Methodology & Study Design Flashcards
2 categories of general study design
2 categories of numerical studies
quantitative studies
interventional or observational
random or forced allocation to study groups
interventional study
no random or forced allocation to study groups
observational study
types of experimental studies
pre-clinical/animal studies
phase 0 - 4
in general observational studies cannot ______ ?
prove causality
interventional can
types of observational studies in order of increasing evidence
case report/series ecological cross-sectional case-control cohort
what is the most useful and appropriate study design?
it depends
the best study design is the one that best answers the primary question of the research hypothesis
what criteria are considered when choosing study design? (7)
perspective of hypothesis ability to randomize ethics practicality/efficiency cost validity of data applicability (generalizability)
population vs. study population
study population = sample size
3 perspectives taken by the null hypothesis
types of sampling schemes
probability samples
non-probability sampling
types of probability sampling (6)
simple random sampling systematic rs stratified simple rs stratified disproportionate rs multistage rs cluster multistage rs
type of non-probability sampling
quasi systematic or convenience sampling
random number generator use
simple random sampling
sampling by choosing every 5th number given by a random number generator
systematic random sampling
sampling that stratifies by desired characteristics then uses a random number generator
stratified simple random sampling
use of stratified simple random sampling on a population that does not have the desired proportional percentages
stratified disproportionate random sampling
weighted sampling
simple random sampling at multiple stages
multi-stage random sampling