MGEM2013 Flashcards
Hypoventilation syndromes & CCHS
Describe & explain the basis of Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), signs & symptoms
understand rationale for treatments
genetic basis: autosomal dominant, repeat mutations in paired-like homebox 2B (PHOX2B) gene on short arm of chromosome 4. Most cases due to Increased polyalanine repeat mutations (PARM) & some due to non-polyalanine repeat mutations (NPARM) in Exon 3 of PHOX2B gene. Cause autonomic NS dysregulation, more mutations=more severe dysfunction
sign & symptoms: Voluntary breathing is intact when awake, BUT Automatic breathing is absent during sleep=obstructive sleep apnea, increased PaCO2, very reduced tidal volume, shallow breathing. May also have multi-systemic effects, eg, dysregulated BP during sleep (CVS), seizure/delayed development (neurological), impaired basal temp & metabolic control, blood glucose dysregulation, GI Hirschsprung’s disease=constipation, poor eye sight, neural crest tumours/cancer
* portable positive pressure ventilators via tracheostomy for home ventilation for younger children <8yrs.
* Young adult need more ventilation so use Mechanical ventilation & noninvasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation via face masks
* diaphragm pacing during sleep - electrical impulses transmit to phrenic nerve electrodes
* Bronchoscopy performed every 12-24 months to allow for diagnosis of granulomas due to high risk of cancer =malignant tumours
Hypoventilation syndromes & CCHS
Compare the characteristics of CCHS (Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome) with other hypoventilation syndrome subtypes concerning sleep-related breathing
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: also display Obstructive sleep apnea (=breathing stop/disrupted) & Hypercapnia(high CO2 in arterial blood), but also Body mass index >30 kg/m2 where thick neck folds put weight on trachea
other Sleep-related hypoventilation not due to genetics, can due to medical disorder (pulmonary vessels, lung parenchyma, neurological disorders) OR pharmacological influence, patient too sensitive to Narcotics, sedatives, anaesthetics, depressants, muscle relaxants, opioid intake
Late-onset central hypoventilation not due to genetics but due to respiratory illness OR Hypothalamic dysfunction, eg due to disease/impaired circulation to brainstem/hypothalamus
initiation of breathing
compare & contrast the roles of dorsal respiratory group & ventral respiratory group?
Some neurones in the VRG cause inspiration and some cause expiration. DRG neuron ONLY cause inspiration
VRG has no role in the basic rhythmical oscillations/initiation of breathing whereas DRG has (DRG drive movement & timing)
VRG Inactive in normal, quiet breathing but
DRG is active
VRG Involved in active breathing e.g. greater than normal ventilation & forced expiration that increases with exercise, dyspnoea, lung disease, stress
DRG in nucleus tractus solitarius; VRG in nucleus ambiguus & nucleus retroambiguus
initiation of breathing
Describe, at a basic level, the neurogenic basis of breathing
==which nucleus of pneumotaxic centre signal to DRG to finely tune respiratory rate & pattern?
Pneumotaxic centre sends continual inhibitory impulses to inhibit apneustic centre (in lower pons) & DRG (in medulla)
Kolliker-Fuse nucleus finely tunes the respiratory rate & breathing pattern (amplitude & duration) by signaling to DRG.
. pneumotaxic signals inhibit activity of phrenic nerve
DRG neurons in nucleus tractus solitarius in medulla are thought to be inherently rhythmic
DRG send repetitive ‘ramped’ bursts of inspiratory neuronal action potentials to (inspiratory muscles like) diaphragm & external intercostal muscles for 2 secs on (inspire) then 3 sec off (inspiratory AP inhibited by pneumotaxic centre to allow expiration by elastic recoil of lungs & thoracic cage in normal quiet breathing) =5 sec respiratory cycle if 12 breaths/min. Ramped AP firing =gradual increase in signal strength to ensure steady increase in lung volume rather than inspiratory gasps.
When the respiratory drive for increased pulmonary ventilation becomes greater than normal, eg during heavy exercise/forced expiration, VRG also contribute extra respiratory drive
regulation of breathing mechanisms?
Vagal & glossopharyngeal nerves’ sensory termination at nucleus tractus solitarius, so also modulates activity in DRG. They transmit sensory info from peripheral chemoreceptors; baroreceptors; receptors in liver, pancreas, and multiple parts of GI tract; & several types of receptors in lungs.
initiation of breathing
what are the roles of the dorsal respiratory group, ventral respiratory group, the apneustic centre & the pneumotaxic centre?
explain consequences of injury to the latter? on the respiratory phase
Drives movements & timing=initiate breathing. Output to inspiratory muscles=external intercostal muscle
Active during inspiration - neurons cause inspiration ONLY - repetitive ‘ramped’ bursts of inspiratory neuronal action potentials for 2 secs on (inspire) then 3 sec off (allow expiration) =5 sec respiratory cycle if 12 breaths/min. Allows steady increase in lung volume rather than inspiratory gasps.
Neurones located in nucleus tractus solitarius
Either side of the medulla, anterior and lateral to the DRG, main role=forced expiration
Located in nucleus ambiguus & nucleus retroambiguus - neurons can cause BOTH inspiration & expiration
Pre-Bötzinger complex(=central pattern generator) exact location unsure. May also responsible 4 initiation of breathing
Inactive in normal, quiet breathing as
DRG is active & expiration is passive.
Involved in active breathing e.g. greater than normal ventilation & increased forced expiration e.g. voluntary forced exhalation activity increases with exercise, dyspnoea, lung disease, stress
apneustic centre is excitatory and it stimulate DRG to prolong inspiration =delay OFF signal to smooths/modulate breathing cycle so breathing in and out isn’t abrupt =smooth transition betwn inspire & exspire
Inhibited by stretch receptors at max inspiration or by pneumotaxic centre
it prolong inspiration for long deep breaths by stimulating DRG & VRG to increase tidal volume i.e. delays the ‘off signal
When it’s damaged though, this transition is lost and the cycle becomes very abrupt as you’ll be gasping because inspiratory neurones are mainly excited. Injuries to the Section of brainstem immediately above apneustic centre gives prolonged inspiratory gasps interrupted by transient expiratory efforts =apneusis/apneustic breathing??? resp cycle becomes abrupt
pneumotaxic centre is inhibitory and stops the lungs from overinflating by shorting the duration of the inhalation i.e. it helps you to breathe out. When it’s more active/the signal is stronger, the rate of breathing is faster (due to amplitude & duration of inspiration are reduced). This protective control is taken away if the centre is damaged, E.g. upper pons damage (head injury/cerebral stroke/ischemia to pons) - where duration of inspiration increases (to 5sec/more) so amplitude/volume of inspiration increase= lose protection against overinflation
Pneumotaxic centre sends continual inhibitory impulses to inhibit apneustic centre (in lower pons) & DRG (in medulla) so inhibit activity of phrenic nerves (C3-5) which innervate diaphragm
Kolliker-Fuse nucleus finely tunes the respiratory rate & breathing pattern (amplitude & duration) by signaling to DRG
which centre stops the lungs becoming too full/overinflating by shortening the duration of inhalation. When that centre is more active, the breathing rate becomes ?
when what centre is damaged, the respiration cycle is abrupt?
[pneumotaxic centre] stops the lungs becoming too full by [shortening the duration of inhalation] . When it’s more active, the breathing rate is [faster] The two centres are very different. For example, when the [apneustic centre] is damaged, the respiration cycle is [abrupt]
The pneumotaxic centre is inhibitory and stops the lungs from becoming too full by shorting the duration of the inhalation i.e. it helps you to breathe out. When it’s more active, the rate of breathing is faster (due to breathing amplitude & duration are reduced). This protective control is taken away if the centre is damaged so, inspiration gets bigger!
On the other hand, the apneustic centre is excitatory and smooths your breathing cycle so breathing in and out isn’t abrupt. When it’s damaged though, this transition is lost and the cycle becomes very abrupt as you’ll be gasping because inspiratory neurones are mainly excited.
pneumotaxic & apneustic centre found where?
excitatory OR inhibitory?
apneustic centre is found in the lower pons & excitatory
pneumotaxic in upper pons, inhibitory effect on apneustic centre & dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Describe alveolar-blood gas diffusion & partial pressures for O2 & CO2 exchange (in both mmHg & kPa in exam)
both mmHg & kPa units will appear in exam
Normal arterial values?????
PaO2 = 11-15 kPa; ~90-113 mmHg
PaCO2 = 4.6-6.4 kPa; ~33-46 mmHg
alveolar air: pO2 =105mmHg/14kPa (reduced from atmospheric due to 37 degreebody temp, water vapour added in conducting zone)
pCO2 =40mmHg/5.3kPa
atmospheric air: pO2 =~159mmHg/21kPa
pCO2 =0.3mmHg/0.04kPa
arterial blood paO2 (lowercase a) in reality ~85-100mmHg (11.3-13.3kPa) although theoretically should be same as alveolar pAO2 (uppercase A) after diffusion & equilibrium. So O2 diffuse into arterial blood down O2 partial pressure gradient (105->~95mmHg), CO2 out of blood then out to atmosphere down CO2 partial pressure gradient (vein45mmHg/6kPa->alveoli40mmHg/5.3kPa->0.3mmHg)
Why alveolar O2 partial pressure differ from arterial O2 partial pressure?
In health, PAO2 (~105mmHg/14kPa) & PaO2 (~85-100mmHg/11.3-13.3kPa) differ slightly (approx. < 15 mmHg) after equilibration as not all the pulmonary blood goes to the alveoli. Also some arterial and venous blood also mix in our bodies causing the PaO2 to fall slightly
Both these states are shunts
Some veins bypass the lungs and empty directly into the arterial circulation.
Some bronchial veins drain into pulmonary veins
Coronary venous blood drains into the left ventricle
Thebesian veins of the left cardiac ventricle drain into the right ventricle
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Describe factors that influence gas exchange in health (including exercise) & in disease states
* Influential factors (Fick’s principle)
* Ventilation-perfusion VQ matching
- factors affecting diffusion rate: (Fick’s law)
* gas solubility
* gas molecular weight - heavier & less soluble gas=slower diffusion (except CO2 which is heavier but more soluble, diffuse faster than O2)
* alveolar surface area –eg, decrease in disease Emphysema (permanent loss), Pneumonia (inflammatory consolidation), so slower diffusion
* partial pressure gradient –eg increase due to Increased metabolism in exercises or if given 100% O2, so faster diffusion; Altitude decreases rate of diffusion
* air-blood barrier/alveolar wall thickened –eg, due to alveolar wall covered by pus/thickened pneumocytes, in diseases eg, pulmonary fibrosis (chronic RF), oedema (acute RF), asbestosis, pneumonia
. 2. hypoventilation - hypercapnia -Type 2 resp failure
. 3. shunts - blood go through lung but no gas exchange due to alveoli filled with pus, tumour, oedema, blood, or atlectasis
. 4. VQ mismatch
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Explain the effect of gravity on Ventilation and Perfusion & the VQ ratios from lung apex to base
Gravity causes a mismatch of regional ventilation & perfusion at the base & apex of the lungs
Due to effects of gravity, zone 3 (lung base below heart, higher BP due to weight of lungs due to gravity) has very distended arteries and veins & small/shrivelled alveoli, so V < Q; lower V/Q ratio. Always normal blood flow due to (hydrostatic pressure & weight of blood), local alveolar capillary BP > alveolar air pressure throughout entire cardiac cycle
zone 2 V=Q; intermittent blood flow because during diastole, blood pressure drop below alveolar air pressure so no blood flow. ONLY in systole blood flows
zone 1 (lung apex above heart with lower BP) has narrower vessels & very distended alveoli. V>Q; higher V/Q ratio. Narrow/closed alveolar capillaries due to alveolar air pressure > BP of capillary in alveolar walls, (capillaries compressed by alveolar air pressure from outsides) so no blood flow. ONLY Occurs Under Abnormal Conditions, e.g. upright person breathing against positive air pressure so intra-alveolar air pressure is greater than normal with normal pulmonary systolic BP, OR pulmonary systolic arterial pressure is exceedingly low after severe blood loss. In health, lung apex has compressed alveoli??? due to less pressure gradient as apex has less negative intrapleural pressure
At the apex, where the lungs are overventilated relative to blood flow, V > Q, the PaO2 is higher than base, but PaCO2 is lower.
PaO2 at base of the lungs is lower because the blood is not fully oxygenated as a result of V < Q, underventilation relative to blood flow
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Explain how VQ is controlled & the effect of increased & decreased VQ matching on partial pressures
When V > Q, ppO2 increase, local pulmonary arterioles dilate, vascular resistance decrease, perfusion/blood flow increase & ppCO2 decrease, local bronchioles constrict, airway resistance increase, ventilation reduce
When V < Q, ppO2 decrease, local pulmonary arterioles constrict, vascular resistance increase, perfusion reduce & ppCO2 increase, local bronchioles dilate, airway resistance decrease, ventilation increase
When the V/Q ratio is low, the partial pressures approach that of mixed venous blood. When the V/Q ratio is high, the partial pressure is close to inspired
At the apex, where the lungs are overventilated relative to blood flow, V > Q, the PaO2 is higher than base, but PaCO2 is lower.
PaO2 at base of the lungs is lower because the blood is not fully oxygenated as a result of V < Q, underventilation relative to blood flow
Resp failure & VQ mismatch
Compare pulmonary & systemic circulation characteristics
Pulmonary arterioles constrict to low PaO2 (hypoxia) to reduce flow & redirect blood to better perfused areas. Vasodilate when PaO2 increase
whereas in systemic circulation, systemic arteriole vasodilate when low PaO2 & vasoconstrict when PaO2 increase
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Define Respiratory Failure
describe main causes & explain clinical examples arising from these causes
Definition: A failure to maintain adequate gas exchange and is characterised by abnormal arterial blood gas partial pressures
type 1: hypoxaemia (< 8kPa) & normal/low CO2
* impaired gas exchange, dyspnoea (breathless), irritable, tachycardia, may develop arrythmia, cyanosis (bluish skin, more O2 unloaded from haemoglobin to be used so more deoxy-haemoglobin in blood)
type 2: hypoxaemia & hypercapnia (>6kPa)
* headache (due to CO2 retention), drowsy, confusion, peripheries shaking tremor (eg hand), warm fingers (as CO2 is a good vasodilator)
main causes:
a) alveolar hypoventilation due to not enough O2 to breathe in or insufficient lungs pump activity (=impaired lung mechanics, eg ribs/diaphragm broken, airways blocked). Type 2 respiratory failure
* reduction in minute ventilation characteristically shows an increase in PaCO2 - (minute ventilation=breath volume 0.5L x 12 breath frequency=6L/min so may due to change in tidal volume or frequency of breath)
* increased proportion of physiological dead space (=alveoli) as CO2 can’t be removed/exchanged from alveoli out of body
b) diffusion deficit eg thickened alveolar wall
c) shunts, blood bypass lungs so not oxygenated, venous blood mixing with oxygenated blood so pO2 reduce
* Extra-pulmonary shunt –Mainly paediatric cardiac causes e.g. ductus arteriosus. This usually reverses.
* intra-pulmonary shunt
blood is transported through lungs without taking part in gas exchange. Commonly due to alveolar filling (pus, oedema, blood, tumour) & atelectasis. Giving 100% oxygen does ‘not’ correct pure shunt hypoxia, it increase pO2 but tissues mostly use O2 bound to haemoglobin, not dissolved O2 in blood (or because 100% oxygen cant enter blood perfusing consolidated/collapsed alveoli)
d) ventilation–perfusion (VQ) mismatch =local effect on 1 place in lungs, not affect everywhere in lungs, most common cause type 1 respiratory failure
Explain the shape of the oxyhaemoglobin curve & compare the effects of the changes in patients – one with a fever and one with carboxyhaemoglobin
Explain, with reference to sources of resistances to breathing, what pulmonary surfactant is and 3 important benefits it conveys on breathing.
A patient is diagnosed with hereditary neuropathy type II following lack of sensation in their hands and feet. They are told breathing difficulties may arise.
Which nuclei would be responsible for any breathing abnormality in this case?
a.Kolliker-Fuse nucleus
b.Nucleus parabrachialis medialis
c.Nucleus tractus solitaris
d.Nucleus retroambiguus
e.Nucleus retrofacialis
c. Nucleus tractus solitaris
A man having respiratory complaints is breathlessness when walking up a slight hill. What is their MRC breathless score?
score 1
0 – strenuous exercise;
1 – hurrying or walking up a slight hill;
2- walking slower than others of same age or stopping for a breath at own pace on the flat ground;
3 – stopping after a few Minutes or 150 m;
4- too breathless to leave the house or when dressing/undressing
control of breathing
J receptors are stimulated in a patient causing rapid shallow breathing. Which patient condition would directly stimulate these receptors?
A) A patient who has directly inhaled ammonia through a health and safety failure
B) A patient having endotracheal intubation due to anaphylactic shock
C) A patient with an asthma attack
D) A pneumonia patient with profound alveolar consolidation
E) A patient with pneumothorax
D) A pneumonia patient with profound alveolar consolidation
J-fibres: Present on the walls of the alveoli and have close contact with the capillaries
Stimulated by pneumonia, congestive heart failure (CHF), pulmonary oedema as well as exposure to e.g. histamine
Which is one cause of increased chest wall resistance?
A) Breathing low density gas
B) Increased airway radius
C) Reduced surfactant production
D) Reduced abdominal pressure
E) Pregnancy
E) Pregnancy
Compliance is being measured in a patient. Normal lung compliance ranges from 0.1 – 0. 4L/cm H2O
Patient A: A 100 mL change in volume is caused by a 2 cmH20 change in pressure
Patient B: A 500 mL change in volume is caused by a 1 cmH20 change in pressure.
Which patient is most likely to have hyperinflation?
=patient B
Compliance is volume/pressure
Patient A - 0.1L/2 cmH2O= 0.05 L/cmH2O
Patient B - 0.5/1 cmH2O = 0.5 L/cmH2O
Emphysema has increased compliance – hence B – this is associated with increased TLC.
A patient has a lower than expected FEV1 and elevated FEV1/FVC for their age. What condition (s) might underlie the spirometry results?
A) Asthma
B) Bronchiectasis
C) Asbestosis
D) Chronic bronchitis
E) Cystic fibrosis
C) Asbestosis
This FEV1/FVC trend is typical for restrictive lung diseases. Asbestosis is one such example but all others are obstructive states
SAQ 10 marks
1) Identify and explain the clinical tests used to diagnose TB (5 marks)
2) Describe what you would observe in a positive result ( 5 marks)
1) Skin test, measure diameter of swelling – 1
B – Microbiological sampling, sputum analysis – 1
C – Blood test, interferon gamma etc. – white blood cells – 1
D – Molecular testing, NAAT – 1
E – Imaging – X-ra/CT thorax – 1
2) Positive results
A – 5mm or larger
B – Culture growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis
C – IFN-g release
D – Bacterium present
E – Inflammation of lungs – opacities in specific site
SAQ 10 marks
1)Describe the anatomical features of pneumonia (5 marks)
2) Further explain possible outcomes of pneumonia (5 marks)
Lobar pneumonia is alveoli to alveoli (1) organisms rapidly access alveoli and spreads via alveolar pores (1). This pneumonia is common in adults with poor hygiene especially (1) Bronchopneumonia is present through the bronchi and alveoli (1). Colonise bronchi (1) It affects locally in the lobes (1) In young and elderly (1)
2) Fibrosis/scar tissue (1) Abscess formation (1) Death (1) Productive cough (1) destruction of connective tissue (1) Bacterimia (1)
Describe the pathogenesis of emphysema (3 marks)
any 3 of the following:
- Environmental toxins (cigarette smoke & other inhaled pollutants) stimulate release of inflammatory cells
- Neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes accumulate
- Neutrophils and macrophages release cytokines and proteases with breakdown ECM
- Emphysema is caused by the imbalance of proteases and anti-proteases resulting in lung parenchymal destruction
- Epithelial injury and ECM proteolysis due to presence of elastases, cytokines and oxidant
Compare & contrast COPD and Fibrosis with reference to:
i) the nature of the disease i.e., obstructive or restrictive (1 mark for each disease)
ii). the signs and symptoms (2 marks for each disease )
iii.) the major pathological changes involved (2 marks for each disease)
i) COPD obstructive; fibrosis restricitive
ii)COPD: CoughHyperresonant chestSputum productionCyanosis
fibrosis: CoughShortness of breathShallow breathingFinger clubbing
iii)COPD: Mucus gland hypertrophyMucus gland hyperplasiaMucus hypersecretion
fibrosis: Type 2 pneumocyte hyperplasiaexcess of ECM componentsthickened, stiff tissue
epithelial damage
Respiratory biomarkers
Understand what a biomarker is and why they are needed
* Understand the different types of biomarker and sample options
* Be aware of some current respiratory biomarkers
* Understand what ‘Omics technologies are and what they add to the biomarker field
* Be aware of emerging technologies including cell free DNA
- Explain what basic respiratory measurements/volume may be used to calculate the following lung volumes and/or capacities [6 marks]
(i) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
(ii) Vital capacity (VC)
(iii) Functional residual volume (FRV)
(i) IRV = TLC – (TV, ERV and RV) or similar
(ii) VC= IRV +TV + ERV
(iii) FRV = ERV + RV (or TLC – IC + ERV)
2 marks each
(ii) What is the approximate value in ml for the residual volume in a healthy 70kg male? [1 mark]
(iii) Explain the effect of pulmonary fibrosis on the residual volume [3 marks]
ii) approx 1500 ml
(iii)Pulmonary fibrosis is a restrictive lung disease in which ability of lungs to expand for ventilation and gas exchange is reduced. As a consequence, all lung volumes are reduced including residual volume
(i) A 68 yr old man has noticed he is becoming breathless in comparison to his twin brother when walking on level ground to local shops. Explain the MRC score of breathlessness that would be assigned to this man [5 marks]
(ii) He is subsequently found to have been suffering from the effects of drug overdose and has CNS depression. With reference to the causes of respiratory failure, explain which type is he most likely to have? [5 marks]
i) MRC scale:
Grade 1 – Breathlessness when hurrying on the level or on a slight hill
Grade 2 – Breathlessness when walking with own age on level ground
Grade 3 – Has to stop because of breathlessness when walking on level ground at own pace
so, He has grade 2 breathlessness
(4 marks for scale, 1 for correct type.)
ii)Type I = hypoxia alone < 8kPa, Type II hypoxia and hypercapnia ( >6kPa). [1 marks]
Respiratory failure is caused by alveolar hypoventilation, shunts, diffusion deficit and VQ mismatch (+ brief description) [3 marks]
She most likely has type II respiratory failure as depression of the respiratory drive would reduced the ability to expel Co2 causing hypercapnia. [1 marks]
i) Describe the causes, pathology and classifications of pneumonia [6 marks]
(ii) Radiographs indicate that a lady with pneumonia has a large opaque area in the lower lobe of her right lung. Name 2 potential causes of opacity on x-ray and explain the physiological basis for breathlessness. [4 marks].
i) Lobar and bronchopneumonia. Microbiological basis to be included and pathogenesis to include inflammation and consolidation. A good answer will include the timeline (red and grey hepatization) and subsequent resolution
(ii) Could be any of the following: consolidation, pulmonary oedema, pleural effusions, carcinoma, pneumothorax, rib fracture, lung disease etc. (+ reasoning.)
1 mark for differential and 1 for associated reasoning
Describe, with the use of a diagram if necessary, the anatomy of the right lung under the following headings:
(i) Lobes [3 marks]
(ii) Surface marking [5 marks ]
(iii)Structures at the hilum [2 marks]
(i) Upper, middle and lower lobes; Oblique and horizontal fissures [3 marks]
(ii) The apex of the lung extends above the first rib into the root of the neck. The two lungs come close to one another at the level of the 2nd costal cartilage and then descends to the level of the 4th costal cartilage and further down till the 6th costal cartilage. It then deviates laterally to the level of the 8th rib at the mid axillary line and 10th thoracic vertebra posteriorly. [5 marks]
(iii) (From above downwards) Bronchus (eparterial), pulmonary artery, bronchus (hyparterial), pulmonary veins, lymphatics, autonomic nerves, bronchial arteries. [2 marks]
A woman with long term COPD is admitted to hospital. Her SaO2 on oxygen is 88%. Her blood gases are analysed.
(i) Explain, with reasoning, the nature/class of her respiratory failure & the acid-base disturbance most likely resulting from the condition injuries [6 marks].
(ii) Clearly state & explain whether each of his PaO2, PaCO2, pH and HCO3- results are likely to be increased or decreased [4 marks].
i) Definition of type I and type II failure [1 mark] and causes [2 marks]: needs to explain that this is most likely type II due to air trapping. Type II respiratory failure is most likely [1 mark]. Pathological destruction mechanisms is likely to cause difficulty in expiring carbon dioxide [1 mark] which would result in respiratory acidosis (most likely compensated) [1 mark].
(ii) The profile expected would be a high PaCO2 [1 mark] and a reduced from normal pH [1 mark] indicative of acidosis.
PaO2 is low as suggested by SaO2 [1 mark]
HCO3- is likely to be in high range due to renal compensation [1 mark]
COVID by numbers
Relate exponential bacterial growth to graphs and equations
Use linear and logarithmic scales to display exponential growth
Estimate the generation doubling time
respiratory pathogens
Recognise the demographics of respiratory infections & the differences between upper and lower respiratory tract infections
Describe the spectrum of microorganisms causing respiratory tract infection
resp pathogens
Relate the features of respiratory pathogens to the pathogenesis of infections in the upper & lower respiratory tracts
resp pathogen
Describe the processes involved in the laboratory diagnosis & identification of respiratory pathogens
Outline the treatment regimens available for respiratory infections
lung function test
- To use peak flow rates using peak flow meters and to use dynamic respiratory manoeuvres (forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC))
. - To calculate predicted results and reference ranges for PEFR using adult reference equations and compare actual with predicted results.
. - To compare volume- time trends seen in response to simulated conditions (e.g., respiratory pathologies).
. - To compare flow volume loops from demonstrated normal with a variety of pathological presentations.
resp pharmacology workshop
review the mechanism of action of common classes of drugs used in respiratory conditions including beta2 adrenergic agonists, corticosteroids, cys-leukotriene receptor antagonists, muscarinic antagonists.
review the adverse reactions associated with the common classes of drugs used in respiratory conditions and consider ways to reduce the likelihood of these adverse reactions occurring.
Describe the main types of inhalers and their pros and cons
Explain the effect of particle size on inhaled drug action.
Explain the advantages of using a spacer with an inhaler
Explain the appropriate use of nebulisers
Discuss the issues surrounding inhaler sustainability
‘Pathology of pneumonia’
Describe the pathological features of acute pneumonia
Describe the causative agents, routes of infection and classifications of acute pneumonia
Describe the clinical symptoms, treatment and possible outcomes of acute pneumonia
Describe the causative agents of chronic pneumonia
TB pathology
Describe the aetiology, risk factors and diagnosis of TB
Describe the signs and symptoms of TB
Describe granulomatous inflammation as a specific type of chronic inflammation
Describe the pathogenesis and sequelae of primary and secondary TB
lung cancer
Describe the 4 main types of lung cancer, (Small cell carcinoma, squamous carcinoma, Adeno-carcinoma, Large cell carcinoma), in terms of: aetiology, pathology, staging, treatment & prognosis.
Distinguish small cell carcinoma from non-small cell carcinoma.
Outline the evidence linking smoking and lung cancer.
Which one of the following statements is true of lung cancer?
a) Most are small cell in type
b) Approximately 25% of lung cancers are large cell anaplastic in histological type
c) 80% are due to smoking
d) Screening has proved beneficial
Which one of the following is true regarding lung cancer?
a) Adenocarcinomas tend to grow quickly
b) 5% of patients with lung cancer present with, or develop complications of non-metastatic paraneoplastic syndromes
c) Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is associated with hypernatraemia
d) 80-90% of small cell carcinomas have spread beyond the thorax at the time of diagnosis
Which one of the following statements is true of surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)?
a) Post-operative mortality rate is approximately 10%
b) About 30% of patients are suitable for resection at diagnosis
c) Pneumonectomy is the most commonly performed operation
d) Surgery offers the best chance of cure
Which one of the following statements is true of small cell lung cancer (SCLC)?
a) Surgery is the most important treatment modality
b) Limited stage disease describes disease less than T2 N1 M0
c) Approximately 80% of patients respond to chemotherapy
d) Prophylactic cranial irradiation has been shown to prolong survival
TB pathology
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main cause of TB. Discuss the other microorganisms that may cause TB
. - Describe the methods of diagnosis for TB.
. - Outline the stages of granulomatous inflammation.
. - What is miliary tuberculosis and what is the route of dissemination?
. - Explain why immunocompromised patients are at risk from TB? What are the likely outcomes of Primary and Secondary TB in an immunosuppressed patient?
pneumonia pathology
- Pneumonia is a form of acute inflammation. The 3 pathological changes in acute inflammation are dilation of blood vessels, increased vascular permeability and emigration and migration of neutrophils.
What is the impact of these changes on the lung tissue in pneumonia? How are these linked to the symptoms experienced by the patient?
. - Depending on the causative organism of pneumonia, different treatments would be prescribed.
What empirical treatment is used? How would you identify the causative agent?
. - Pneumonia can be classified anatomically as bronchopneumonia or lobar pneumonia. Explain these terms and what is the difference between them?
. - Pneumonia can be acquired in a range of settings with each being associated with particular causative pathogens. Give some examples of Community-acquired and Hospital-acquired pathogens.
. - What are the possible routes of infection for Community-acquired and Hospital-acquired pathogens?
. - Explain why immunocompromised patients are at risk from pneumonia. What organisms are likely to underly pneumonia in this case?
. - Explain the basis of aspiration pneumonia. Who is at risk and what organisms are the most likely causes?
. - List the possible outcomes of pneumonia. Ensure you include resolution and understand what that means.
surface anatomy
Demonstrate the surface landmarks of the thorax
Describe the surface markings of both the lungs
Describe the surface marking of the parietal pleura
Demonstrate the surface markings of the fissures in both lungs
Understand some common respiratory conditions with their signs and symptoms
Understand the concept of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation in sequence during a methodical thoracic / respiratory examination
Respiratory role in pH homeostasis & blood gas analysis
State the normal plasma pH range
Describe the factors involved in pH homeostasis
Appreciate the rationale for the relationship between blood plasma pH, [H+], PaCO2 and [HCO3-] and the relevance of the respiratory and renal systems to the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system and pH control
Explain, with examples, why respiratory (and metabolic) acid/base disturbances can arise and the compensation and corrective mechanisms
Interpret blood arterial blood gas analysis data
pH homeostasis & blood gas analysis
Which of the following is a likely causation of non-respiratory (i.e. metabolic) alkalosis?
Diarrhoea -
Diabetes mellitus -
Gastric suction -
Infection -
Pulmonary embolism
Gastric suction
non-respiratory (i.e. metabolic alkalosis) suggests a loss of acid or a gain
of alkali that is not caused by the respiratory system e.g. via gastric vomiting, gastric suction, diuretics or
excessive use of antacids. In this particular question, gastric suction is the most likely cause
see Q1 in ‘MGEM2013 pH & blood gas analysis Qs’ powerpoint
more Qs at
lower resp tract anatomy practical
- Describe the bones, cartilages, and muscles forming the thoracic cage
- Explain the role of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
- Describe the trachea, the structure of the bronchial tree
- Demonstrate the different parts of the pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, and explain the effects of pleural injury and irritation
- Identify the lobes, fissures, and hila of the lungs
- Demonstrate the surface markings of the lungs and pleurae
surfacee anatomy & imaging practical
- Describe the surface markings of both the lungs and pleurae
- Demonstrate the surface markings of the fissures in both the lungs
- Identify the major thoracic structures on the PA and lateral chest radiographs, and on the thoracic scans (MRI and CT).
control of breathing
Describe the location(s) and the role of the neural control centres in initiating and automatically controlling ventilation
Describe the location, affecting stimuli and the means by which the peripheral and central chemoreceptors mediate their effect(s) on the rate and depth of breathing.
Describe why breathing can be voluntarily controlled.
Deduce the effect of altered pulmonary ventilation (e.g. hyperventilation, hypoventilation, breath-holding) on PaO2 and PaCO 2.
Describe influences on respiratory rhythm (e.g. different receptors)
Explain why ventilation and its control may be affected by chronic disease processes (e.g. obstructive lung disease, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome).
Describe the neurogenic means by which lung receptors and reflexes control respiration e.g. stretch receptors, the Hering Breuer inspiratory reflex, ‘ J’ receptors, cough reflex, thermoreceptors etc.
Compare different breathing patterns, terminologies, approximate respiration rates and causes (Eupnea, Tachypnea, Bradypnea, Apnea, Hyperpnea, Hypopnea, Cheyne Stokes, Biot’s and Kaussmaul’s)
The lateral wall of nasal cavity
Ethmoid bone: Superior nasal concha, middle nasal concha and uncinate process
Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
Medial pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Medial surfaces of lacrimal and maxillary bones
Inferior nasal concha
The floor of the nasal cavity comprise of?
soft tissues of external nose
palatine process of maxilla
horizontal plane of the palatine bone
all form the hard palate
smooth and concave
wider than roof
The anterior and posterior plates of the roof
Anterior plate:
the Roof slopes inferior to the nostrils
formed by the nasal bone, frontal bone, alar cartilage and lateral processes septal cartilages.
posterior plate: roof slopes inferior to choana
formed by the vomer, sphenoid and palatine bone.
opening between the sphenoidal and spheno-ethomoidal recess
The nasal vestibule features?
lined by skin
had hair follicle
small dilated space
Respiratory region features?
largest of the nasal cavity
rich in Neurovascular supply
Lined by respiratory epithelium
Olfactory region features?
Found on the Apex of the respiratory region on either side of nasal cavity
lined by olfactory epithelium
sense of smell (olfactory epithelium)
Structures opening onto the lateral nasal wall?
Frontal sinuses
ethmoidal recess
Maxillary sinuses
nasalacrimal duct: inferior nasal meaters
upper resp tract anatomy
Describe the structure, function, mucosal lining, & anatomical relations of Nasal cavities
nasal cavity:
Nasal vestibules
Olfactory regions -covered with olfactory epithelium
Respiratory regions
conchae & nasal cavities covered with a thick, vascular, glandular (goblet cells) mucosal layer with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (=respiratory epithelium)
anterior opening (=nares) are formed by 2 nostrils, nasal vestibules lie just inside of nares
posterior openings (=choanae) open into nasopharynx
floor of nasal cavity is formed by maxillary bone & palatine bone, which form the hard palate (=roof of oral cavity)
midline nasal septum made of ethmoid & vomer bone (posteriorly) & of septal cartilage (anteriorly)
roof is made of the frontal & nasal bones of skull (anteriorly), cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (centrally) & the sphenoid bone of skull (posteriorly)
cribriform plate in olfactory region contains numerous small perforations that transmit olfactory nerves (CN I) (that conveys the sense of smell)
lateral walls are formed by several bones of the skull, by cartilage & soft tissues.
3 nasal conchae (curled shelves of bone – also called the ‘turbinates’) protrude from the lateral walls =superior, middle & inferior nasal conchae.
The conchae create 4 air channels/meatuses, which lie underneath each lip of bone (concha), and which are contained within the respiratory regions of nasal cavity
conchae & meatuses increase the surface area of contact between tissues of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity & the respired air. This improves the filtration, heating & humidification of the inspired air. Foreign material caught by the nasal hairs in the vestibule & mucous is usually swallowed.
The turbulent airflow created by the internal nasal anatomy also pushes inspired air & odorants to olfactory area (=cribriform plate)
Functions: ???need check
1) Warms & humidifies the inspired air
2) Removes pathogens & debris from the inspired air
3) Responsible for sense of smell
4) Drains & clears paranasal sinuses & lacrimal ducts
upper resp tract anatomy
Describe the structure, function, mucosal lining, & anatomical relations of Paranasal air sinuses
- - their contents, nerve supply, & drainage.
paranasal air sinuses = air-filled spaces
Lighten the weight of the head,
humidify & warm the inhaled air,
increase the resonance of speech/voice,
serve as a crumple zone to protect the vital structures in the event of a facial trauma
mucosa of paranasal air sinuses is thinner, less vascular, & has fewer goblet cells than mucosa of nasalcavity. Like nasal cavities, they’re lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar (=respiratory) epithelium
anatomically close to orbits, meninges, brain and thin bony walls of nasal sinuses –favour infection spread from paranasal air sinuses to these regions
=frontal sinuses supplied by ophthalmic (V1) division of CN V (=trigeminal nerve)
=ethmoidal & sphenoidal sinuses & nasal cavity supplied by both ophthalmic (V1) & maxillary (V2) divisions of CN V
=maxillary sinuses supplied solely by maxillary (V2) division of CN V
All the sinuses drain into nasal cavity assisted by gravity (except for the maxillary sinuses - making them more prone to infections – maxillary sinusitis).
When this drainage system is impaired, infections result in swollen mucosa, blocked drainage holes & subsequent pressure (and pain) on the nearby structures
sphenoid sinus & part of ethmoidal sinus drain into the sphenoethmoidal recess above superior concha
maxillary, frontal, & most of ethmoidal sinuses mainly drain into middle meatus via semilunar hiatus & ethmoid bulla???
upper resp tract anatomy
Explain the patterns of pain referral from the paranasal air sinuses
Forehead pain & headache may result from frontal sinusitis due to compression/irritation of branches from the ophthalmic (V1) division of trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Dental pain may occur with acute maxillary sinusitis due to compression/irritation of branches from the maxillary (V2) division of trigeminal nerve (CN V)
sinusitis =inflammation of the lining of nasal cavity & sinuses). The infection may be viral/bacterial
upper resp tract anatomy
Describe the structure & nerve supply of:
Pharynx – include Anatomy, muscles, nerve supply
pharynx= 12–14 cm long Musculo-membranous tube which extends from choanae (posterior openings of nasal cavity) to oesophagus at the level of cricoid cartilage (vertebral level C6)
divided into nasal, oral & laryngeal part
nasal cavities & middle ear (part of URT, via pharyngotympanic tube) open into nasopharynx, which can be closed by lifting of the soft palate (=floor of nasopharynx), e.g. during swallowing. nasopharynx contain adenoids/pharyngeal tonsils (=a lymphoid tissue)
nasopharynx becomes oropharynx at pharyngeal isthmus – which closes during swallowing
oral cavity open into oropharynx. oral cavity can be closed by depression of the soft palate (e.g. during nose breathing). Oropharynx contain Palatine & lingual tonsils. posterior tongue forms anterior surface of oropharynx
tip of epiglottis =start of laryngopharynx. laryngeal inlet opens into anterior laryngopharynx
external circular constrictors: Superior, Middle & Inferior constrictor, supplied by CN X vagus nerve
internal longitudinal elevators:
Salpingopharyngeus - supplied by CN X
Palatopharyngeus -CN X
Stylopharyngeus -CN IX =glossopharyngeal nerve
sensory nerve supply:
nasopharynx –CN IX + maxillary (V2) division of Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
oropharynx –Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
laryngopharynx –Glossopharyngeal & Vagus
upper resp tract anatomy
Describe the Cartilages, muscles, nerve supply, vocal folds of the larynx
cricoid cartilage, Arytenoid Cartilages x2, thyroid cartilage, epiglottis, corniculate cartilages x2 & Cuneiform Cartilages x2
extends from the tongue (C3 vertebral level) - suspended from the hyoid bone down to the trachea (C6 vertebra)
It is a hollow tube formed by a series of 9 cartilages interconnected by ligaments and fibrous membranes
It moves up and down during swallowing under the action of a number of extrinsic muscles (i.e. muscles that originate from neighbouring structures and insert into the larynx)
Intrinsic muscles (have their origin & insertion within larynx) move the vocal folds & modify the laryngeal inlet:
cricothyroid muscle, supplied by superior laryngeal branch of Vagus
#Transverse & oblique arytenoids,
#Posterior crico-arytenoids
#Lateral crico-arytenoids
#means supplied by recurrent laryngeal branch of Vagus nerve
The only muscle which opens the glottis (by abducting the vocal folds) =posterior cricoarytenoids – if these are paralysed then asphyxiation/breathlessness can result!
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (=respiratory epi) lines the larynx.
vocal ligaments form the skeleton of true vocal folds (they extend from the vocal process of arytenoid cartilage to thyroid cartilage). They are covered with non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium (NOT the usual respiratory mucosa usually found in the larynx). This protects the tissue from the effects of mechanical stresses that act on the surfaces of vocal folds
true vocal folds are formed by the mucosa covering the underlying vocal ligaments. By stretching and relaxing vocal ligaments, true vocal folds can be abducted & adducted by moving intrinsic muscles of larynx.
Moving the vocal folds opens & closes the rima glottidis (rima=gap), to produce sounds & protect the airway
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the thoracic cage, its inlet, outlet, bones, cartilages,
& muscles forming the thoracic cage
Understand the role of intercostal muscles & diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
Typical ribs (3rd - 9th ribs)
Upper border is smooth & lower border is sharp
have tubercle, neck (separates the head from the tubercle), angle, costal groove (at lower border of rib’s internal surface)
anterior end is continuous with its costal cartilage which link them to sternum directly/indirectly, posterior end (aka head of rib) articulates with vertebral column
Atypical ribs (1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 12th ribs)
1st rib: superior surface has scalene tubercle, which separates 2 smooth grooves: anterior groove for subclavian vein, posterior groove for subclavian artery. Head of rib has ONLY 1 articular facet/surface
1st & 2nd ribs =flat
10th rib ONLY 1 articular facet at head of rib
11&12th: has no tubercle/neck. Both ribs are short, have little curve & pointed anteriorly.
Ribs 1-7 = True ribs
Each articulate via a single costal cartilage directly to sternum
Ribs 8-10 = False ribs
Articulate indirectly to sternum via a shared costal cartilage of the above rib
Ribs 11&12 = Floating ribs
Do not articulate with sternum at all
sternum has sternal notch (T2 vertebra level) > manubrium> sternal angle (lower border of T4) >body > xiphoid process (T9/T10)
sternum clinical significance: it is where:
Tracheal bifurcation occurs (=Carina)
Aortic arch starts & ends
thoracic duct (where most lymph drain into) deviates from right to left
Pulmonary trunk divides into left & right pulmonary arteries
arises from lower ribs, xiphoid process & lumber vertebrae. All skeletal muscle fibres insert into central tendon
major role in respiration - Contracts (flattens) during inspiration increasing vertical diameter of thoracic cavity
3 major Openings in diaphragm allow structures to travel to/from the abdomen e.g., Inferior vena cava (T8 vertebral level), Oesophagus (T10) & Aorta (T12)
Innervation supplied by phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)
External intercostal muscles most active in inspiration, moves ribs superiorly & bend them more open, thus increasing anteroposterior & lateral diameter of thoracic cavity, to create a negative intra-thoracic pressure. –As anterior end of ribs is lower than posterior ends, when ribs are elevated, they move sternum upward & forward (increase anteroposterior dimension of thorax), opposite when ribs are depressed. As middle part of rib shafts are lower than ribs’ 2 ends, rib elevation =increase lateral dimension
Internal & innermost intercostal muscle move ribs inferiorly – help forced expiration (as quiet expiration is passive process)
All intercostal muscle supplied by intercostal nerves,(=anterior rami of spinal nerves T1-11). neurovascular bundle lies in the costal groove in lower border of superior rib. So to avoid damaging nerve/vessel, insertion of chest drain needle should be at upper border of lower rib
inlet =superior thoracic aperture borderd by body of vertebra T1 posteriorly, 1st rib (slope inferiorly) & manubrium anteriorly.
superior margin of manubrium =anterior border of superior thoracic aperture (approx the level of intervertebral disc between vertebrae T2 & T3). posterior border= T1 vertebral level
outlet/inferior thoracic aperture bordered by T12 vertebral body posteriorly, 12th rib & distal end of 11th rib posterolaterally, costal margin anterolaterally (=distal cartilaginous ends of 7-10th ribs) & xiphoid process anteriorly. diaphragm seals the inferior thoracic aperture
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the trachea, structure of the bronchial tree & the bronchopulmonary segmentation of lungs (including its blood supply)
Describe the different parts of pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, & explain the effects of pleural injury & irritation
Identify the lobes, fissures, & hila of the lungs & structures passing through the hila.
Explain the functional significance of bronchopulmonary segments (postural drainage & surgical section)
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the thoracic cage, its inlet, outlet, bones, cartilages, and muscles forming the thoracic cage
Understand the role of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
Describe the trachea, the structure of the bronchial tree and the bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs (including its blood supply)
Describe the different parts of the pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, and explain the effects of pleural injury and irritation
Identify the lobes, fissures, and hila of the lungs and structures passing through the hila.
Explain the functional significance of bronchopulmonary segments (postural drainage and surgical section)
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the thoracic cage, its inlet, outlet, bones, cartilages, and muscles forming the thoracic cage
Understand the role of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
Describe the trachea, the structure of the bronchial tree and the bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs (including its blood supply)
Describe the different parts of the pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, and explain the effects of pleural injury and irritation
Identify the lobes, fissures, and hila of the lungs and structures passing through the hila.
Explain the functional significance of bronchopulmonary segments (postural drainage and surgical section)
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the thoracic cage, its inlet, outlet, bones, cartilages, and muscles forming the thoracic cage
Understand the role of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
Describe the trachea, the structure of the bronchial tree and the bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs (including its blood supply)
Describe the different parts of the pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, and explain the effects of pleural injury and irritation
Identify the lobes, fissures, and hila of the lungs and structures passing through the hila.
Explain the functional significance of bronchopulmonary segments (postural drainage and surgical section)
lower resp tract anatomy
Describe the thoracic cage, its inlet, outlet, bones, cartilages, and muscles forming the thoracic cage
Understand the role of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm during breathing, including their nerve supply
Describe the trachea, the structure of the bronchial tree and the bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs (including its blood supply)
Describe the different parts of the pleura, its reflections, nerve supply, the pleural cavity, and explain the effects of pleural injury and irritation
Identify the lobes, fissures, and hila of the lungs and structures passing through the hila.
Explain the functional significance of bronchopulmonary segments (postural drainage and surgical section)
clinical imaging of thorax
Have an understanding of the range of clinical imaging techniques available
Identify the main features and organs of the thorax on x-ray
Describe commonly used clinical imaging techniques and recognise images produced by them
Discuss the reasons for choosing a suitable imaging technique
Comment on likely considerations and suitability of a particular imaging technique/s for imaging any specific part/s of the respiratory tract.
X-ray: projection (Anterior-posterior or posterior-anterior are common)
AP views make heart appear larger than it actually is.
x-ray check for ABCDE:
Airways -Trachea, endotracheal tube, etc.
Bones - Clavicles, ribs, sternum, thoracic vertebrae, etc.
Cardiac shadow
Diaphragm (Right hemidiaphragm slightly higher.
Everything else (wires, tubes, pacemaker, effusions, etc.)
Apices and hila of the lungs
Behind the heart
Costophrenic angles (CPA)
Diaphragm - Look below it
Soft tissues (breast, surgical emphysema)
Applied respiratory physiology
a) Circulations - Compare and explain the physiological characteristics of the pulmonary and systemic circulations in terms of pressure, compliance and resistance
b) Compliance, specific compliance and elastance - Explain changes in these parameters as may occur in respiratory pathologies and relate these to calculated values
In terms of physiology, why does pulmonary circulation have low pressure, low resistance & high compliance?
LOW PRESSURE (25/8 mmHg)
because it only needs to pump blood to the top of the lungs.
if it is High pressure, then following Starling forces, the fluid would flood the lungs.
- only 1/10th of the resistance of the systemic circ.
arterioles have less smooth muscle, veins are wider & shorter & pulmonary vessel walls are thinner.
accommodates 5-6 L of blood (same as the systemic circulation)
Accommodates shifts of blood more quickly e.g. when a person shifts from a standing to a lying position
In terms of physiology, why does systemic circulation have high pressure, high resistance & low compliance?
B/c it needs to send blood to the brain even when standing & to the tip of an elevated fingertip.
because of increased smooth muscle in the arterioles & the meta-arterioles.
because of resistance offered by the arterioles and the meta-arterioles
Airway resistance & NRDS
Explain types of respiratory resistance
static resistance – chest wall:
Force of movement of chest wall is opposite that of lun . Chest Wall has tendency to expand (pull out) but held by negative pleural pressure
Unopposed reaches 70% of TLC (resting position)
When thorax is intact, in equilibrium with the lungs, its resting level is Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
static resistance – lungs
=Elastin & collagen Interwoven in lung parenchyma (1/3 of static resistance arising from lungs)
Tendency to oppose stretching
=Surface tension (2/3 of this resistance)
Small alveoli are unstable and have a greater tendency to collapse and empty its air into connected larger alveoli (i.e. atelectasis)
Reduction of ST forces allows interdependent/stability
dynamic resistance we need learn? intrapleural=pleural pressure?
Airway resistance & NRDS
Describe the volume (V) and pressure (P) changes in the respiratory cycle & the PV relationship
normal pleural pressure at beginning of inspiration is about −5 cm H2O, which is the amount of suction required to hold the lungs open to their resting level.
During normal inspiration, expansion of chest cage pulls outward on the lungs with greater force & an increase in lung volume of ~0.5L (by ~1cm diaphragm movement) decrease intrapleural pressure to about −7.5/-8 cm H2O & decrease alveolar pressure to below atmospheric pressure, about −1 cm H2O, so gas flow into alveoli down the partial pressure gradient.
Expiration: lung volume reduce back to functional residual capacity (FRC) level, intrapleural pressure increase back to -5cm H2O, alveolar pressure increase back to above atmospheric pressure, gas flow out of alveoli down partial pressure gradient
Airway resistance & NRDS
Describe the composition & secretion of surfactant
explain its physiological benefits
3 times less transmural pressure is needed to expand lungs as surfactant lowers surface tension which tends to collapse alveoli (if airways leading from them are blocked), thereby reducing the work/effort required by respiratory muscles to expand lungs
Keeps alveoli dry
=It lowers the inwardly directed pressure which draws water into the alveoli
Maximises area for ventilation and perfusion
=ST of small alveoli are reduced more than larger alveoli as surfactant molecules crowd into the smaller space
Maintains ‘alveolar interdependence’
=Aided by fibrous tissue septal and septal walls between alveoli of different sizes which act as additional splints
surfactant secreted by type II pneumocyte (=alveolar epithelial cells), These cells are granular, containing lipid inclusions that are secreted in the surfactant into alveoli.
Surfactant is a complex mixture of several phospholipids, proteins & ions, most important components are phospholipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, surfactant apoproteins & calcium ions . The dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and several less important phospholipids are responsible for reducing surface tension. They can perform this function because part of the molecule dissolves while the remainder spreads over the surface of fluid lining alveoli. It reduce surface tension of alveolar fluid lining to ~1/12th to 1/2 of surface tension of pure water
airway resistance
Which of the following is the most prevalent/abundant component in surfactant?
a.dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
d.SP -B
e.phosphatidyl glycerol
dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) =a phospholipid
surfactant made of 80% phospholipid, 10% lipid & 10% surfactant proteins
lung airway resistance
A pharmaceutical company is developing a novel therapy that reduces number of epithelial cells that are NOT synthetic for surfactant within alveoli.
Which type of Pneumocytes are targetted?
type 1 as surfactant is secreted by type2 pneumocytes
Airway resistance & NRDS
Define neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
describe causations, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms & aim of treatment regimes
Defi: Increasing respiratory distress, commencing at, or shortly after birth and increasing in severity until progressive resolution occurs among survivors, usually around 2nd to 7th day.
Caused by deficiency of surfactant. contributing factor include
=Fetal head injury during birth
=Aspiration of blood or amniotic fluid
=Excessive sedation of mother during birth
=Maternal diabetes (excess insulin suppresses surfactant production)
=Cold stress
=Genetic disorders e.g. abnormalities in proteins B and C or transport proteins ABC transporter 3 [ABCA3]
Tachypnea (> 60 breaths/min)
Nasal flaring
Intercostal recession
Reduced entry of air
histology have Ground glass appearance, Lungs appear airless, Darkened and dense, show Fibrin, cell debris, erythroctyles, Neutrophils & macrophages, waxy layers of hyaline, Bleeding and vascular congestion & collapsed alveoli
immature & damaged Type II pneumocytes due to prematurity/risk factor/specific cause >alveoli collapse >uneven perfusion & hypoventilation >hypoxaemia & hypercapnia >acidosis >Pulmonary vasoconstriction & hypoperfusion> alveolar endothelial & epithelial damage >plasma leak into alveoli> Fibrin + necrotic cells =hyaline membrane >increased diffusion gradient> worse hypoxaemia & hypercapnia
treatment: aim to lower surface tension, increase compliance, reduce work of breathing
For babies: Synthetic surfactant therapy (endotracheal) & assisted ventilation & Supportive care e.g. thermoregulation, fluid management, nutrition
Pre-term mothers: i.v. betamethasone 26-28 wks gestation
Airway resistance & NRDS
Describe pressure-volume curve, relate this to the work of breathing
explain influential factors & their consequences on the curves
V-P curve shows the capacity of the lungs to adapt to transpulmonary pressure changes.
gradient = compliance
work of breathing = the area in the loop (expiratory + inspiratory non-elastic resistance) + the hatched area (=elastic resistance).
If lack surfactant, surface tension not reduced, surface tension adds resistance so harder to stretch =reduced compliance
=larger pressure would only increase slightly lung volume =so graph would shift towards right
Airway resistance & NRDS
Compare ‘compliance’ & ‘elastance’ in terms of definition, mathematical calculation, & relevance to the respiratory system
Compliance: Distensibility (stretch) of the lung i.e. the change in lung volume that occurs with each unit change in transpulmonary pressure (=difference between alveolar & intrapleural Pressures)
For both lungs this is 200mL/cm H2O i.e. 1cmH2O change expands lung by 200 mL.
Specific compliance is this corrected for volume at that time i.e. compliance/V
This standardizes compliance for different volumes
Elastance: Property of resisting deformation (resistance) or desire to return to original shape
E = 1/C
Overview of respiratory pathologies
Describe the structure of respiratory system in the context of understanding lung disease
Conducting airways: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, & bronchioles.
Respiratory airways: respiratory bronchioles, alveolar duct, alveolar sacs, & alveoli.
trachea>main bronchus>lobar bronchus>segmental bronchus>terminal bronchiole>respiratory bronchiole>alveolar duct>alveolar sac>alveoli
respiratory wall: Respiratory epithelium, basement membrane, vascular lamina, smooth muscle, glandular sub-mucosa (glands have mucous & serous parts), cartilage.
Overview of respiratory pathologies
Describe the causes, clinical symptoms & underlying mechanisms of the major obstructive lung diseases
OBSTRUCTIVE: limitation of airflow
chronic bronchitis -
* causes: smoking & urban pollution
* symptoms: (definition) persistent productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months in at least 2 consecutive years. & sputum production
* mechanism: Hypertrophy & hyperplasia of mucous glands/goblet cells in epithelium
-Hypersecretion of mucus
-hypertrophy of smooth muscle
- Inflammation – T cells, neutrophils & macrophages (no eosinophils – in contrast to asthma)
emphysema -
* causes: smoking, congenital anti-protease ‘α1-anti-trypsin’ deficiency
* symptoms: WITHOUT bronchitis - dyspnoea, obvious hyperventilation, prolonged expiration, tachypnoea & increased minute ventilation
Barrel chest due to use of accessory muscle
Prolonged onset >40 years
pursed lips breathing
decreased breath sounds
cachexia (appear abnormally slim, lose muscle, have no energy)
WITH bronchitis: dyspnoea less prominant, body retains CO2 – hypoxic & cyanotic
tend to be obese
* mechanism:
inhaled cigarette smoke & noxious particles/air pollutants (plus genetic predisposition), generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) - oxidative stress increasing apoptosis & senescence; inflammatory cells release chemotactic & growth factors & proinflammatory cytokines; Protease–Anti-protease imbalance, all lead to alveolar wall destruction.
ROS inactivate anti-proteases. Protease mediate damage of extracellular matrix. protease-anti-protease imbalance lead to increased neutrophil elastase. Small airways are normally held open by elastic recoil of lung parenchyma, and loss of elastic tissue in alveolar walls that surround respiratory bronchioles reduces radial traction, so causes respiratory bronchioles to collapse during expiration =functional obstruction with no mechanical obstruction.
* cause: Immunologic or undefined cause. Extrinsic trigger like seasonal allergen; intrinsic trigger like infection, exercise, drugs (eg penicillin)
* symptoms: Episodic wheezing, cough, dyspnea, chest tightness
* mechanism:
-Intermittent & reversible airway obstruction
-Chronic bronchial inflammation with eosinophils
-Bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy & hyper-reactivity
atopic asthma is associated with excessive Th2 helper cell activation. Th2 cell-produce cytokines that stimulate IgE production, eosinophils activation & mucus production. IgE coats submucosal mast cells, which on exposure to allergen release their granule contents & secrete cytokines and other mediators, causing early & late phase reactions.
- Early-phase: bronchoconstriction, increased mucus production & vasodilation. Bronchoconstriction is triggered by mediators released from mast cells, (eg, histamine, prostaglandin D2,) & by reflex neural pathways.
. - Late-phase: inflammation. Inflammatory mediators stimulate epithelial cells to produce chemokines that promote recruitment of Th2 cells, eosinophils, other leukocytes, thus amplifying an inflammatory reaction
. - Repeated bouts of inflammation lead to structural changes in the bronchial wall =airway remodeling: hypertrophy of bronchial smooth muscle & mucus glands, increased vascularity & deposition of subepithelial collagen
bronchiectasis: - cause: Persistent/severe infections OR obstruction
. - symptoms: Cough, purulent sputum, fever
. - mechanism:
obstruction or chronic infection, Either may be the initiator. E.g., obstruction caused by a foreign body impairs clearance of secretions, providing a favorable substrate for superimposed infection. The resultant inflammatory damage to bronchial wall & the accumulating exudate further distend airways, leading to irreversible dilataion. OR e.g. a persistent necrotizing infection in bronchi/bronchioles may lead to poor clearance of secretions, obstruction, inflammation with peribronchial fibrosis & traction on bronchi (=fibrotic tissue pulling on bronchi), cause bronchi dilatation
Overview of respiratory pathologies
Describe the causes, clinical symptoms & underlying mechanisms of the major restrictive lung diseases
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS):
* cause: pneumonia (35%–45%), sepsis (30%–35%), aspiration, trauma …
* symptoms: respiratory failure occurring within 1 week of a known clinical insult with bilateral opacities on chest imaging. severe case has rapid onset of life-threatening respiratory insufficiency, cyanosis, and severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen therapy
* mechanism:
Under the influence of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukins IL-8 and IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (released by pulmonary macrophages after acite lung injury), neutrophils are sequestered in the pulmonary microvasculature and then egress into the alveolar space, where they undergo activation. Activated neutrophils release leukotrienes, oxidants, proteases, and platelet-activating factor (PAF), which contribute to local tissue damage to endo- & epithelium, accumulation of oedema fluid, surfactant inactivation & hyaline memb formation. endothelium and epithelium damage causes vascular leakiness & loss of surfactant that make alveoli unable to expand. Subsequently, macrophage release fibrogenic cytokines such as transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) & platelet-derived growth factor (PGDF) stimulate fibroblast growth and collagen deposition associated with the healing phase of injury.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF):
* cause: idiopathic
* symptom: Persistent alveolitis, gradual onset of non-productive cough & progressive dyspnea, most patients have characteristic “dry” or “Velcrolike” crackles during inspiration. Cyanosis, cor pulmonale, peripheral edema may develop in later stages of disease
* mechanism:
result from repeated injury and defective repair of alveolar epithelium, often in a genetically predisposed individual
it’s hypothesized that abnormal epithelial repair at the sites of chronic injury and inflammation (macrophage recruit neutrophil which release ROS & proteases that damage type 1 pneumocyte) gives rise to exuberant fibroblastic or myofibroblastic proliferation,
Stimulated fibroblasts deposit collagen & ECM excessively for an extended time, leading to the characteristic fibroblastic foci
* causes:
* symptoms:
asbestosis: Progressively worsening dyspnea appears 10 to 20 years after exposure. It is usually accompanied by a cough and production of sputum. The disease may remain static or progress to congestive heart failure, cor pulmonale, and death. Pleural plaques are usually asymptomatic and are detected on radiographs as circumscribed densities.
Both lung carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma develop in workers exposed to asbestos. The risk for developing lung carcinoma is increased about 5-fold for asbestos workers
silicosis: fine nodularity in the upper zones of the lung on radiograph. Most patients do not develop shortness of breath until late in the course, after progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) is present. Many patients with PMF develop pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale as a result of chronic hypoxia–induced vasoconstriction and parenchymal destruction. The disease is slowly progressive, often impairing pulmonary function to such a degree that physical activity is severely limited
coal worker’s pneumocosis: usually is a benign disease that produces little decrement in lung function. If PMF develops, there is increasing pulmonary dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pulmonale
* mechanism:
Silica, asbestos, and beryllium are more reactive than coal dust, resulting in fibrotic reactions at lower concentrations. Most inhaled dust is entrapped in mucus blanket & rapidly removed from lungs by ciliary movement. But, some particles become impacted at alveolar duct bifurcations, where macrophages accumulate & engulf trapped particulates. After macrophages’ phagocytosis, many particles activate inflammasome & induce production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 & other factors, which initiates an inflammatory response that leads to fibroblast proliferation & collagen deposition. Some of the inhaled particles may reach the lymphatics either by direct drainage or within migrating macrophages, thereby in inflammasome and the subsequent release of inflammatory mediators by pulmonary macrophages, including IL-1, TNF, fibronectin, lipid mediators, oxygen-derived free radicals, and fibrogenic cytokines.
silicosis: inhaled silica particles interact with epithelial cells and macrophages. cause activation of inflammasome & the subsequent release of inflammatory mediators by pulmonary macrophages, including IL-1, TNF, fibronectin, lipid mediators, oxygen-derived free radicals, and fibrogenic cytokines.
asbestosis: after phagocytosed by macrophages, asbestos fibers activate inflammasome & damage phagolysosomal membranes, stimulating release of proinflammatory factors & fibrogenic mediators. In addition to cellular and fibrotic lung reactions, asbestos probably also functions as both a tumor initiator and a promoter
Overview of respiratory pathologies
Describe the pathological features & diagnosis of obstructive & restrictive lung disease
differentiate between them
OBSTRUCTIVE: limitation of airflow
chronic bronchitis -
* luminalaccumulationofmucous forming plugs to block bronchiole
* gobletcellhyperplasia & metaplasia???,basementmembthickening, bronchial wall fibrosis, inflammatorycells indicating inflammation & narrowed lumen.
* bronchialwallhassquamousmetaplasiaofluminal epithelium&hyperplasiaofepithelium
emphysema -
* Destruction of alveolar walls without fibrosis - loss of gas exchange surface area, loss of elasticity cause difficulty exhaling
* Enlarged air spaces
* Number of alveolar capillaries diminishes
* Deformed terminal & respiratory bronchioles & loss of septa - Permanent dilation of respiratory bronchioles & alveoli
asthma - Airway remodelling:
* Excess mucus production by goblet cell & glandular hypertrophy
* Bronchial wall oedema due to inflammatory exudate: eosinophil & mast cell accumulation
* Smooth muscle hypertrophy and fibrosis
* Luminal occlusion caused by muscle constriction, thickening of airway wall, increased smooth muscle mass
* Permanent dilation of main bronchi & bronchioles
* Airways then dilate, as surrounding scar tissue (fibrosis) contracts
* Secondary inflammatory changes lead to further destruction of airways
RESTRICTIVE: - reduced lung parenchyma expansion & total lung capacity
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS):
* Acute inflammation of alveoli, heavily involving neutrophils, rapidly damages capillaries & epithelium =** diffuse alveolar damage** (DAD)
* uncontrolled inflammation
* (Acute onset of dyspnea & hypoxemia due to) vascular leakiness & loss/inactivation of surfactant affecting gaseous exchange
* accumulation of oedema fluid & hyaline membrane formation
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF):
* Stimulated fibroblasts deposit collagen & ECM excessively for an extended time
* Patchy interstitial fibrosis that worsens with time, subpleural & basilar fibrosis, referred to as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)
* reticular abnormalities
* Fibroblastic foci – become more collagenous & less cellular
* Cause collapse of alveolar walls & formation of cystic spaces =honeycomb fibrosis
* Immune response stimulated by particles/macrophages travelling in lymphatics
* Lesions consist of pigmented/pale nodules of particle-laden macrophages & dense collagen
* compressed alveoli & congested capillary
- Silicosis - cleft-like spaces contain silica particles. Under microscope, silicotic nodule show hyalinized collagen fibers in whorled arrangement surrounding an amorphous center. The “whorled” appearance of collagen fibers is quite distinctive for silicosis. As disease progress, individual nodules may coalesce into hard, collagenous scars, with eventual progression to PMF. The intervening lung parenchyma may be compressed/overexpanded, a honeycomb pattern may develop. Fibrotic lesions also may occur in hilar lymph nodes & pleura
. - Asbestosis – Severe diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with disorganisation of lung architecture & numerous asbestos bodies visible (asbestos fibers coated with iron-containing proteinaceous material) & pleural plaques. In contrast with CWP & silicosis, asbestosis begins in lower lobes & subpleurally, spreading to middle & upper lobes of lungs as fibrosis progresses. Contraction of fibrous tissue distorts normal architecture, creating enlarged air spaces enclosed within thick fibrous walls; eventually, the affected regions become honeycombed. Simultaneously, fibrosis develops in visceral pleura, causing adhesions between lungs & chest wall. The scarring may trap & narrow pulmonary arteries and arterioles, causing pulmonary hypertension & cor pulmonale
. - coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP):
coal macules & larger coal nodules visible in simple CWP; severe CWP/Progressive Massive Fibrosis show coalescence/aggregation of coal nodules & generally develops over many years. It is characterized by multiple dark black scars larger than 2 cm consisting of dense collagen & pigment
diagnosis of obstructive & restrictive lung disease?
restrictive FEV1/FVC ratio?
Pulmonary function tests reveal reduced FEV1 with normal/near-normal FVC. so FEV1 to FVC ratio is reduced
chronic bronchitis:
diagnosis depends on appropriate history and radiographic demonstration of bronchial dilatation. It is not a primary disorder, as it always occurs secondary to persistent infection/obstruction caused by a variety of conditions
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis:
radiologic and histologic pattern of fibrosis is referred to as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), which is required for the diagnosis of IPF
Asbestosis :
marked by diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis , characterized by the presence of asbestos bodies, which are seen as golden brown, fusiform or beaded rods with a translucent center
resp failure & VQ mismatch
Describe alveolar-blood gas diffusion and partial pressures for O2 and CO2 exchange (in mmHg and/or kPa).
Describe factors that influence gas exchange in health (including exercise) and in disease states:
* Influential factors (Fick’s principle)
* Ventilation-perfusion VQ matching
Explain the effect of gravity on Ventilation and Perfusion and the VQ ratios from lung apex to base
Explain how VQ is controlled and the effect of increased and decreased VQ matching on partial pressures
Define Respiratory Failure, describe main causes and explain clinical examples arising from these causes