of non-proliferating follicles.
After menses/menstrual bleeding (Day 0-4), FSH levels begin to decline due to E2 negative feedback & inhibin B produced by developing follicles.
Day 5-7, dominant follicle selection: only 1 follicle is selected from the cohort of recruited follicles to ovulate, the remaining follicles will undergo atresia. By day 8, dominant follicle promote its own growth & suppress other follicles maturation
Day 8-14, serum E2 increase as dominant follicle size & number of granulosa cells increase. In presence of increased E2, (FSH stimulates formation of LH receptors on granulosa cells allowing for secretion of small quantities of progesterone & 17-hydroxyprogesterone), positive feedback to anterior pituitary increase LH release. LH surge induced, ~24-36hrs later, follicle rupture to release oocyte =OVULATION
Day 15-28, LH cause empty follicle converted into corpus luteum→ secretes mostly P4 but also E2
P4 maintains endometrium; induces decidualisation
P4 causes differentiation of endometrial glands to prepare for implantation
High P4 levels negative feedback inhibit LH & FSH release
(no fertilisation) corpus luteum degenerate to corpus albicans, cause lower P4 & E2 levels feedback to hypothalamus & pituitary increase FSH in last few days of cycle, allowed by sharp decrease of inhibin A. This increase in FSH allows for recruitment of follicles in each ovary for next cycle. cycle start again

Day 1-14 of menstrual cycle: follicular/proliferative phase
15-28: luteal/secretory phase
P4: progesterone
E2: estradiol

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Describe the function and effects of sex steroids on endometrial structure and function?


endometrium Proliferation & differentiation stimulated by estrogen (day 5-14)
progesterone (P4) maintains endometrium & induces decidualisation: spindle-shaped stromal cells become rounded decidual cells via cAMP. decidual cell provide nutrition to early embryo, secrete prolactin, rich in uterine natural killer cells help immune tolerance (so embryo not rejected by mother). Multiple foci of decidual cells spread throughout endometrial upper dense layer =zona compacta. endometrial glands become more prominent in zona spongiosa.
P4 causes differentiation of endometrial glands to prepare for implantation of embryo (blastocyst).
(no fertilisation) decreasing E2 & P4 level as corpus luteum degenerate. As hormonal support of endometrium is withdrawn, vascular & glandular integrity of endometrium degenerates, tissue breaks down, menstrual bleeding ensues (day 0-4)

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Give examples of conditions associated with menstrual cycle dysregulation?


Secondary amenorrhoea (=no menstruation for 6 months without pregnancy) & anovulation commonly caused by stress/excessive exercise (suppress hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian HPO axis, low LH/FSH), excessive weight loss, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) & hyperprolactinaemia (prolactin affect gonadotrophins release)

Excessive weight can also have an adverse effect on ovulation cause anovulation. This probably results from excess estrone, generated in the adipose tissue by conversion from androgens, interfering with the normal feedback mechanism to the pituitary gland
anovulation: Prolonged ovarian cycles are frequently associated with failure of ovulation, presumably because of insufficient secretion of LH at the time of the preovulatory surge of LH, which is necessary for ovulation.

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contraception tutorial

Combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)
Mechanisms of action?

Progesterone only pill, Depo-provera (progesterone analogs)
Mechanisms of action?

Combined emergency contraceptive pill
What hormones does it contain?
Mechanisms of action?


Describe the main organs comprising the male & female reproductive tracts?
* External & internal organs

Describe the function of key structures?


Vulva: External structures comprising clitoris (sexual stimulation) & labia (direct flow of urine & Protect internal reproductive tract from infection)
Vagina, internal organ: Orifice leading to uterus via cervix (=lower uterus; fundus=upper part of the uterus), Exit route for menstrual efflux & fetus
* smooth muscle in vaginal wall facilitates coitus & childbirth
* Bartholin’s gland secrete mucus to ensure vagina remains moist
* Vaginal microbiome abundant in Lactobacilli keeping pH acidic, helps prevent infection

Uterus: Muscular organ, Lined by endometrium which is shed monthly
* Myometrium-smooth muscle of uterus – grow during pregnancy,
longitudinal & circular smooth muscle interlocking -so appear striated- dictate strength & direction of contractions
Endocervix= mucus secreting columnar epithelium

Fallopian tube (salpinx)
Pair of tubes lined by cilia for ova transport, after ovulation. Infundibulum with fimbriae is close to ovary; ampulla linked to uterus by isthmus
folliculogenesis & produce estrogens & inhibins inhibit LH/FSH release
testis (external organ): produce testosterone (by Leydig cell), inhibin B, anti-Mullerian hormone, estrogen & sperm (in Seminiferous tubules)
* Rete testis has microvilli that aid sperm transport to efferent ducts
* Epididymis
sperm storage & maturation (acquire motility), Convoluted tube (6m) lined with stereocilia, Muscular wall 4 ejecting sperm

vas deferens: Long (30 cm), muscular tube, Transports sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory ducts, Sperm may be stored here ready for ejaculation
Ejaculatory ducts=dilated portion (ampulla) of vas & seminal vesicles duct, Delivers sperm (from testes), seminal fluid & alkaline prostate secretion into urethra
Urethra: transport urine & sperm (semen ejeculation) out of body
prostate gland Surround bladder neck, urethra & ejaculatory ducts, has muscular stroma, Secretes citric acid & fibrinolysin (enzymes) to nourish sperm & liquefy ejaculate
Seminal vesicle: Glandular tissue with pseudostratified epithelium, Secrete alkaline fluid containing fructose & vitamin C, Muscular wall for ejaculation
Bulbourethral gland Produces lubricant for urethal opening, Clear urethra of urine residue
penis: external organ, root in superficial perineal pouch of pelvic floor, has 3 erectile tissues & ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles, body has 2 corpora cavernosa & 1 corpus spongiosum (erectile tissues), glans (tip)=distal expansion of corpus spongiosum, for sexual stimulation

root of penis has 4 muscles:
* Bulbospongiosus (x2) – associated with the bulb of the penis. It contracts to empty the spongy urethra of any residual semen and urine. The anterior fibres also aid in maintaining erection by increasing the pressure in the bulb of the penis.
* Ischiocavernosus (x2) – surrounds the left and right crura of the penis. It contracts to force blood from the cavernous spaces in the crura into the corpora cavernosa – this helps maintain erection.

scrotum has cremaster muscle, which contracts and relaxes to regulate temp of testes.


Describe the main functions of male & female reproductive system?

  • To produce gametes (sperm, ovum)
  • To produce hormones (sex steroids eg androgens & estrogens, peptide hormones)
  • To reproduce

Describe the major bones, ligaments & joints of pelvis?


bones: 2 hip bones (made of pubis, ischium & ilium) & sacrum & coccyx
Sacroiliac joints (x2) – between ilium of hip bones & sacrum
Sacrococcygeal symphysis – between sacrum & coccyx.
Pubic symphysis – between pubis bodies of the 2 hip bones.
Sacrospinous & sacrotuberous ligaments: prevent upward tilting of pelvis


Describe the positional relationship between pelvis & perineum?
Describe pelvic floor, perineal membrane & perineal pouches, their relationship to each other?
their contents in the male & female?


Perineum= part of pelvis, Area inferior (superficial) to pelvic floor (which separate it from pelvic cavity superiorly), bounded by pelvic outlet, limited inferiorly by skin
pelvic floor=pelvic diaphragm, made of sheet-like muscles: levator ani (include iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, puborectalis) & coccygeus (ischiococcygeus) to support pelvic viscera (urinary bladder, distal end of ureters, rectum & reproductive organs) & form sphincters
perineal memb: a layer of strong deep fascia, Only covers urogenital triangle. it has perineal pouches on its superior & inferior surfaces. It’s perforated by urethra (& vagina in female). It provide attachment for muscles of external genitalia.
perineal pouches: (potential space)
deep perineal pouch (between deep fascia of pelvic floor superiorly & perineal membrane inferiorly) contains part of urethra, external urethral sphincter, & vagina in female. It also contains bulbourethral glands & deep transverse perineal muscles in males
superficial perineal pouch (between perineal membrane superiorly & superficial perineal fascia inferiorly) contains erectile tissues which form the penis & clitoris, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal muscles & Bartholin’s (or greater vestibular) glands in female

anal triangle= posterior half of perineum. It is bounded by the coccyx, sacrotuberous ligaments, and a theoretical line between the 2 ischial tuberosities.
urogenital triangle= anterior half of perineum. It is bounded by the pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, and a theorectical line between the 2 ischial tuberosities
deep transverse perineal muscle ONLY in males, superficial in both male & female


Identify & describe the anatomy and key anatomical relations of the male & female reproductive tracts?

  • posterior fornix where?
  • uterus location & typical position?
  • vesicouterine, vesicorectal pouch in male or female? formed by? broad ligament formed by?
  • spermatic cord contain?
  • testis derived from? descend into scrotum through what?
  • prostate, seminal vesicle, bulbourethral gland, muscle & erectile tissue in penis?

Vulva: External structures comprising clitoris (sexual stimulation) & labia (direct flow of urine & Protect internal reproductive tract from infection)
Vagina normally =potential space= anterior & posterior walls in contact
4 vaginal fornices (dome/vault): anterior, posterior & 2 lateral. posterior fornix is deep, closely related to rectouterine pouch, acts like a natural reservoir for semen after intravaginal ejaculation. The semen retained in it liquefies in the next 20-30 mins, allowing for easier permeation through cervical canal.

Uterus: usually in the lesser pelvis (=Lower region of pelvic girdle/true pelvis) with the cervix (=lower uterus; fundus=upper part of uterus), between bladder & rectum, passive support of uterus as it normally rests on bladder, Only uterine tubes are intraperitoneal (=within peritoneal cavity, everything else below peritoneum)
typical uterine position= anteverted & anteflexed
Parietal peritoneum reflects onto (folds over the top of) pelvic viscera, forming vesicouterine & rectouterine pouches in female & ONLY vesicorectal pouch in male. It extend laterally from uterus to lateral pelvis wall, forming the broad ligament, mesovarium part of broad ligament is continuous with germinal epithelium (surface) of ovary
Fallopian tube (salpinx)
Pair of tubes lined by cilia for ova transport, after ovulation. Infundibulum with fimbriae is close to ovary; ampulla linked to uterus by isthmus
folliculogenesis & produce estrogens & inhibins inhibit LH/FSH release
testis (external organ): derived from embryonic mesoderm that develops high on posterior abdominal wall, it descends through inguinal canal into scrotum before birth, dragging Blood supply (testicular artery and vein) with it
Epididymis: initial spermatozoa storage, Convoluted tube (6m) lined with stereocilia, Muscular wall 4 ejecting sperm
spermatic cord contain Ductus deferens, Testicular artery, Pampiniform plexus (testicular vein) & Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
vas (ductus) deferens: Long (30 cm), muscular (smooth muscle) tube, capable of peristaltic action via sympathetic innervation. Transports sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory ducts, Sperm may be stored here ready for ejaculation
Ejaculatory ducts=dilated portion (ampulla) of vas & seminal vesicles duct, Delivers sperm (from testes), seminal fluid & alkaline prostate secretion into urethra
Urethra: Shorter in female– open into vestibule with higher risk of urinary tract infections (UTI). In male, divided into 4 parts- Pre-prostatic, Prostatic, Intermediate (membranous) & Spongy (penile)
prostate gland Surround urethra & ejaculatory ducts, lies between bladder & levator ani muscle. Fibromuscular (1/3) & glandular (2/3) ~20% seminal fluid, Secrete zinc & fibrinolysin (proteolytic enzymes) to nourish sperm & liquefy ejaculate. Arterial supply from middle rectal & inferior vesical arteries. Venous blood from prostatic venous plexus to internal iliac veins. Closely related to rectum (digital rectal examination), can be divided into peripheral/central/transitional zones or anterior/median/posterior lobes
Seminal vesicle: Glandular tissue with pseudostratified epithelium, Secrete alkaline fluid (up to 75% of semen) containing fructose & vitamin C (nutrients 4 sperm), Muscular wall for ejaculation. NOT store spermatozoa
Bulbourethral gland Produces lubricant for urethal opening, Clear urethra of urine residue. can become infected/develop stones
penis:, root in superficial perineal pouch attached to perineal memb below pelvic floor. has ischiocavernosus & bulbospongiosus muscles, body has 2 corpus cavernosum & 1 corpus spongiosum (erectile tissues). Thin relatively hairless skin with additional section of foreskin (prepuce) over glans (tip)=distal expansion of corpus spongiosum
male & female relations:
Both clitoris & penis are highly vascular erectile tissues, substantial innervation from pudendal nerve (dorsal nerves). Both have corpora cavernosa
Only penis has corpus spongiosum + urethra, Female external urethral orifice opens inferior to clitoris
female Bulbospongiosus surround vaginal orifice, male bulbo in bulb of penis.
female ischiocavernosus in root of external genitalia close to ischial tuberosity, male in roots of penis


Describe the blood supply & innervation of the male and female reproductive tracts?


internal iliac artery is the major artery of pelvis & perineum, split into anterior (for organs & perineum) & posterior trunk
Inferior vesical artery with prostatic branch in male, uterine/vaginal arteries in female, uterine & ovarian arteries form rich anastomoses. Venous drainage is via venous plexuses and valveless veins
Internal pudendal artery (for perineal structures)
Pudendal nerve: anterior rami of S2-S4 spinal nerves: Leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, inferior to piriformis, medial to sciatic nerve. Enter perineum through lesser sciatic foramen. Innervate skin & muscles of perineum & pelvic floor e.g. levator ani
sympathetic: hypogastric nerve from superior hypogastric plexus & sacral splanchnic nerve to right inferior hypogastric plexus
* inhibit rectal contract
* Secretion (male ejaculate=emission)
* Contracts internal anal sphincter
* Contracts internal urethral sphincter in male
parasympathetic: pelvic splanchnic nerve (from S2-S4) to right inferior hypogastric plexus
* Bladder contract, rectal contract
* Relaxes internal anal sphincter
* Relaxes internal urethral sphincter (male)
cavernous nerve (via prostatic plexus): parasympathetic=erection, sympathetic=loss of erection
female: sensory info from visceral afferents for above the pelvic pain line(organs touched by parietal peritoneum) follow sympathetic hypogastric nerve, for below pelvic pain line follow parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerve. Somatic pudendal nerve (from S2-S4) for distal 1/5 of vagina & perineum


Reproductive histology
* Identify the stages of spermatogenesis in the male? -Sex diff & gametogenesis lecture
* Describe the structure and development of the ovarian follicle (folliculogenesis)? -Ovarian function lecture

  • Define stem cells?
  • Describe the features of the stem cells?

Stem cells = undifferentiated mass of cells that can renew itself & continuously divide and differentiate into various other kinds of cells/tissues.
Stem cells are capable of dividing & renewing themselves for long period of time.
They are “unspecialized” and they can give rise to specialized cell types.
A stem cell is “uncommitted” until it receives a signal to develop into a specialized cell.


Identify different types of stem cells?


source of origin: embryonic/adult stem cell
action potential: totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, unipotent

Totipotent cells: the ability to differentiate into all type, can form any cell of the embryo as well as the placenta. Eg: morula
* Pluripotent cells: can differentiate into any tissue type except placental tissue. Eg: cells from inner cell mass of the blastocyst.
* Multipotent cells: can differentiate into multiple specialized cells of a closely related family of cells. Eg : haematopoetic stem cell.
* Unipotent cells: these cells only produce one cell type, but have the property of self renewal which distinguishes them from the non stem cells. Eg: muscle stem cell, cardiac stem cell
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are taken from inside the blastocyst, a very early stage embryo. The blastocyst is a ball of about 50-100 cells and it is not yet implanted in the womb. It is made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled space and a group of cells called the inner cell mass where ES cells are found


Describe the method of stem cell isolation in the lab?


Human embryonic stem cells are isolated by transferring the inner cell mass of blastocyte into a plastic laboratory culture dish containing culture medium (=nutrient broth).
stem Cells are removed gently & plated into several fresh culture dishes. The process of replating the cells is repeated many times and for many months (=subculturing). Each cycle of subculturing the cells is referred to as a passage.
Stimulate stem cells with a specific stimulant to differentiate into a specific cell type
some adult stem cells are easy to harvest (skin, muscle, bone marrow, fat). primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain & repair the tissue in which they are found


Identify the clinical applications of stem cells?


=Hematopoietic Stem Cell bone marrow transplant for leukaemia
=artificial liver cell regeneration for liver failure
=type 1 diabetes
(produce pancreatic beta cell produce insulin)
=bone repair for osteoporosis/spinal cord injury
=cornea repair (mesenchymal stem cell)


To understand that one genome can give rise to many different cell types & phenotypes
* chromatin structure & what does it imply by an ‘open’ chromatin structure?


The basic unit of chromatin is nucleosome, which comprises 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around an octamer of core histones (made of 2 molecules of each H2A, H2B, H3 & H4 histones). Each nucleosome is linked to the next by small segments of linker DNA like beads on a string.
A more ‘open’ chromatin structure -nucleosomes (basic repeating subunit of chromatin)
loosely packed - is more permissive to gene expression/transcription
Modify histone packaging of DNA to modify gene expression

A single nucleosome consists of about 150 base pairs of DNA sequence wrapped around a core of histone proteins.


mechanisms of gene expression?


transcription: DNA segment is “read” by RNA polymerase, which produces a RNA template strand that is complimentary to the DNA. T nucleotide replaced by U
processing: RNA template is then modified to convert it into mature mRNA that can be used in translation. mRNA undergoes splicing to remove non-coding parts of the transcript (introns) so that only coding sections (exons) remain.
RNA export: mRNA transported from nucleus to cytoplasm thru nuclear pores
translation: final mRNA carries the information needed to code for proteins. Every 3 base pairs on the mRNA corresponds to a binding site for a tRNA which carries an amino acid. The amino acids are then linked together in a chain by a ribosome to create a polypeptide chain.
long chain of amino acids folds to form a 3D structures using enzymes called chaperones


what is meant by the term ‘epigenetics’?
describe the main mechanisms of epigenetic regulation?


Epigenetics= The regulation of gene expression by modifying DNA & chromatin structure without altering the underlying DNA sequence
DNA methylation: silencing of gene expression, often within promoter regions of inactive genes, giving a ‘closed’ chromatin structure =transcription can’t occur=gene switched off
genetic imprinting: gene expression is silenced by epigenetic addition of chemical tags to DNA during egg or sperm formation (=inherited chemical modification of DNA sequence)
micro-RNA (post-transcriptional gene silencing): After loading onto the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), microRNA is able to dirsupt RNA translation (by binding to mRNA to prevent translation of mRNA into protein) or induce degredation
X chromosome inactivation: During X chromosome pairing, a counting mechanism dictates that only 1 X per cell can remain active (eg in female) inactivated X chromosome then condenses into a compact structure called a Barr body, it is stably maintained in a silent state Regulated by a non-coding RNA called XIST.
modifying histone tails (=25% of each histone) can impact gene expression by altering chromatin structure (loosely packed/open to closely packed/closed=transcription cant occur) or recruiting histone modifiers (eg Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) add acetyl groups onto histone tails=make transcription possible)


Define Puberty
Distinguish physical changes occurring during it.


puberty= Period of age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction of offspring
secondary sex characteristics appear
growth acceleration, adult height
Spermatogenesis (boy)/Ovulation (girl)
(maturation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis)
male: enlargement of testes, scrotum pigmentation, thinning of scrotal skin. Penis enlarges.Pubic hair develop, Breaking of the voice at the time of puberty is indicative of androgen-induced enlargement of larynx.
female: breast develop (thelarche), menarche (first menstrual bleeding), Growth of pubic & axillary (armpit) hair (pubarche)


Explain the hormonal changes that take place during puberty in females & males.


Adrenarche: adrenal cortex production of androgens activated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secreted by pituitary, stimulated by hypothalamus secretion of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
At start of puberty, pulsatile GnRH secretion rises dramatically inresponse to a change in brain activity that alters neural input tohypothalamus (exact nature unknown), GnRH stimulate LH/FSH secretion which activate gonads, to produce testosterone (LH act on Leydig cells) & estrogens (LH stimulate theca cells make androstenedione which converted to estradiol in granulosa cell stimulated by FSH)

In males a negative feedback mechanism driven by circulating gonadal steroids and inhibin result in reciprocal changes in the secretion of pituitarygonadotropins.
Testosterone and estradiol in the malehave independent effects on LH secretion.
Inhibition ofLH by testosterone requires aromatization for its pituitaryeffects, and estradiol-inducednegative feedback on LH occurs at the level of thehypothalamus.
In the female, cyclic secretion involves a positive feedback mechanism driven by oestrogens,of sufficient duration. This initiates the synchronous release of LH and FSH that is characteristic of the normal adult woman before menopause


Describe the regulation of onset of puberty.


Before puberty: hormonal feedback or central neural suppression of GnRH release suppress onset of puberty


Outline abnormal onset of puberty.
Give example of conditions associated with abnormal puberty?


outline: Premature sexual development before 8 years in females/9 years in males. Delayed onset= Absence of pubertal development by 14 years in female/15 years in males
precocious puberty (PP):
* Gonadotropin-dependent (GDPP or true PP):
Involves premature activation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.
* Gonadotropin-independent (GIPP or pseudo PP): presence of sex steroids is independent of pituitary gonadotropin release.
delayed puberty:
* Hypo-gonadotropic Hypogonadism (=low LH/FSH, low sex steroid), eg malnutrtion & growth hormone deficiency
* Hyper-gonadotropic Hypogonadism (=high FSH/LH, low sex steroid), eg Turner Syndrome (congenital) & chemotherapy (acquired)
* Eugonadotropic Hypogonadism (=normal FSH/LH, low sex steroid) eg PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome & vaginal atresia (Congenital Anatomic Anomalies)

  1. List the most common causative microbiological agents?
  2. Describe the clinical presentations of STIs?

1.bacterial: Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis
viral: Herpes, Genital wart (human papilloma virus), HIV, Hepatitis
protozoa: Trichomonasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)
fungal: Candida albicans
Arthropodal: Pubic lice & scabies
2.gonorrhoea: Purulent urethral/vaginal discharge, dysuria (painful urination), neonatal eye infection
chlamydia: female Vaginal discharge, intermenstrual bleeding, male: urethral discharge, dysuria, neonatal eye infection
syphilis: primary stage: Small, red oral or lesions on genitals
* 2ndary: Brown rash on palms & soles,, muscle& joint pain, rash on mucosa (mouth, throat & cervix)
* tertiary: Disfiguration, neuropathy, CVS abnormality, gumma (rubbery masses of tissue in organs)

chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi): Painful non-indurated genital ulcer (=without hardened fibrous edge), Ulcers may look like herpes, Lymphadenopathy (=lymph node abnormal/swollen)
herpes: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I =oral cold sore, HSV type II =genital herpes
genital warts (HPV): Itchy or burning sensation developing into raised lumps with characteristic cauliflower appearance
acute HIV: fever, weight loss, skin rash, myalgia
AIDS: skin/lung/GI tumour, tuberculosis, meningitis, encephalitis
Trichomonas vaginalis: Vaginal/urethral discharge, dysuria, vaginitis
pubic lice: Itch caused by hypersensitivity reaction, bites may become visible (maculae ceruleae), Eggs on hair may be visible
scabies: Nocturnal pruritus
candidiasis: vaginal discharge


Diagnostic tests for suspected cases?


Gonorrhoea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), MC+S
microscopy of discharge, Culture swabs from infected area/discharge (kept warm in charcoal-enriched transport medium, sent to lab immediately) & from urine
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), Culture still vital as need to test antibiotics sensitivity for treatment due to multi-resistant strains
Chlamydia(Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes D to K), cell culture using McCoy cell lines, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) & ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay)
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum), RPR (Rapid plasma reagin) test, VDRL (Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory), TPHA (Treponema Pallidum HaemAgglutination)
chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi), MC+S, Gram stain on aspirate from ulcer
Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus/HSV), culture, PCR, antigen detection
Genital wart - human papilloma virus (HPV), DNA tests, eg PCR, (for cancer screening) PAP smear
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), Ab tests, Ag/Ab combination test & nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
Hepatitis B, blood test for Ag & Ab, PCR
protozoa: Trichomonasis (Trichomonas vaginalis), Microscopy & culture & NAAT
fungal: candidiasis (Candida albicans), Microscopy reveal yeast particles sometimes with hyphae. Vaginal swab culture
* Pubic lice, Microscopy reveals adult lice & eggs
* scabies, Nocturnal pruritus(=itchy skin), Microscopy, NAAT, antibody assays


Describe the pathogenesis of STIs?


mucosal memb are thinner than skin and allow microbes to cross them into body. STIs invade human body through microscopic abrasions (or cuts increase risks of transmission) within the mucosal membranes of penis, vagina, anus, or any other mucosal surfaces. Transmission of STIs can include using intravenous drugs, exposure through vagina during childbirth, or breastfeeding. Organisms invade normal cells and overburden the immune system creating typical signs and symptoms of the disease.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae bind complement proteins to prevent opsonization and killing by membrane attack complexes, sialylates its lipooligosaccharide (LOS) to hide from complement system. it binds host factor H & C4b-binding protein (C4BP), becoming serum resistant by presenting as self & by shielding itself from complement recognition. . N. gonorrhoeae binds C3b through lipid A on its LOS, rapidly inactivating C3b by factor I-induced conversion to iC3b179. It can survive in and around macrophages and neutrophils during infection and modulate the immune-activating properties of dendritic cells (DCs). In macrophages, it can survive inside phagosome and modulate apoptosis & production of inflammatory cytokines. It polarizes macrophages, reduce macrophages ability of T cell activation
HIV attachment molecule gp120 (glycoprotein, 120 Molecular Weight) bind to CD4+ T-helper cell surface molecule. Viral envelop fuses with host cell membrane, Viral particle internalised by host cells
HSV type I: viral attachment via viral glycoprotein gB and/or gC with HS proteoglycans (HSPG)s, viral surfing (=virus binds initially to filopodia, viral particles travel along extracellular filopodial surface toward cell body via interaction of gB, HSPGs & Rho GTPases), Fusion of viral envelope with host plasma membrane


Transmission routes of STIs?


Primary sites of infection - mucous membranes of the urethra, endocervix, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. Direct inoculation of infected secretions from one mucous membrane to another. Maternal transfer to neonates causing conjunctivitis (and meningitis)
Vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
Also possible eye infection by auto-inoculation
Primary sites of infection - mucous membranes of the urethra, endocervix, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. Transmission by infected secretions from one mucous membrane to another. Neontal eye (and lung) infections via maternal – foetal transfer
Direct contact with lesion which contain large numbers of live treponema pallidum. Vaginal, anal and oral routes. Maternal-foetal transfer during pregnancy causing complications in multiple organs
Skin laceration and mucosae. May spread to different parts of body via auto-inoculation
Primarily oral – oral contact. Recent trend of oral – genital transmission of HSV-1 causing genital HSV-1 infection observed but WHO still regard oral route as main transmission platform
Genital contact. Rarely genital – oral transfer but individual cases reported
Skin to skin contact. Vaginal, anal, oral routes. Hand to genitals transfer has been reported. Maternal – foetal route also possible
Fungal: Candidiasis
A commensal in vagina and GI tract. Can be transmitted via sexual intercourse or as a non-sexually transmitted cause due to the close proximity of vaginal and anal openings
Protozoan: Trichomonaiasis
Mucosa inoculation (vaginal, urethral)
Arthropodal: Pubic lice & Scabie
Can be sexually transmitted as well as via skin contact, contaminated fabric materials harbouring the lice


Describe the main features of ageing in the ovaries


At birth: ~1.5-2 million follicles
Follicular atresia (breakdown) continues throughout life, Follicular loss accelerates when total number of follicles is ~25,000
menopause occur When follicles are sufficiently depleted (follicle quantity reduced to < 1000)
gradual decline in quantity & quality of oocytes residing in follicles, so pregnancy rate decrease after around 30 yrs old
Noticeable ageing events: cycle irregularity & menopause


Describe the endocrinological basis of menopause?


Decline in antral follicle count (AFC)
Reduced inhibin B:
Number of small antral follicles recruited in each cycle diminishes, so insufficient Inhibin B is produced to fully inhibit FSH so FSH increase.
Also decrease oocyte quality (e.g. aneuploidy= abnormal chromosome number =not an exact multiple of haploid number 23) & fertility potential
Steady increase in FSH as inhibin B which inhibit FSH decrease dramatically after late reproductive stage
Reduced estradiol after late menopause transition stage
Gradually declining AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) as antral follicle number decrease with age, it inhibit primordial follicle recruitment so as it decrease, follicle recruited at faster rate so faster depletion =menopause. It may inhibit follicles responsiveness to FSH so as it decrease, follicle more sensitive to FSH


pharmacological modulation of menopause?
Describe some possible short- & longer-term symptoms associated with menopause?


Irregular Periods: longer than normal cycles or missed periods. Anovulation (=no ova released)
Hot Flushes/Night Sweat (vasomotor instability): Lack of oestrogen leads to a change in sensitivity of the “set point” in the thermostat, misinforms hypothalamus about increased body temp (info transmission by adrenaline/NA/PG/serotonin) so response is to dissipate heat =increased heart rate, Skin vasodilation to circulate more blood to radiate off heat & sweat glands release sweat to cool body off even more. Episode from Few sec to several mins, usually last 1-2yrs but can last>5yrs
Vaginal Dryness: due to vaginal tissue becomes thinner as a result of lower oestrogen levels.
Joints may start to feel stiffer, painful or weak
Skin can become dryer & hair brittle
Sleep/mood Disturbance: Psychological changes, eg, irritability, tearfulness, mild depression are common during this time of major change
Heart Disease: oestrogen is important in protecting heart and blood vessels; the body’s own oestrogen prior to the menopause is understood to have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and general body fat distribution.
Osteoporosis: due to partly Lack of
oestrogen to suppress (parathyroid hormone) PTH-stimulated osteoclast-like cell formation which cause bone resorption =Ca2+ release. gradual thinning of bone make bones brittle and fragile, leading to a stooping posture, backache & increased risk of fractures. Due to excess Ca2+ release from bone matrix, production of active from of vitamin D to increase gut absorption of Ca2+ is inhibited; thus Vitamin D levels decrease


Describe the main extra-reproductive effects of the loss of oestrogen in menopause?

Effects outside reproductive system


Hot Flushes/Night Sweat (vasomotor instability): Lack of oestrogen leads to a change in sensitivity of the “set point” in the thermostat, misinforms hypothalamus about increased body temp (info transmission by adrenaline/NA/PG/serotonin) so response is to dissipate heat =increased heart rate, Skin vasodilation to circulate more blood to radiate off heat & sweat glands release sweat to cool body off even more. Episode from Few sec to several mins, usually last 1-2yrs but can last>5yrs
metabolic changes, eg insulin resistance as estrogen level reduce, body become less responsive to insulin. Increased LDL cholesterol (bad) as estrogen decrease LDL. increased visceral fat
Skin become dryer & hair become brittle
Sleep/mood Disturbance: Psychological changes, eg, irritability, tearfulness, mild depression are common during this time of major change
Urogenital: Increased urgency & frequency, Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, Dysparunia (pain in sex) & Pruritus (itching). Decreased production of vaginal lubricating fluid, Loss of vaginal elasticity & thinning of epithelium (vaginal atrophy), Development of uretheral caruncles (benign lesion of distal urethra) & Mucosal thinning of urethra & bladder
Cardiovascular Disease: oestrogen is important in protecting heart & blood vessels: it increase HDL cholesterol (good 4 body), Decrease LDL cholesterol (bad). it smooths & dilates blood vessels so blood flow increases.
it Soaks up free radicals, naturally occurring particles in blood that can damage arteries/other tissues. Hormone replacement therapy cannot prevent CVD
Osteoporosis: due to partly Lack of
oestrogen to suppress (parathyroid hormone) PTH-stimulated osteoclast-like cell formation which cause bone resorption =Ca2+ release. gradual thinning of bone make bones brittle and fragile, leading to a stooping posture, back pain, height/mobility loss, tooth loss & increased risk of fracture (hip fracture). Due to excess Ca2+ release from bone matrix, production of active from of vitamin D to increase gut absorption of Ca2+ is inhibited; thus Vitamin D levels decrease.


Describe some features of male reproductive ageing


Leydig cell quantity reduce so testosterone release reduce. Decreased amplitude of pulsatile LH release, testosterone & LH release become asynchronous/irregular. Decrease in testosterone in ageing men may not elicit a compensatory LH response to stimulate testosterone release
Physical Symptoms: decreased vigor, easily fatigued, diminished strength & muscle mass, decrease in bone mineral density
Sexual Symptoms: decreased libido/sexual activity, reduced ejaculate strength & volume


Describe the sexual response cycle phases during coitus


Describe male sexual function with respect to the organs of male reproductive system


Describe erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction
Describe the pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation


Define libido
Describe conditions affecting libido?

  • Describe the structure of the prostate gland?
  • *Explain the functions of the prostate gland?

Describe the main pathologies of the prostate gland, namely** prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia & prostate cancer**
* Outline the clinical presentation of each of the above & tests and treatments commonly used.


Describe the value of PSA as a screening test for prostate cancer?

  • Define the maternal foetal interface?

Describe the role of maternal immune system in regulation of key events in pregnancy?


cellular & humoral immune mechanisms allowing for the maternal tolerance of foetal tissues?

  • Describe the transport of gametes to the ampullary-isthmic junction, and the changes during transport

Describe the phases of fertilisation, including the role of the acrosome and the prevention of polyspermy


Describe the pre-implantation changes to the zygote


Describe the process of implantation (attachment & invasion)
Describe the prolongation of corpus luteum?