Meyers Flashcards
Assumption Meyers used for model validation
Generally, the model is validated if the residuals of actual outcome as a % of lognormal model used seem to be uniformly distributed
Tests Meyers used to verify the residuals actually follows uniform distribution
Histogram - should be bars of equal heights
p-p plot - sorted predicted percentiles should generally follow 45 degree diagonal line
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test -
Looks at the maximum distance, if greater than threshold, then reject the test assumption that uniformality exist
Mack Model (aka. Chain-Ladder) testing results assuming log-normal mean and std
- 200 triangles in total from 4 LOBs (CommAuto, WC, OL, PA)
- see graph, percentiles show slight uniformity
- Mack model produces a distribution that has lighter tail than lognormal
How to validate a model visually
Bootstrap ODP model validation testing results
- the model assumes incremental losses described by odp with mean and var (not lognormal)
- tested on paid triangle
Two assumptions Meyers had when determining the models to use
- Mack model assumes last observed losses as fixed, Meyers intend to model it as a r.v.
- Mack assumes incremental losses are i.i.d across all AYs, Meyers allows for correlation
What are the MCMC models Meyers used to validate incurred loss data
LCL (Leveled Chain Ladder)
level of each AY is modeled as muw,d = aw + bd
CCL (Correlated Chain Ladder)
allows for correlation on top of LCL, if cor(rho) =0, it’s LCL
What are the MCMC models Meyers used to validate paid loss data
CIT (Correlated Incremental Trend)
LIT (Leveled Incremental Trend)
- no detail in paper, similar to CIT but not include AY correlation
Model Meyers used to validate cumul loss data
CSR (Changing Settlement Rates) Model
- reflects speedup in claim settlement
- speedup rate 0<r<1 will have mu increase as w increases, which indicates higher settlement rates
LCL results
CCL results
Key improvements CIT to LCL/CCL
CIT includes a calendar year trend (from the inner to outer diagonal along a triangle)
CIT used a mixed lognormal-normal dist to induce skewness and still allow for negative values
Describe how CCL simulation process work
For each param set, start with given C1,d and calculate mu2,d
Simulate C-hat-2,d from lognormal(mu2,d, sigma2,d)
Use the result of this simulation to simulate the next ult loss
Do this process 1000 times to form a predictive distribution for each AY and in total
How to perform a K-S test
- Sort sample percentiles p by order
- Calculate expected percentile f= (1/sample size)*100
- get the abs difference of p and f
- if the max of all diff > threshold, then test FAILS