Inland Water Rescue and Emergencies, 2nd Edition, April 2019 Flashcards
This feature is evident downstream of low head dam type hydraulic. It marks the area where the current splits direction of flow.
How do you determine the direction of flows?
The Boil Line
The lighter aerated water further upstream is moving back towards the hydraulic while the dark water is moving downstream.
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This is formed when two separate flows meet.
Confluence Wave
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Direction the water is flowing.
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Water being pushed through a narrowing gap causes the level to rise up forming a chute or a tongue.
What does this indicate?
Downstream V
This indicates the deepest part of a channel and is where a rescuer should swim and / or bring a boat.
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A reversal of water flow from downstream to upstream, caused by negative pressure void formed by passing water.
What is important to note about this?
The water actually flows back upstream towards the object and is considered a SAFE area while boating or swimming.
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Line of swirls caused by the reversal of the eddy and the downstream flow of the water.
What is important to note about this?
Eddy Fence
The friction between the two currents cause a spiraling effect in the water that can be sufficient enough to drag a swimmer under water or flip a boat. This line is usually evident by sight.
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The process by which a boat moves across the river without moving down stream.
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Using the force of the water to assist the movement of a boat or swimmers body to the target, maintaining a ________ angle to the current, a swimmer or boat can traverse the water with less difficulty.
This is referred to as ______
45 degrees
Ferry angle
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An artificial channel used to move floodwater away from an urban area.
These channels are normally designed as a part of the ________.
The current in this channel may be up to ______ the speed as the main current.
Flood channel
Storm water removal system
Twice the speed.
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As water passes along the sides of the shore it creates circular swirls resulting from friction. This is called _____.
Why is this of concern?
Helical Flow.
This helical pattern lends itself towards drawing water from the shoreline and pulling it in towards the main current flow in the center. This is the reason that anyone within 10 feet of the water’s edge must wear a personal flotation device (PFD).
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What are the 3 operational zones for inland water incidents?
Hot - in or over the water / ice is considered IDLH. Appropriate PPE is required. It is recommended that only Technician level personnel operate in the HOT zone.
Warm - within 10 feet of the water / ice, if conditions warrant the distance can be increased. This area is also dangerous and PFD’s are required. Operations level personnel and below can operate in the Warm Zone.
Cold - Greater than 10 feet from the water / ice. Any untrained personnel operate in the cold zone.
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Where the current strikes a bank or shore of a water-way at a turn.
Outside bend
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Where water meets an object and pushes water above water line.
Where would it be probable for an eddy to be created by this?
Water will push off to either side with a probable eddy on the opposite side downstream.
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Rising water due to encountering object underwater.
Reaction Wave
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How is river right and river left determined?
By your left and right while looking downstream.
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What is the safe swimming position and why is it considered as such?
A safe or defensive swift water swimming position, in which the swimmer is positioned on their back with feet at the surface pointing downstream. This reduces the risk of foot entrapment and allows the swimmer to defend them against smashing into objects.
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What are the four types of water in terms of water rescue?
Swift Water - fast-moving with identifiable hydraulics features.
Flood water - variation of water flow and hazards where water is not normally present
Flat / Static Water - a body of water that may or may not be fed by alternate ground sources.
Ice - May occur in any of the above listed bodies of water when surface temperature falls below the freezing point.
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How can hyperthermia be an issue in water rescue?
Personnel working in dry-suits, PFDs , and helmets retain body heat and rapidly move towards dehydration. Adequate rotation of personnel must be provided along with ample hydration.
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What does it mean when a long whistle blast is heard in water rescue?
any single long whistle blast requires all persons within the sound to stop operations and look in the direction of the whistle.
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What else needs to be in place any time a rescuer or victim is in the water?
What other assignments can these people fill?
There shall be an upstream spotter and downstream safety with retrieval devices available.
These personnel are dedicated to these positions and may not be used in any other capacity unless immediately replaced.
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When is the only time structural firefighting gear is allowed in the warm zone in a water rescue?
During ICE rescues only.
This exemption only applies if the incident commander, safety officer, and water/ice rescue unit officer agree there is little to no risk to personnel operating in the warm zone.
This is only true in the flat or static bodies of water that have surface ice.
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When using a ladder or tower for water rescue, who should be on the ladder and why?
The individual(s) operating within the hot zone on the ladder should be at minimum technician level because of the possibility or necessity of the rescuer entering the IDLH.
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Upon arrival to a submerged Victim call for static water. Personnel should make contact with reporting party and obtain what information?
- Determine point last seen (PLS): Specific point that someone saw them go under. Mark if possible from shore line, get compass bearing or GPS coordinates.
- Determine time last seen. Initiate timer based on time victim was last seen.
- Was the victim struggling or submerged?
- Did the victim submerge and come back up at any period (which would reset the time for victim down)
- Gather a physical description of the victim to include the clothing and if the victim was wearing a personal flotation device (PFD).
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Active search and rescue operations for water rescues should be done for victims that have been submerged for up to how many minutes?
60 Minutes
This can be extended for colder water temperatures.
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When does the recovery mode occur?
When the active rescue and search operating in water transitions into boat only operations.
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Water are the three search patters used in water rescue?
Sweep search pattern - rescuers line up at designated start points on search grid / map and proceed along a straight line with fixed distance in between each person. Once the end of the search area is reached, the lead will direct one of the ends to stand fast and others will line up to search grid in the other direction.
Double Back Search Patter - A rescuer(s) walks out a fixed distance, executes a 90 degree turn then walks a fixed distance to form the top of a mini-grid. Then through a series of switchbacks, they search the area slowly working their way back to origin / starting point.
Spiral Search Pattern - Rescuers use a fixed point as a reference to initiate a search area. Several spirals can go on at same time if needed though areas should overlap to minimized dead space due to circular nature. After a rotation the rescue will let length of rope out and continue in a circular pattern search along the way.
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What are the different whistle commands used in water rescue?
One blast - stop, look at person
Two blasts - look upstream
Three blast - look downstream
Multiple blast - Trouble
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