Methods Flashcards
What are unstructured interviews?
An interview in which questions are not prearranged.
Advantages of unstructured interviews:
Practical- less planning needed
Ethical- confidential, safe
Theoretical- valid with depth and detail
Disadvantages of unstructured interviews:
Practical- time consuming
Ethical- no informed consent as not fully aware of what sensitive topics may be discussed
Theoretical- hard to be reliable and representative
Structured interview advantages:
Practical- easier access than a unstructured, likely low cost
Ethical- confidential, no deception
Theoretical- reliable and representative as cab get through more people
Structured interview disadvantages:
Practical- time consuming
Ethical- sensitive topics could upset people
Theoretical- lacks validity
Participant observation advantages:
Ethical- safety can be protected
Theoretical- if cover lacks hawthorn effect
Participant observation disadvantages:
Practical- hard to access, time consuming
Ethical- deception, hard to get informed consent, invasion of privacy
Theoretical- lack of representativeness and reliability
Non-participant observation advantages:
Practical- easier to access than participant
Ethical- easier to withdrawal than participant
Non-participant observation disadvantages:
Practical- time consuming
Ethical- loss of privacy, possible deception
Theoretical- validity impacted if over due to Hawthorne effect
Questionnaire advantages:
Practical- quick to produce, can be posted to respondants
Ethical- no deception, informed consent
Theoretical- representative and reliable
Questionnaire disadvantages:
Practical- low response rate, may be costly to print
Ethical- may be an ethical issue on how sample is gathered
Theoretical: lack validity