methodology Flashcards
This section forms the “foundation of your paper”. because the results obtained are dependent on the procedure
It describes the broad philosophical underpinning to your chosen research methods, including whether you are using qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mixture of both, and why.
It refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research problem.
It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analvsis of data.
research design
This can be used to develop new skills or new approaches and to solve problems with direct application to the classroom or working world setting.
action research
Its objective is situational, its sample restricted and unrepresentative, and it has little control over independent variables.
action research
This method can be applied by studying intensively the background, status, and environmental interactions of a given social unit: an individual, group, institution, or community.
case and field study
This includes the In-depth investigations of a given entity and examines a small number of units across large number of variables and conditions.
case and field study
This can used to investigate possible cause-and-effect relationships by observing some existing consequences and searching back through the data for plausible causal factors.
casual comparative
It is “ex post facto” in nature, which means the data are collected after all the events of interest have occurred. The investigator then takes one or more effects (dependent variables) and examines the data by going back through time, seeking out causes, relationships, and their meanings.
casual comparative
This method is used to investigate the extent to which variations in one factor correspond with variations in one or more other factors based on correlation coefficients.
This method is appropriate where variables are very complex and/ or do not lend themselves to the experimental method and controlled manipulation; permits the measurement of several variables and their interrelationships simultaneous and in a realistic setting; and gets at the degrees of relationship.
Among its limitations are the following: Identifies association not causation; Less control over independent variables; Can identify false relational patterns and the relational patterns are often arbitrary and ambiguous
This method is used to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately.
This method is used to investigate patterns and sequences of growth and/or change as a function of time.
The purpose of survey studies are to collect detailed information that describes existing phenomena; to identify problems or justify current conditions and practices; to make comparisons and evaluations; and to determine what others are doing with similar problems or situations and benefit from their experience in making plans and decisions.
accumulating database to describe a situation, event or entity.
It is rigorous, systematic, and exhaustive.
The data can be obtained from primary sources and secondary sources.
researchers take advantage of naturally occurring groups or conditions, and they do not have the same level of control over variables as in a true experiment.
It is a type of research design that lacks the random assignment of participants to experimental and control groups, a key feature of true experimental designs.
A research design that includes the key element of random assignment of participants to different experimenta conditions.
true experimental
This type of research design is considered the gold standard for establishing cause-and-effect relationships between variables.
true experimental
characterized by a high level of control over variables, allowing research to make more independent conclusions about the casual impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable
True experimental