Methods In The Study Of Personality Flashcards
A relationship such that variation in one dimension soon produces variation in another
Case study
An in depth study of one individual
Clinically significant
An association large enough to have some practical importance
A relationship in which two variables or dimensions covert when measured repeatedly
Correlation coefficient
A numerical index of the degree of correlation between two variables
Dependent variable
The variable measured as the outcome of an experiment the effect in a cause effect relationship
Descriptive statistics
Statistic used to describe or characterize one group
Experience sampling
A method in which people report repeatedly on their current experiences
Experimental control
The holding constant of variables that are not being manipulated
Experimental method
The methods in which one variable us manipulated to test fur casual influence on another variable
Experimental personality research
A study involving a personality factor and an experimental factor
The degree to which conclusions apply to many people
Relating to an approach that focuses on a particular person across situations
Independent variable
The variable manipulated in a. Experiment and tested as the cause in a cause and effect relationship
Inferential statistics
Statistics used to judge whether a relationship exists between variables
A finding in which the effect of one predictor variable differs depending on the level of another predictor variable
Main effect
A finding in which the effect of one predictor variable is independent of other variables
Multi factorial study
A study with two or more predictor variables
The study of the whole person
Practical significance
Association large enough to have practice importance
Random assignment
The process of putting ppl randomly in groups of experiment so their characteristics balance out across groups
Statistical significance
The likelihood of an obtained effect occurring when there is no true effect
Third variable problem
The possibility that an unmeasured variable caused variations in both of two correlated variables
A dimension along which two or more variations exist