MFD21 Flashcards
Aims • To describe the Mutans Streptococci and their association with dental caries. • To provide an overview of acid and alkali production by oral bacteria Content • An overview of dental caries. • Introduction to the Mutans Streptococci. • Acid production from sugars (acidogenicity). • Acid adaptation and aciduricity
What anatomical sites are there of caries?
Pits and fissures, smooth surfaces (enamel caries or root caries, which starts on exposed cementum/dentin).
What is residual caries?
the decayed material left in a prepared cavity and over which a restoration is placed
What term is used to describe disease caries that occurs on the tooth after the filling has been used for a period of time?
2) What is it the opposite to? What does that term mean?
1) secondary/ residual caries
2) primmary caries
3) the lesion constitutes the initial attack of the tooth surface
what are the opposites of the following:
a) cavitated caries
b) active caries
- Cavitated vs non-cavitated.
* Active vs inactive (arrested)
What is early childhood caries?
the presence of one or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due to caries) or filled tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in a preschool-age child between birth and 71 months of age
Who is mostly affected by root caries?
2) Why?
1) elderly
2) Gum tissue recedes and cementum isn’t as strong as enamel
Why is caries so prevalent? + a bit of scientific evidence
Probably due to our diet, in the medieval times caries affect surfaces was very low.
What is the most common global disease?
2) What is the 10th most common disease?
1) Untreated caries in permanent teeth is the most common global disease (2.4 bn affected)
2) Untreated caries in deciduous teeth is 10th most common disease (621 m affected)
Caries is the result of microbial sugar fermentation – or is it?
What are the other theory plx list:
- chymical theory
- parasitic or septic theory
- chemico-parasitic theory
- proteolytic theory
- proteolysis-chelation theory
What was the chymical theory?
) Food putrefaction released unidentifed chemical (chymical) agent which dissolved teeth
What was the Parasitic or Septic Theory ?
Erdl (1843) described a filamentous parasite in plaque which he thought responsible
What was the Chemico-parasitic theory ?
2 stages • Stage 1 – decalcification of enamel • Stage 2 – dissolution of the soft residue
What was the Proteolytic Theory ?
Microbes invade enamel lamellae and initiate caries by proteolysis • Pincus (1950) proposes it’s proteolysis of the cuticle (Proteolysis probably plays a role in root caries, but not what starts the disease)
Proteolysis-chelation theory ?
Schatz (1955) - argued that there was too much emphasis on protons and Miller was misunderstood • Microbial proteolytic destruction of the organic matrix • Calcium is removed by chelation (organic acids). By binding out the calcium you force the equilibrium to dissolution.
What are the 2 possible hypothesises of the role of microorganism in caries?
- Ecological plaque hypothesis (disease is an imbalance)
2. Specific plaque hyporthesis (caries aetiology)
What microorganisms are associated with dental caries?
Mutans streptococci • Lactobacillus spp. • Actinomyces spp. • Bifidobacterium spp. and related • Scardovia wiggsiae
What is the basis fo the link between microorganisms associated with dental caries? (2)
1) • Elevated at sites of caries (sometimes)
2) • Virulence factors