Metrorail Emergencies Manual, 2ndEdition, May 2016 Flashcards
A short section of third rail found just beyond some station platforms, to ensure uniform train acceleration.
Accelerator Rail (Kicker Rail)
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One or more rooms in all Metro stations wherein electricity from the utility company is received and distributed for station and Rail Roadway use.
AC Switch Board Room
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Any portion of the Rail Roadway above the level of the surrounding terrain usually supported on columns spanned by concrete or steel beams.
Aerial Structure
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Rooms in or near a rail station containing mechanical equipment or service facilities and where most smoke and heat detectors are located.
Ancillary Rooms
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The Track or station constructed at or near the surrounding ground surface level.
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The coarse gravel that forms a bed for a railroad, for the purpose of creating surface to hold the track in line.
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The door on the end of a rail car used for employee passage from car-to-car or for disembarking between stations during emergencies.
Bulkhead Door
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What are Chain Markers and how far apart are they?
A measurement system sign displayed every 100 feet along the Rail Roadway.
The sign denotes the distance in feet from teh HUB, the center point of the line (either Metro Center or Gallery Place).
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A chain marker written as K2 [color] 525+00 would be interpreted as what?
K line, track 2, Orange Line, 52,500 feet from the HUB.
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The car-borne device designed to slide on the third rail to pick up DC propulsion current.
Collector Shoe
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A railroad term that denotes the number of rail cars in a train.
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A mechanical device on each end of a rail car used to connect one car to another.
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A method of train breaking where kinetic energy from train movement generates current at the traction motors, and is dissipated by the resistor grids.
Dynamic Breaking
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The portion of track constructed above the adjacent ground surface (aerial structures and stations).
Elevated (or Aerial) Rail Roadway (RRW)
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A safety feature that allows emergency responders to open side center doors without a key and with or without train door power.
Emergency Evacuation Door Release (EEDR).
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What are Emergency Trip Stations (ETS)?
What do they contain and how are they identified?
Boxes or cabinets located approximately every 800 feet along the Rail Roadway and at the ends of station platforms.
These boxes contain a telephone for communicating with Rail Operations Control Center (ROCC), an Emergency Trip Switch (button) to de-activate third rail power, and a power graphics map for identifying the sections of the third rail affected by this particular ETS.
They are identified by a blue light on top of the box or cabinet.
*May also be known as blue light stations.
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A hand held voltage-testing device used to test the third rail for the presence of electrical current.
Hot Stick
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The process of moving a rail car away from the platforms to free a trapped victim.
Lateral Jacking or Jacking
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Telephones found in station service rooms and the Kiosk. They allow access to ROCC by dialing a five-digit phone number.
Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX)
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The space below the safety walk, usually on an aerial track bed, where wiring and other metro equipment can be found.
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The terminus for automatic train control information, trouble alarms, and radio transmissions.
Rail Operations Control Center (ROCC)
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The area considered to be the space inside the tunnel walls, at-grade between the fences or between the railings on aerial structures. (Formerly known as _________).
Rail Roadway (RRW)
Right of Way (ROW)
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The rail that provides electrical power of approximately 750 volts DC to the trains.
Third Rail
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Telephones found in blue light boxes and in some service rooms and fan shafts. These phones allow contact with ROCC.
Wayside Telephones (ETS)
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An instrument used to detect whether or not third rail power has been reenergized in an emergency work area.
Warning Strobe and Alarm Device (WSAD)
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How many metro stations are in Northern Virginia?
25 Stations
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Where are the two service and inspection yards in Northern Virginia?
West Falls Church and Eisenhower.
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What four lines go through Northern Virginia?
Blue, Orange, Yellow, Silver (BOYS)
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How many doors are on each metro car and how are they numbered?
14 doors. The bulkhead doors are not numbered.
Door panels on the operator side are numbered 1 through 6, starting directly behind the operator’s cab. On the opposite side, doors are numbered 7 through 12.
Pages 12 and 13
What does can manually be opened on a metro car in the event of an emergency?
Doors 2, 8 and 9 can be opened from the outside with use of the XX Barrel key on the Metro Keyring provided that the car is is in contact with energized 3rd rail or the batteries are charged.
Passengers and emergency crews have the ability to open the center doors (doors 3 and 9) by using the manual pull handles.
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Where is the Emergency External Door Release (EEDR) on the metro cars?
On the 1000 - 6000 series, the EEDR operates doors 4 and 9.
On the 7000 series, the EEDR is located on both sides of the railcars at the center doors 3 and 10.
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Where are the knox box keys located in all metro stations?
On the first flat wall to the right of the main entrance.
Those stations that do not have a flat wall in this area will have knox boxes located in sight of the main gate in the same area.
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Personnel shall operate in teams of how many people at all times when operating in a tunnel area?
No less than two.
Under no condition shall anyone operate or enter a tunnel alone.
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Personnel shall not enter the track bed or tunnel until what four provisions have been met?
- Metro ROCC has confirmed that all power has been removed.
- Metro ROCC has confirmed that all train movement in the area has been stopped.
- Permission has been granted by the IC
- The third rail has been tested by fire department personnel using a hot stick.
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Personnel equipped with flashlights and portable radios should be stationed as flaggers approximately how many feet on each side of the incident?
750 feet.
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The Warning Strobe and Alarm Device (WSAD) is designed to be placed at a distance no greater than ______ feet from the end on the incident or emergency.
500 feet
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When will the Warning Strobe and Alarm Device (WSAD) activate?
The WSAD will activate when installed on an energized 3rd rail, if it is installed in correctly, or if the batteries are low.
The WSAD will also begin alarming at 50 to 60 volts which is the same voltage at which stray currents has been measured.
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As WSADS become available, where else should they be placed after placing the initial one?
They shall be placed on every section of de-energized track.
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Third rail power may be removed at _____ located every _____ feet along the right of way. Activation of this should be done when?
What steps need to be followed if used?
ETS button located every 800 feet. This should only be done in extreme life safety emergencies.
To remove power via the ETS depress button, dial zero from the ETS station phone, provide ROCC with name, title and unit number, track number and location, and the reason for ETS activation. Wait for confirmation that power has been removed, trains in the area have stopped, and ROCC has authorized entry onto the rail roadway.
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When responding to an EMS incident in the Rail Road Way, what units are dispatched and what are the initial actions?
1 ALS or BLS unit 1 Engine 1 Truck Company 1 Rescue Company 1 Battalion Chief 1 EMS Supervisor
The first arriving unit shall make contact with the Senior metro official and attempt to confirm the location and nature of the incident. In addition, the first arriving unit shall attempt to determine the status of third rail power, train movement, and other pertinent information.
With the exception of the EMS unit and the first arriving suppression unit, unless otherwise directed, all units shall respond to the dispatched location and stand by for confirmation of the exact location and nature of the incident.
Should the incident be in the RRW or track bed, the first arriving suppression unit shall establish command.
Pages 45 and 46
What is the assignment for Fire, Collision or Derailment (both above-grade and below-grade)?
5 Engine Companies
2 Truck Companies
2 EMS Units (1 must be ALS)
2 Rescue Companies (with structural collapse capabilities)
2 Battalion Chiefs
1 Command Aide
1 Technical Rescue Unit (for collision or derailment)
1 EMS Supervisor
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What’s the minimum resources assigned to an outside fire on the Metro RRW?
2 Engine Companies
1 Rescue Company
1 Battalion Chief
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What are the primary responsibilities for the first due engine company on a metro rail fire, collision or derailment?
Conduct reconnaissance, gathering as much information as possible. Pertinent information includes: the exact location and nature of the incident, status of third-rail power, and the status of the trains in or approaching the incident location.
Meet with the senior Metrorail official if incident is in the proximity of a station.
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For incidents occurring in the proximity of a station, the first due engine shall meet with the senior metro official on the scene and obtain what information?
- Exact location and nature of the incident
- Status of the third rail power.
- Status of the train movement into the area.
- The ETA of the metro on-scene commander
- Location of any and all required keys.
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Which units form the Recon group?
The first due engine, along with the second due engine and the first due truck company.
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What is the primary responsibility of the second due engine?
The primary responsibility of the second due engine is to respond to the dispatched location and assist the first due engine with either recon, fire attack, passenger evacuation, and / or patient treatment and triage.
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What is the primary responsibility of the third due engine?
The primary responsibility of the third due engine is to respond to the dispatched location and coordinate water supply operations.
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What is the primary responsibility of the 4th due engine?
report to command and assume the duties of RIT.
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What is the responsibility of the 5th due engine?
The fifth due engine shall proceed to the mezzanine / Kiosk area. If a chief has not yet arrived, the officer on the fifth due engine shall assume command of the incident. The remainder of the crew shall commence kiosk control operation.
Once relieved of command, the officer shall become the kiosk control group supervisor.
Pages 48 and 49
The kiosk control group responsibilities include what functions?
- Interim accountability
- Unit Tracking
- Entry control
- Passenger evacuation
- Conference line maintenance
- Fire alarm system monitoring
- Station communication systems
- Closed circuit television monitoring
Pages 48 and 49
What are the responsibilities of the first due truck?
Meet up with the first and second due engines and form the Recon Group
Operate within the recon group and perform the safety function:
- Monitor third rail power (Confirm third rail status and place WSAD in service if available).
- Monitor train movement
- Monitor passenger movement in the area of the incident and along the evacuation route.
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What are the responsibilities of the 2nd due truck?
The second due truck company shall report to the incident commander for an assignment.
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What are the responsibilities of the first due rescue company?
The primary responsibility is to confirm third rail power and to procure and place the first two WSADS.
After WSADS are placed, number the cars. Use medical tape or other means such as spray paint to place large (at least 24 inches) numbers on the side of each car to identify the car’s position in the train. *Car number one should be the first car in the direction it was traveling if possible.
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What does ROCC stand for?
When contacting ROCC, fire and rescue personnel must provide what information?
Rail Operations Central Control
Most provide:
- Who they are - name and department
- Where they are - by station, chain marker, or building address.
- What the situation is - Reason for the call.
- What is requested of metro.
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What is the acronym used for the overall strategy for managing a Metro emergency?
Access - Locate the emergency and find the best access to the site.
Control - Control the emergency, manage the victims, remove the hazards, extinguish any fires, ventilate, and organize the scene
Rescue - Rescue any entrapped victims.
Evacuate / EMS - Evacuate the site and provide emergency medical care as needed.
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What does ETEC stand for?
How many patients can it handle and what is the weight limit on the top rack?
Emergency tunnel Evacuation Cart.
Can handle four passengers on backboards (two on top and two on bottom)
Weight limit on top is 250 lbs.
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