Methods Flashcards
The study was designed to assess?
whether speech in patients with PD is more intelligible following intensive speech treatment targeting voice or targeting articulation
The inactive comparator?
the no treatment group, evaluated on the same schedule as treated patients, represented the natural progression of the speech disorder in PD.
What tehy didin’t include? And why?
decision was made to not include a sham = huijaus/väärennös treatment so as to adhere = kiinnittää, sitoutua to the principle of equipoise (balanssi) and to not place an undue burden of time and effort on the patients who would have received a treatment with little potential for a therapeutic effect
active comparators and the inactive comparator (no treatment group) were judged to provide more helpful contrasts than a sham group.
Why was this study considered a single-centre, parallel arm RCT?
because all patient speech sample data were collected at the National centre for Voice and Speech (NCVS), Denver, Colorado.
All patients had?
hypokinetic dysarthria due to PD
Patients with PD were recruited from?
From support groups, clinics, and physicians in the United States.
Patients were eligible if?
Patients were eligible if they had a neurologist-obtained diagnosis of PD, showed clinical stability on their antiparkinsonian medication in the opinion of the referring neurologist, were within Hoehn and Yahr severity scale Stages I-IV, and were native speakers of American English, with mild, moderate or severe speech and voice disorder
Who were excluded?
Adults with atypical Parkinson symptoms at screening were excluded, as were those who had received intensive speech treatment in the past two years or had medical conditions such as moderate to severe dementia. (MMSE <24/30), untreated depression, vocal fold pathology as diagnosed by an otolaryngologist, or any speech disorder or neurological condition that was unrelated to PD.
And listeners were recruited?
listeners were recruited to assess the speech intelligibility of the patient speech samples. Listeners were neurotypical young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 years who were recruited by flyers and website postings.
Listeners were excluded?
Total patients and listeners? And all provided?
Listeners were excluded if they failed a hearing screening at 20 dB HL at octave frequencies between 500 and 4000 Hz or were not native speakers of American English.
A total of 57 patients and 117 listeners were included in the study. All patients and listeners provided written consent to participate and were compensated for their time
How was randomisation performed with patients?
randomisation of patients was performed by a statistician not otherwise involved in the study.
Patients with PD were assigned based on demographic and clinical characteristics such as age, disease duration and severity, depression, and their respective weights
What was told to patients?
patients were informed that they would be ran- domly placed in one of three groups, including possibly a no treatment group, with equal chance of being assigned to any group. Before randomisation, all patients were informed that if they were placed in the untreated group, they could receive complimentary treatment after the study was completed.
Why was masking impossible?
”masking in non-pharmacological studies is virtually impossible because the intervention is obvious to those who receive it”
What efforts were made to limit bias?
Treatment names were never disclosed. Patients were not provided with information about the specific treatment tasks in other groups, nor did patients interact with the other groups. Patients’ experimental speech samples were recorded following scripted protocols, by well-trained data collectors blinded to the treatment the patient received. Patients were not cued to modify their speech (e.g., to speak loudly or to enunciate) during data collection.
To maintain independence between treating clinicians and patient experimental data, clinicians were not involved in data collection of patients they treated. Speech treatments were delivered by three speech clinicians who specialised in treating patients with PD. The treating clinicians were trained to avoid imparting (kertoa virheitä) bias when administering treatment, with an emphasis on delivering treatments without preference.
Patients’ adherence to interventions was assessed? Eli hoitoon sitoutuminen määriteltiin?
by their attendance at all 16 sessions and submission of daily home- work and carryover checklists. In addition, on treatment days, patients and family members responded to clinicians’ questions
regarding how other people responded to the patients’ speech outside of the treatment setting (to assess generalisation of treatment effects).
Finally, patients and family members completed rating scales at baseline and at post-treatment to document the impact of the treatment on the patients’ functional communication. Adherence was comparable across both treatment groups.