Methodology Flashcards
START: Team & Vision
Get to know each other and build a great team
Relevant elements:
- Extract relevant knowledge about yourself (priv/prof)
- Extract whats important to you -> find shared purpose and goal that drives your passion
- Share your hereo/strengths and monsters/weaknesses
- Set joint rules to ensure good team collaboration
- Ikigai
- Individual Roles
- Team Canvas / Team Manifest
- Team & Project Introduction
- Team Activities
- Project Management
Understand the Problem - Summary
Deep Dive in the Topic and get a holistic picture
Relevant elements:
- Extraction of relevant Information -> develop good understanding of project and challenges
- Ident relevant stakeholder, users, ext. decision-makers and internal decision-makers
- Visualization of an ecosystem (stakeholders incl. dependencies and interrelationships)
Methods & Tools:
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Benchmarking / Market Analysis
Empathy for People - Summary
Gain empathy by going out of your room
Relevant Elements:
- Prep of field research, incl. recruitment of interview partners
- Use of real world as reference -> stakeholders behavoirs and needs
- Collection quantitative and qualitative data
- Immersion in relevant experiencies involving the focal topic and adjacent topic areas
Methods & Tools:
- Stakeholder Selection
- Interview
- Observation / AEIOU
- Data Sharing / Storytelling
Synthesis & POV - Summary
Identify insights & uncover opportunity areas
Relevant Elements:
- Analysis of existing data -> patterns, possible connections beneath the obvious
- Articulation of emergent insights and distillation of findings
Methods & Tools:
- Empathy Map
- Requirement Net
- Persona
Generate Ideas - Summary
Generate Ideas within your identified opportunity areas
- Selection of Brainstorming questions to elaborate
- Rules for idea generation
- Generation of broad range ideas and concepts
- Clustering of ideas
Methods & Tools:
- Brainstorming Questions
- Crazy 8
- Voting w/ Dots
- Concept generation through clustering
Make ideas tangible and learn through building
- Creation of several iterations of prototypes in order to solve problems
- Execution of early prototypes ina. rough and rapid process -> fast, cheap and effective
- Prototype stages range from low-res to high -res
Methods & Tools
- Role Playing
- Concept Sketch
- Wizard of Oz
- Wireframe/MockUp
Business Model Summary
Understand your customer, develop value and impact
- A business model describes what your are offerin for whom (desirability), how you deliver it (feasibility), whats the value (viability), social/environmental benefits (responsibility)
Methods & Tools:
- Impact Assessment
Test & Validate - Summary
Test as though you’re wrong
- Testing feedback sessions with stakeholders, customers -> reality
- Feedback -> development
Methods & Tools
- Assumption Mapping
- Feedback Capture Grid
- Test Cards
Implement & Grow
Making it Real - Summary
- Shifting from desirability and feasibility to viability factors
- Validation of customer acceptance
- Financial Planning
- Preparation for convincing internal and external stakeholders through cintinous communication
Methods & Tools
- Marketing Plan
- Finance Plan
- Business Plan
- Project Documentation
- Roadmap
- Investor-Pitch