Chaoter Theee Issues In Personality Assesment Flashcards
The measuring of personality
The response set of rending to say yes in response to any question
Constructive validity
Accuracy with wether a measure reflects an underlying concept
Convergent validity
Degree to which a measure relates to other characteristics that are conceptually similar to what it’s suppose to test
Criterion keying
Developing of a test to see which items distinguish between groups
Criterion validity
Deter to which the measure correlates with a separate criteria reflecting the same concept
discriminant validity
Degree to which a scale does not measure unintended qualities
Empirical approach
Use if data instead of theory to decide what should go into the measure
Random influences that are incorporated in measurement
Face validity
The scale looks as if it measures what it’s suppose to measure
Implicit assessment
Measuring associations between the sense of self and aspects of personality that are implicit (hard to introspect about)
Internal reliability
Agreement amoung response made to the items of measure
Inter rater reliability
Degree of agreement between observers of the same events
A personality test measuring several aspects of personality on district sub scales
Objective measure
A measure that incorporates no interpretation
Observer ratings
An assessment in which someone else produces information about the person being assessed
Operational definition
The defining of a concept by the concrete events through which it’s measured or manipulated
Predictive validity
Degrees to which the measure predicts other variables it should predict
Rational approach
The use of theory to decide what you want to measure and how to measure it
Consistency across repeated measurements
Response set
A biased orientation to answering
Self report
An assessment in which ppl make ratings regarding themselves
Social desirability
Response set of tending to portray oneself favourably
Split half reality
Assessing internal consistency among responses to items of measure by splitting the items into halves and then correlating them
Subjective measure
A measure incorporating personal interpretation
Test retest reliability
The stability of measurements across time
Degree to which a measure actually measures what it is suppose to measure