Hurliman, Mack 2000, Clark Flashcards
Hurlimann’s method vs Benktander method
- Hurlimann is inspired by Benktander
- Hurlimann’s method is based on a full development triangle, where Benktander is based on a single origin period (AY/UY)
- Hurlimann’s method requires a measure of exposure for each origin period (i.e. premiums)
Hurlimann’s two new reserving methods based on loss ratio payout factors pi
Individual Loss Ratio Reserve Rind (similar to Chain Ladder)
Collective Loss Ratio Reserve (Rcoll) similar to cape cod moethod
Individual Loss Ratio Claims Reserve Formula
pi is the % of ult claims from origin period i expected to be paid in development period n-i+1
qi = 1-pi, % of total ult remain unpaid in development period n-i+1
Expected loss ratio formula
Collective Loss Ratio method Reserve Rcoll calculation steps
Collective Loss Ratio method % reported formula pi
Neuhaus loss ratio claims reserve formula
basically Zwn = pi * ELR
Optimal Credibility Formula
t*i formula when fi is not 1 (aka Var(Ui) not equal to Var(Ubc))
Mack 2000 U0,U1,U2 definition
What is Esa Hovinen assumption
Esa Hovinen applies the credibility mixture directly to the reserves instead of losses. When c=pk, Reh = Rgb
Benktander (GB) Ultimate as a wtd-avg of Chain-Ladder and Expected Loss Ultimates
Advantages of GB method
- outperform BF and CL in many circumstances
- the MSE of GB is almost as small as optimal credibility reserve
How do Clark calculate the age to use
“average” accident date to evaluation date
but mostly it may be just years - 6 mo. where it’s valued by months here
What does Growth function represent
G(x) = 1/CDF = % reported
Formula for normalized residaul
Parameter Variance given Covar matrix
The likelihood function l that MLE is trying to maximize
for each cell it’s ci*ln(mui)-mui. l is just the sum over all cells
ci actual loss in AY i, development period t